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One flew over the cuckoo's nest door Ken Kesey

Beoordeling 5.8
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover One flew over the cuckoo's nest
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 503 woorden
  • 20 juni 2001
  • 51 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.8
51 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover One flew over the cuckoo's nest

—Kansas City Star

Tired of weeding peas at a penal farm, the tough, freewheeling McMurphy feigns insanity for a chance at the softer life of a mental institution. But he gets more than he’s bargained for, much more. He is committed to the care of Big Nurse—a full-brea…

—Kansas City Star

Tired of weeding peas at a penal farm, the tough, freewheeling McMurphy …

—Kansas City Star

Tired of weeding peas at a penal farm, the tough, freewheeling McMurphy feigns insanity for a chance at the softer life of a mental institution. But he gets more than he’s bargained for, much more. He is committed to the care of Big Nurse—a full-breasted, stiff-gaited tyrant who rules over
her charges with chilling authority. Her ward is a citadel of discipline. Strong-arm orderlies stand ready to quell even the feeblest insurrection. Her patients long ago gave up the struggle to assert themselves. Cowed, docile, they have surrendered completely to her unbridled authority.
Now, into their ranks charges McMurphy. The gambling Irishman sees at once what Big Nurse’s game is. Appalled by the timidity of his fellow patients, he begins his one man campaign to render her powerless. First in fun, and then in dire earnestness, he sets out to create havoc on her well-run ward ... to make the gray halls ring with laughter, and anger, and life.

One flew over the cuckoo's nest door Ken Kesey

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Ook dit jaar organiseert Nieuws in de Klas een schrijfwedstrijd waarbij het winnende verhaal wordt gepubliceerd in de krant. Schrijf jij het meest vlammende betoog, best onderbouwde of scherpste opinie over wat er nu speelt in de wereld, dichtbij of ver weg? Of het nu gaat over het milieu, geloof, vluchtelingen of het nieuwe kabinet, AI of gender-issues, alle meningen zijn welkom. 

Doe mee!
The story is about a mental institution in the USA runned by Nurse Ratched. It starts when a new patient, Randall Patrick McMurphy, arrives at the ward. McMurphy comes from a work farm and because he was to lazy to wark he presumed insanity so he could go to the institution instead. Soon the staff find out that “Mac” is not an ordinary cuckoo, he complains about everything like the loud music and that they can’t watch the World Series. He also get the other nuts on his side, after a while they really look up to him. When the men make their weekly trip to the pool, McMurphy learns that he will only be released when Nurse Ratched and the doctors decide he is ready. At the next group meeting, Cheswick complains about the rationing of cigarettes, and he’s getting dragged away to the Disturbed Ward. When he returns, presumably after having shock treatment, Cheswick drowns when he gets his fingers stuck in the grate at the bottom of the pool. A few weeks later Mac learns about the \'shock shop,\' where patients get electroshock therapy, and also learns about lobotomies. He confronts Harding and the other patients about why they didn\'t tell him that Nurse Ratched controls whether or not he leaves, but they claim that they forgot he was committed; with a few exceptions, all of them entered the hospital voluntary. McMurphy cannot believe that these men would choose to live in the hospital, but they tell him that they are too weak to leave. Nurse Ratched makes her next move against McMurphy by posting the patients\' financial statements, which show that McMurphy has made a profit from the other patients since he arrived. She suggests in a meeting that McMurphy is trying to manipulate them. When the men confront McMurphy about this, he tells them that he always had been honest with them. When some of the black boys attack one of the patients, Mac defends him, and gets in a fight with them. Chief Bromden joins in when the black boys gang up on McMurphy, and both are taken away to the Disturbed Ward. McMurphy and Chief Bromden get a chance to apologize before administering shock treatment. McMurphy refuses. They administer shock treatment to him several times in one week, even though Chief Bromden tries to talk him into complying. He claims that the electroshock therapy energizes him. the other patients decide to engineer McMurphy\'s escape when Candy arrives on Saturday night for her meeting with Billy. They bribe Mr. Turkle, the night watchman, with liquor and an offer of sex with Candy, and the other patients have a party that night. McMurphy delays leaving until early into the morning, however, and falls asleep. There’s a very big difference between the book and the film: · In the book the story’s told from chief Bromden’s point of view and in the film the main character is Randle P. McMurphy (played by Jack Nicholson)


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