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Oliver Twist door Charles Dickens

Beoordeling 4.9
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Oliver Twist
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas havo | 862 woorden
  • 11 april 2003
  • 144 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.9
144 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist door Charles Dickens
Overweeg jij om Politicologie te gaan studeren? Meld je nu aan vóór 1 mei!

Misschien is de studie Politicologie wel wat voor jou! Tijdens deze bachelor ga je aan de slag met grote en kleine vraagstukken en bestudeer je politieke machtsverhoudingen. Wil jij erachter komen of deze studie bij je past? Stel al je vragen aan student Wouter. 

Meer informatie
1. Wat heb je gelezen? Titel: Oliver Twist
Schrijver: Charles Dickens
Aantal bladzijden: 369 2. Wanneer heb je het gelezen? In de kerstvakantie 3. Hoe lang heb je erover gedaan? Ik heb het aantal uur niet precies bijgehouden. Maar ik heb wel aardig wat dagen zitten lezen, lang in ieder geval. 4. Heb je iets geleerd van het boek?Wat?Zo niet,waarom niet? Ik ben beter gaan realiseren hoe goed ik het eigenlijk heb. Ook kan je heel goed in het boek zien hoe je word gehandeld door je medemens, naar de klasse waar je in zit. Helemaal in die tijd. 5. Wat sprak je in het verhaal of de verhalen het meeste aan? Iets wat me bij is gebleven uit het boek en de aanleiding is voor alle problemen, avonturen bij de gang enz. komen door dat Noach Oliver pest en allemaal erge dingen zegt over zijn moeder. Citaat: One day Noach was very bad to Oliver. He pulled his hair hard and hurt his ears. He was trying to make Oliver cry. "How`s your mother, Workhouse?" he said. "She`s dead," replied Oliver. "Don`t you say anything about het to me." "What!" cried Noah. "Don`t be rude, Workhouse. We all pity you, Workhouse, but your mother was a bad woman. You now she was!"
6. Zou je een medeleerling aanraden dit boek ook te lezen?Waarom wel/niet? Het is wel een heel leuk boek om te lezen, maar het is wel een dik boek. READING PORTFOLIO QUESTIONS 1. Give a summary of the story in you words. Oliver Twist has just been born in a workhouse, when his mother dies. He is sold to the undertaker Sowerberry. He runs away after a fight with Noach, a charity boy, who helps the undertaker. On his way to London he meets John Dawkins, "The Artful Dodger". He is brought to Fagin, a Jew and leader of a gang. Oliver doesn't know that his new friends are thieves until he goes out with them and sees them picking someone's pockets. He is accused of this but isn't found guilty. He comes under the protection of Mr Brownlow. When he goes out he is kidnapped by the gang, because they think he will reveal many of their secrets. Also because Monks offered Fagin a reward to make a thief out of Oliver, he has to burgle the house of Mrs Maylie and Rose, together with Bill Sikes, but he is wounded and is looked after of by Mrs Maylie. Nancy, one of the gang, reveals to Rose that Monks knows the secret of Oliver's identity. She tells Mr Brownlow that there is a special connection between Rose and Oliver. Nancy is found out and killed by Sikes, falls from a roof and is hanged on his flight. Fagin is hanged and the gang arrested. Monks confesses that Oliver is his half brother and that he tried to ruin him so he couldn't inherite his due share of their father's property. Rose's sister was girl whom their father wanted to marry, (Oliver's mother) but he was forced to marry Monks' mother. Monks emigrates and dies in prison. Mr Bumble an his wife end their days as paupers in the workhouse. Rose marries Harry Maylie. Oliver is adopted by Mr Brownlow and they live next door to the Maylies, forming a happy society. 2. Which character in the story did you like best? Mr. Brownlow, because he was the first person who was protecting Oliver. He give Oliver a good home and the possibility to learn and study (but then Oliver is kidnapped...). Which character in the story did you dislike most? Mr. Fagin, he was the leader of the thieves and he receives the stolen goods. he is a very evil and sneaky person. You couldn’t trust him and I don’t like that. Give reasons for your like and dislike. I just did. 3. Indicate what is the most important problem for 2 different characters in the book. Are the problems they have, solved?If so,how?If not,why not? It is a story about Oliver Twist, about his live, with al his problems in it. So there are a lot of problems and a lot of characters. So I think I can’t tell all those things here. Read my summary, everything stands in it! 4. Explain the title of the book by referring to the text. Say whether you think the titel covers what the story is about. If possible,think of another title and give a reason for your choice. The title is well chosen, because Oliver twist is the main character and his life is

described in the book. I can’t think of another suitable title. I think the title of
the book is just perfect. Another suitable title is always with the name Oliver Twist in it. To expel this name from the title wouldn’t be right. 5. Give your own opinion about the book in 100-150 words. I think it’s a difficult book to read. I’m not so very good in English and I don’t like reading. But the story was fun, I could imagine myself to be Oliver.




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