Never let me go door Kazuo Ishiguro

Beoordeling 4.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Never let me go
  • Samenvatting door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 2024 woorden
  • 2 december 2017
  • 7 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.4
7 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Never let me go

Engeland, ergens aan het einde van de twintigste eeuw. Kathy is eenendertig en werkt op  het platteland in een revalidatiekliniek. Ze verzorgt mensen die organen doneren. Alle donateurs zijn gekloond en zijn opgevoed met het idee dat ze na hun dertigste levensjaar meerdere organen zullen doneren tot de dood erop volgt.
Kathy heeft haar vriendschap met Ruth…

Engeland, ergens aan het einde van de twintigste eeuw. Kathy is eenendertig en werkt op  het platteland in een revalidatiekliniek. Ze verzorgt mensen die organen doneren. Alle…

Engeland, ergens aan het einde van de twintigste eeuw. Kathy is eenendertig en werkt op  het platteland in een revalidatiekliniek. Ze verzorgt mensen die organen doneren. Alle donateurs zijn gekloond en zijn opgevoed met het idee dat ze na hun dertigste levensjaar meerdere organen zullen doneren tot de dood erop volgt.
Kathy heeft haar vriendschap met Ruth na jaren weer op kunnen pakken toen ze haar verzorger werd na een orgaandonatie. Ook haar oude jeugdliefde Tommy komt terug in haar leven als Kathy hem na zijn tweede orgaandonatie verzorgt. Gaandeweg wordt duidelijk dat de vrienden door hun gemeenschappelijke lot en afkomst een bijzondere band hebben. Dan wordt het ook voor Kathy tijd haar werk als verzorger op te geven en zich voor te bereiden om haar eerste orgaan af te staan.

Never let me go door Kazuo Ishiguro

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Meer informatie

LOG 1 V4

Your name: Aline Smits Class:V4e

Teacher: Smeets

Title of this book: Never let me go

Writer of this book: Kazuo Ishiguro

Character : Describe the personality of the main character. What is

he/she like? What is his/her goal, strength, weakness?

Who is his/her helper and adversary?

The main character is Kathy. She was a student of Hailsham and is a carer. She had two best friends on Hailsham. Ruth and Tommy. Kathy was the only one who helped Tommy with his tantrums sometimes. So Tommy was there always for Kathy if she want help. Ruth was the best friend of Kathy, but she was sometimes really mean. She knew everything from Kathy and she used the secrets sometimes against Kathy, especially the time when they were on the cottage. The purpose from all the students from Hailsham was to be organs donors. So the purpose from Kathy was also to be a donor. Kathy is really considerate and that is the reason why she is such a good carer. She stands up for what she thinks that is right. She wanted to discover all the secrets of Hailsham, with Tommy. She never had a boyfriend, but she liked Tommy. But Tommy is with Ruth and Ruth used that fact sometimes. If she is angry or something, she said that Kathy never can get Tommy. That is one of her weaknesses.

Setting: When and where does the story take place and in what kind of social environment? Be as precise as possible.

Place: The story begins that Kathy say who she is and what she does for her job. Then they came a lot of flashbacks. First to a hospital, to a man who is very weak and asked Kathy if she want tell him about Hailsham. Then begin the flashbacks about Hailsham, the cottage and the time when she is a carer. Hailsham was a big school around with forest. The forest was really scary and nobody wanted to stuck in the forest. There was also a river and a square. At the Cottage there were more houses, but one house were they life.

Time: The time was different. First the story begins at the late 1990’s, but the flashbacks were earlier. So the story is from 1960 until 1990.

Social Setting:

The social setting is really strange. There aren’t any related family. There are only really close friends, that is the nearest real family. Just friends, the guardians and the roommates. There are also originals. The students from Hailsham and students from other institutes are the clones from some people.

Narrator: From what perspective is the story told? Why do you think

did the writer chose this perspective?

The story is told from the perspective from Kathy. The writer chose this perspective, I think, because Kathy is the only one who lives at that moment. Ruth and Tommy were death at the end of the book. Kathy is also the most interesting story, she had a other story than the most of the student. She has also the most interesting character and thought.

Theme: What is the message that the writer wants to give his


I really don’t know what the message is. The book was really good and there was a message, but I don’t get the message. Maybe clones are human or art is good?

Did the message come across?

No, but I think you already knew that

Tension: In what way(s) did the writer catch/keep your attention?

For example: two or more storylines, flashbacks or forwards,

funny or scary characters, beautiful descriptions etc.

I really liked the characters, Kathy, Tommy and Ruth. I like Kathy because she is really nice and sweet, she wants to do the best thing for everyone and she is the only one who came up for Tommy. I also like the mean character from Ruth, I think it is really nice concept that the best friend of Kathy, also the really mean one in the story is. I also love the character from Tommy. The really nice character and he is the one who always want to do the best. The characters were really different and that was also why I want to read the book further. I also liked the plot and the flashbacks. The secrets of Hailsham and the discovering from some of the secrets I also really liked.

Short summary of my book.

The story begin with Kathy H. She is a carer for 11 years. And she told that she was a student from Hailsham, but she want to left her past and Hailsham behind. But when a dying man want to hear about Hailsham, she told him and the flashbacks begin.

One of the flashbacks is the begin of the friendship from Tommy and Kathy. When Tommy had a tantrum, he had a lot of tantrums, Kathy want him to calm down and she walked to him. Tommy hit her and the next day he excused him to Kathy. He said that he don’t want to hit a girl, especially not Kathy.

is a school for students who are going to become organs donors. The school have teachers, but the students called them guardians, the guardians always know what you do and what you say. They also said how important it is that you are healthy and how good your art is. The students don’t allowed to smoke, that is one of the biggest rule. Some of the art they make were sell by a woman. The students called her Madame. The students thought that the art they make came in a gallery.

At a point Tommy’s tantrums were gone. He told to Kathy that it came because something that Mr. Lucy said, one of the guardians. She said: ‘it is idiot to punish you for something you don’t can.’ When Lucy told him this, she was shaking because she was so furious, deep inside. She also said that the students aren’t enough been taught about there future.

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At a point Tommy’s tantrums were gone. He told to Kathy that it came because something that Mr. Lucy said, one of the guardians. She said: ‘it is idiot to punish you for something you don’t can.’ When Lucy told him this, she was shaking because she was so furious, deep inside. She also said that the students aren’t enough been taught about there future.

Later came the tantrums from Tommy sometimes back. Tommy told Kathy that Lucy said to him: ‘that it wasn’t right and that art was really important. There was no excuse for that his art being so rubbish. Art is not only important for evidence, but also for your own sake.’

There came more and more strange things from Lucy and at a moment she was fired.

There were also strange things with Madame. It seems she was afraid of the students. So the group from Kathy make a plan. The children walked unexpted near her, they sees that she really was afraid of them. But she was afraid of the students, like people are afraid of spiders.

A couple of months later, when Kathy dance on a song with a invisible baby, Madame came inside. When Kathy saw her, she was crying.

After Hailsham eight of the students were going to the Cottage. This was a home from a lot of students from other schools. Here became Ruth really mean and used sometimes the secrets from Kathy. There are 2 older students, Rodney and Chrissie. Ruth copied a lot of the students and ignore Kathy and Tommy when she are with those two.

At a moment Rodney claimed he saw Ruth ‘possible’. So they were going with five to Norfolk. Ruth was again really mean at Kathy. When they came at Norfolk, they first go to a café. Rodney and Chrissie asked the three Hailshamstudents, if they know about deferrals from the donations if there is real love. Ruth said that she knew, but they didn’t talk so much at Hailsham. Tommy denied this and said he never heard about deferrals. Ruth said that Tommy wasn’t a real Hailsham student. They let him always outside of secrets.

Then they go to the office were maybe the possible from Ruth was. But when they sees the woman, and follow her, was the conclusion that she wasn’t the original.

Ruth was angry and she was going with Chrissie and Rodney to a friend. Kathy didn’t want to come and Tommy stayed with Kathy. Ruth was furious about that. Tommy said that he was seeking the tape from Kathy, a really important tape, which she lost at Hailsham. So they both seek the tape. They were going to second-hand shops. Kathy find the tape. Tommy was a bit sad, because he didn’t find the tape, but he paid the tape and they went outside.

Tommy had a theory why Madame wanted the art from the students. With the art could you see, if a couple really loves each other. If the art is the same, than you are soul mates. Then Ruth, Chrissie and Rodney showed up and they went to the Cottage.

When they were back on the Cottage, they doesn’t speak about the trip to Norfolk. A couple months later, when Kathy’s boyfriend left for his training, were Ruth and Kathy laughing about Lenny. Then Ruth suddenly stop laughing and have the tape in her hand. Kathy explain everything and Ruth laugh and putted it away. Then they were laughing about Lenny, then about Tommy and his drawings.

Later on, when they were outside, Tommy told Ruth his theory about the art. Kathy walked to the two and Ruth was very angry, because Tommy told it first to Kathy. Then Ruth laughs and said that is was funny, because Tommy thought he could real showed his drawings to Madame. The drawings were awful Ruth said and she said that Kathy agree with that.

The friendship was really broken, but they acted that it wasn’t broken. At a moment Ruth told Kathy that if she and Tommy ever split up, Kathy never can get Tommy. Tommy saw her if a very good friend and Tommy never wanted her because her sexual history.

Not long after that, Kathy decided she wanted to be a carer.

Kathy hadn’t seen Ruth and Tommy for ten years. In that ten years, Hailsham closed. The first donation from Ruth goes very badly. Ruth health is very weak and she knows that she dies by the next donation. Kathy become the carer from Ruth.

Ruth wanted one time to make a trip, with Kathy and Tommy. Ruth said, during the trip, that she was sorry about that she hold Kathy and Tommy apart. She always knew that Tommy and Kathy were the real couple and loves each other. She gives the address from Madame to Kathy and Tommy and said that they must go to Madame and ask her for the deferrals.

After the trip Ruth makes her second donation and she dies.

Then Kathy becomes the carer from Tommy. And they begin a relationship. They were going to the address from Madame, with the drawings from Tommy. When they were at the house from Madame, they saw Madame and Miss Emily, the old headguardians from Hailsham. They came inside and asked the two for the deferrals. The two said that there were never deferrals, they hadn’t the power to give that and they never have that power. They said that Hailsham was an experiment, to give clones a humane treatment. What wasn’t at other institutions. With the art, they want to prove that clones are similar to people. With the art they want to prove that clones have a soul.

When they were back, Tommy knows that the fourth donations his last donation is. He confronted Kathy, because she worked as a carer. Kathy quit to be the carer from Tommy and they never sees each other. Tommy dies when he has the donation.

The book ends that Kathy looks at a field from Norfolk. She imagines that Tommy walks to her waves and maybe says something. Then Kathy get in her car and drive away.


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