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The notebook door Nicholas Sparks

Beoordeling 7.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The notebook
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 858 woorden
  • 13 april 2016
  • 31 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.4
31 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The notebook

Als Noah Calhoun na de Tweede Wereldoorlog van het front terugkeert naar North Carolina probeert hij de oorlog achter zich te laten. Hij stopt al zijn energie in de restauratie van een oud plantagehuis. Dit huis herbergt zijn mooiste herinneringen en zittend op zijn veranda denkt hij terug aan het meisje van wie hij eens zoveel hield. De mooie Allie Nelson is inmiddel…

Als Noah Calhoun na de Tweede Wereldoorlog van het front terugkeert naar North Carolina probeert hij de oorlog achter zich te laten. Hij stopt al zijn energie in de restauratie van…

Als Noah Calhoun na de Tweede Wereldoorlog van het front terugkeert naar North Carolina probeert hij de oorlog achter zich te laten. Hij stopt al zijn energie in de restauratie van een oud plantagehuis. Dit huis herbergt zijn mooiste herinneringen en zittend op zijn veranda denkt hij terug aan het meisje van wie hij eens zoveel hield. De mooie Allie Nelson is inmiddels verloofd met een rijke advocaat, maar kan de jongen aan wie ze haar hart zo lang geleden verloor nog altijd niet vergeten. Heeft hun liefde de tijd doorstaan?

The notebook door Nicholas Sparks

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Title: The Notebook

Author: Nicholas Sparks

  1. Main characters.

Noah: The story covers Noah’s life at 17, 31 and 80 years. He worked as a lumberjack and as a soldier.​ He was in love with Allie since the first time he saw her till he died. Loves canoeing, reading and writing poetry.

Alison nelson:

The story covers Allie at 15, 29 and 78 years. Went to college and volunteered as a nurse in the war. Comes from a wealthy family. She’s artistic and spontaneous. She has blue eyes and blond hair

  1. Setting + time.
  2. The story begins in 1932, in New Bern, north Carolina. Allie and Noah were 15 and 17 at that time. They met each other at a festival in the summer of 1932. After this the story continued after 14 years and they were 29 and 31, and in this period of time Noah had worked at a lumber site in new York and was a soldier for 4 year meanwhile Allie met Lon in 1942 and was with him for 4 years. It was October 1946 and Noah had just returned home from the war. Allie came to visit Noah in New Bern in November 1946. The story ends when they were both in an elderly home and Noah was 80 years old.
  3. Narrator.

At the beginning and end Noah tells it from his perspective. The rest of the story is told by someone from outside the story.

  1. Theme.

The theme of the story is romance. The main thought is true love exists and that conquers all. You need to choose the one you love the most.

  1. Title.

The notebook refers too Noah’s notebook in which he wrote down their love story and desperately tries to regain her memory with when she is old and senile.

  1. Favorite scene.

One of the most important parts in the story is the part where Allie has to choose between Noah and Lon. Noah was her first love and she would always remember him but Lon also made her happy. When she went back to Noah she knew there was something missing in her life. It wasn’t an easy decision but she chose Noah. I liked this very much, because they’re so different but true love conquers it all.

  1. Like and didn’t like.

What I like about the book is the story. It is beautiful, sad and happy at the same time. What I didn’t like about the book is the way it is written down. I have seen the movie and I am very disappointed about the book. It is just too wordy and that makes it boring.

  1. The end.

In the end Noah stops reading his notebook to Allie. He spends his days walking with Allie. Allie has some good days and some bad days, but Noah doesn’t give up. Noah still loves Allie and he likes it when his 4 children come to visit. In the story we also learn that they lost a child. All goes well until Allie begins to panic after having a really good day with Noah. Noah tried to hide his disappointment but began to cry after a while, he was losing his Allie, the woman he loves with all his heart and he couldn’t do anything about it. The next day Noah had a stroke and he spent two weeks in the hospital. When he comes back he longs to make love to Allie again and so the story ends.

  1. Me as character.

Noah is a quieter guy and someone who is introverted. Allie is more spontaneous, crazier, more impulsive. I think I can find myself in both of them.

  1. Summary

Noah is an old man and has a notebook full of his life stories. Allie Nelson is the love of his life. She’s now and old woman with Alzheimer in a nursing home. Noah reads his story for Allie.

It begins the summer of 1932, at the festival. Allies father was a wealthy man with an important position in society and noah was just a man that worked hard to earn his money. Allies parents thought the relationship was a waste of time so they decided to go back to New York.

4 years later Allie sees a picture of Noah in the newspaper. She decide to visit him. They fall in love again, but Allie was engaged. Allie was lying to her fiancé and felt guilty about it but her feeling for Noah grew stronger and stronger, but one day Allies mother Anne showed up. She already thought Allie would be with Noah. She saw it is real love but Allie had to tell the truth to her fiancé.

Now they are married for 49 years and are still in love with each other.


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