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Walt Disney

Beoordeling 6.8
Foto van een scholier
  • Werkstuk door een scholier
  • 2e klas havo/vwo | 2068 woorden
  • 16 februari 2003
  • 70 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.8
70 keer beoordeeld

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WALT DISNEY On December 5th, 1901, Walter Elias Disney was born in Chicago. He was the fourth kid for Elias and Flora Call. He had three older brothers and a younger sister. Elias and Flora didn’t like their neighbourhood and in 1906 moved the Disney family to a farm in Marceline, Missouri. As Walt grew older his world expend more to the city. In the fall of 1909, Walt started at the new Park school in Marceline. But in the fall of 1910 Walt’s father went very sick, and almost died. After that he couldn’t keep the farm and they had to sell it. They moved to Kansas Sity in the summer of 1911. At school it was going good. He like theatrics and also was clear Walt had a talent for art. In Kansas City, Walt’s father had a paper round. Walt brought the papers to the customers, the whole year. Elias had a lot of different jobs, but the paper round was successfully. When Elias invest in het factory of O’zell, he sold his paper round. They moved to Chicago but Walt decided to stay the summer in Kansas City with his brothers, Roy and Herbert. At summer’s end, he joined his family in Chicago, where he goes to McKinley high school. Walt goes to France for a year. He made money with an other young man owing to paint helmets and Americans buy them as souvenirs. When Walt came home in the fall of 1919, he was sure he became an artist. Walt had a few jobs as artist. When Walt had a job by the Kansas City Slide Company, he had to make animated commercials. Walt like Cartoon-making, and he was good in it. The comic strips in the popular newspapers were new for the public and they were amazed about it. Walt felt in love with animation at the Kansas City Film Ad Company. He used simple figures. Walt and the laugh-O-gram staff had their studio in the garage from the Disney family. Walt stay up late in the night to make his own animation. Walt made animations for the Newman theatre. They didn’t pay him good so he made no money but he was in the cartoon business. When Walt got a sponsor he quit his job and start his own, laugh-O-gram. He made a deal to sell a series fairy-tale cartoons, but because his client came bankruptcy he didn’t got the money. Walt couldn’t pay the rent any more. His workers left him, and Walt took the train to California. When Walt arrived in Hollywood, he started again in animation. Walt started a sudio in the garage from his uncle Robert. He wrote to M.J. Winkler, a film distributor, that he was started a studio in Los Angeles for series and cartoons. Walt had a half-finished cartoon named: “Alice’s Wonderland,” it was a combination of a real little girl and a lot animated characters. Winkler bought six Alice cartoons from Walt for $1,500 a piece, and Walt was off and running. Walt knew he couldn’t run the financial side, so he ask his brother Roy to help him. In 1923 they started the Disney Brothers Studio with money that Roy saved and with help from their uncle Robert and their parents. They rent a studio and bought a used camera. Roy and Walt moved together in a one-room apartment, get a few assistants. And the process of making the name Disney famous around the world began. Walt fell in love with Lillian Bounds. In 1925 Walt’s brother Roy and his longtime girlvriend Edna Francis got married. Soon after, on June 13, 1925 Walt and Lilly got married. Lilly quickly understand that she wasn’t the only love in Walt’s live, he had deep feelings for his work, and spend al to of time in his work. Walt made a new character, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, when Alice wasn’t popular any more. As Oswald’s stardom grew, Walt thought he could renew the contract for a better price. So Lilly and he go to New York City. Walt didn’t know that Charlie Mintz, a difficult customer, had almost the whole staff from Walt and that he and universal owned the legal rights to Oswald. When Charlie Mintz let everyone now that Oswald was his, Walt knew he has to come up with a new character. As soon as Walt came home he started to make three new cartoons with his new character Mickey Mouse. He made the film: “Steamboat Willie” and it was a great succes. Mickey was the most popular cartoon ever. Between 1929 and 1932 more than one million children joined the original Mickey Mouse Club. Walt loved children. On December 18, 1933, their daughter, Diane Marie Disney, was born. After Diane Walt and Lilly want more children, but after Lilly had again a miscarriage, they dicided to adopt a child. In January, 1937 they adopt the two-week old Sharon Mae Disney. The both girls didn’t realise there father was famous. In 1937 Walt and Roy were concerned about the health of there parents. The boys could affort to buy them a house in California and hire a housekeeper to help take care of it. The gas wasn’t installed, so Walt send some people from the studio to fix it. But it didn’t goes good. On the morning of November 26, 1938, there happened something horrible. There was gas escaped. Elias found his wife on the bathroom floor, when he tried to save her they both were senseless. Elias survived but Flora didn’t. Elias was in a shock, and Walt never got over the tragedy either. Walt decided to create the world’s first feature-lenght animated film, “Snow White”. In early 1934 he could convinced staffers, he had the perfect story. He had an evil queen, a stweet heroine, a hondsome prince, and seven individual dwarfs. The film goes in premiere on 21
December, 1937. There were big stars and they all were deeply impressed. With the money they made from “Snow White” Walt let build a new big studio with everything you can wish on it. Walt had some low points, he spend so much money on his new studio that he paid didn’t pay his staff enough for there hard work. Walt had three more feature films after “Snow White”: “Pinocchio”, “Fantasia” and “Bambi”. When Nazi Germany thrusting Europe into war, his foreign markets were cut off, and that was a big problem. He slowed down with “Bambi”, and stopped with “Pinocchio”. “Fantasia” had problems too, and soon the studio was in debt. The second world war had a big impact on the Disney studios. More then 700 soldiers ate, trained and slept in Walt’s studio for eight months. But business had to go on for Disney. At the time Walt was working on “Bambi”, “Alice in Wonderland” and “Peter Pan”, he dropped two of them but kept on working on “Bambi”. The film was released in the summer of 1942 and it was a great success. Between 1948 and 1960 Walt made 13 true-life adventures and he won 8 academy awards. Walt often visited amusement parks with his children. He had so many thoughts about how amusement parks had to be and so he came to the idea of making his own. But then there was the money problem. Roy and Walt made a deal with the ABC, a television channel. Walt and Roy made a television show for the ABC and in return they got paid 500.000 dollar in cash, and 4.5 million dollar as loan and ABC received one-third ownership in the park. Several days before Disney land opened Lilly and Walt celebrate their 35 anniversary in Disneyland. The opening was shown live on television. It became the most watched TV event up to then. There were over 20 camera’s showing exciting attractions and commentary. It was pretty normal that Wat had less time left to spend on his film productions after he opened Disneyland. After great successes like: Lady and the tramp, Sleeping Beauty and 101 Dalmatians, the Walt studios were dept free for the first time in 20 years. In late 1966, Walt was diagnosed with lung cancer, from years smoking. On December 15, he died.
THE MOVIES Do you remember your first Disney moment? For generations, Disney has given us some of our most magical memories. There are a lot of films under the name Walt Disney Pictures, but most of all are not classics. The list with the offical classics are also in this presentation. I’m gonna tell something about a few
well-known movies made by Walt Disney Pictures. Snow-White Step into the magical world of Disney’s first feature-lenght animated film: Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs. Interested facts: ·The films has more than 250.000 frames. ·To draw the movie, animals where brought to the studio for the inspiration of the draughtsmen. ·For the Seven Dwarfs, there came midgets to the studio. ·In stead of one big Oscar, Walt Disney get eight: One big and seven small. The lion king The project originally began a number of years earlier under the title \"King of the Jungle.\" When production began, an artistic team traveled to Africa to search for ways to best present the African settings in the film, and the animators studied actual live lions and other animals that were brought to the Studio. \"The Lion King\" became one of the highest-grossing films of all time and is the highest-grossing film in Disney history. The Lion King is about an young lion, how’s father was kild by his uncle Scar. The little lion is doing his very best to survive in the jungle, together with his friends Timon and Pumba. At last he became the King of the Jungle. The film has great music and gives a good image of the African Serengeti. Pocahontas The first Disney animated feature based on historical fact, \"Pocahontas \" tells the story of the meeting of the English settlers in Jamestown with the local tribe of Powhatan Indians. She soon meets the brave English captain John Smith, and while she opens his eyes to an understanding and respect for the world around him, the two fall in love. The love is impossible. Pocahontas and John part, each knowing their lives are richer for the love they share.
Donald Duck Donald Duck is born on June, 3, 1934. Then he was for the first time to see in the Disney-film:”The Wise Little Hen”. “The Wise Little Hen” was one of the small films from the series: “Silly Symphonies”. That was a series from little films during a minute of eight. It was a great success, so Walt Disney decided to make more movies with Donald as the leading character. Since 1937 about 128 films made with Donald Duck as the leading character. His films were to see in 178 different lands. Donald’s looks were very different in 1934, these things are changed: ·His bill became longer. ·His neck became shorter. ·His wings become hands. ·His feet are different. Donald was for the first time leading character in the sunday comicpaper on September, 16, 1935. Since 1938 Donald are to see every day in the paper. Taliafero drew the comic. This drawner died in 1969. The characterize of Donald Duck: ·Big eyes ·Oranje bill and legs ·Red bow tie ·Sailor Suit Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse is arguably the most famous of the Disney cartoon characters. Making his debut in \"Steamboat Willie\" at the Colony Theatre in New York City on November 18, 1928, Mickey went on to star in over 120 different cartoons. He also starred in \"The Mickey Mouse Club\" television show of the 1950s. Mickey Mouse\'s original drawings used circles for his head, body and ears. 1939\'s \"The Pointer\" saw a bold, new design for Mickey as his body became more pear-shaped and pupils were added to his eyes to increase his range of expression. Later on, animators of the 1940s would add a perspective aspect to his ears, giving them a three-dimensional effect. This change, however, was short-lived. The Mickey Mouse of today appears much as he did in the early days with the exception of a costume change here and there. Originally, Mickey was voiced by Walt Disney himself. Later, they used the voice of Jim Macdonald and today Wayne Allwine provides Mickey\'s distinctive voice. Mickey Mouse has appeared on thousands of merchandise items, and currently holds the title of Chief Greeter at the Disney theme parks.




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