Leven zonder fossiele brandstoffen

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Foto van een scholier
  • Werkstuk door een scholier
  • 3e klas tto vwo | 252 woorden
  • 14 oktober 2014
  • nog niet beoordeeld
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Life without fossil fuels means: not the same vehicles like nowadays, no fuel for cooking, and less jobs. But how will the landscape be like in a world without fossil fuels?

Of course we can switch to electricity from nuclear power. But maybe it's good to learn how to live close to the nature, and making wind, solar and water energy.

So, how will our landscape be like if we only use energy from the wind, sun and water?

Communities would stay narrower. It Is not possible to live with many people together in a little place without the modern transportation and productivity of farms. People would work and live together in small groups.

In this world wouldn’t be large cities with high buildings. We have not that amount of energy wich is need to produce materials and technical equipment for building houses, workplaces and factories. And also, our beautiful fields wouldn’t be damaged with mines.

The landscape will be rough, with more unworked nature. There cán be roads, airports and also factories and large buildings, cause we can make it working with another energy than fossil fuels, but it will take many years and technologic work to make them in the same amount like nowadays. 

Without fossil fuels, people would live in more rest without all the technology who's taking the upper hand today. We would be living in a world with much less opportunities, but with a less ruined landscape. 


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