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Beoordeling 7.9
Foto van een scholier
  • Spreekbeurt door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 919 woorden
  • 19 april 2004
  • 131 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.9
131 keer beoordeeld

Overweeg jij om Politicologie te gaan studeren? Meld je nu aan vóór 1 mei!

Misschien is de studie Politicologie wel wat voor jou! Tijdens deze bachelor ga je aan de slag met grote en kleine vraagstukken en bestudeer je politieke machtsverhoudingen. Wil jij erachter komen of deze studie bij je past? Stel al je vragen aan student Wouter. 

Meer informatie
We would like to tell you something about UNICEF. First I will tell you something about the history of this organisation. After the Second World War the children in Europe had a horrible live. They didn't have food, clothes and a roof above their head. Thousand of people lived in refuge camps. Because of the bad circumstances a lot of people were sick and there wasn't enough medicine to help those people. To change the situation the United Nations started an organisation to help the people in the world. This organisation was named UNICEF and was started on the 11th of December 1946. UNICEF means 'United Nations Children's Emergency Fund'. The purpose of this organisation is to find a way to help the poor and needy by donating food, medicine, clothes and many more important things. When the crisis in Europe was over, they continued their work. A lot of children in Africa, Asia and Latin-America were still suffering. Besides giving them the basic needs, they teach the people to read, to write and how to become a doctor or a teacher. In 1953 UNICEF became a permanent organisation. In 50 years UNICEF became the biggest organisation in the world that supports the welfare of children. Nowadays the organisation supports in more than 160 countries. UNICEF recruits specialists in areas such as Child Protection, Public Health, Education, HIV/AIDS, Human Resources and Information Systems. UNICEF makes special efforts to recruit qualified women into its professional ranks. Women are represented at all levels of the organization, in Headquarters and field offices. The logo of UNICEF is a globe, in the middle you see a mother with a child in her hand and outside the globe you see two grain stalks. In 1965 UNICEF is awarded the 'Nobel peace price' for the promotion of brotherhood among nations. How does UNICEF help? In all parts of the world are millions street children, working children, war children and orphans. These children need extra protection. UNICEF is trying to get them out of the miserable life situation. Street children can go a house where they can eat, drink, sleep and go to school. Working children get a couple of hours schooling. For orphan children they're seeking a new home with a family of foster parents. UNICEF is also trying to get the war children out of the armies and bring them back to their families. Unfortunately there are still millions of children who suffer because of poverty, hunger and diseases. Children who can't go to school and live on the streets or who are neglected or abused.
The 10 most important right of the child. On 20 November 1989, became in the general assembly of the United Nations the treaty for the rights of the child contracted. An important treaty, with 54 rights of the child. These rights refer for all the children of the world, boys & girls, black & white, poor & rich. The treaty is so important because there is exactly written which rights the children have. The 10 most important rights of the child: 1. The right on a name and nationality
2. The right of equality
3. The right on free education
4. The right on special protection for his or her psychical, mental and social development
5. The right on food, a home and medical care for mother and child
6. Right on special care when a child is psychical or mentally deficient
7. Right on love and understanding from his or her parents and environment
8. The right of being helped in case of an emergency
9. The right of protection against being neglected and exploitation
10. The right of growing up in a spirit of understanding, friendship and justice among the people. Aids Aids is a terrible disease, that takes lives in the whole world. An estimated 12 million young people are living with HIV today. Each day, nearly 6,000 more are infected, as well as 2,000 infants who contract the virus from their mothers during pregnancy or birth, or through breastfeeding. And 14 million children worldwide have lost one or both parents to AIDS. Aids can only be stopped when everybody knows how the virus is spread and how they can protect themselves, that's why UNICEF supports projects in Africa and Asia to teach children how to prevent it. UNICEF works closely with young people on preventing new infections. Unicef also works to prevent parent-to-child transmission of HIV and helps communities provide care, protection and support to children orphaned and made vulnerable by the disease. They help children and their families affected by HIV to live their life with dignity. The organisation of UNICEF. The head office of UNICEF is in New York, here the projects are chosen and approved. The head office of UNICEF in Europe is in Genève. The direction of UNICEF international consists of 41 United Nations members. The daily conduct is for the general director, Carol Bellamy. There are 32 National-UNICEF comities all over the world. Also in the Netherlands is a comity

The underdeveloped countries ask for help and other developed countries try to help them. UNICEF helps a lot of children in the underdeveloped countries but this costs al lot of money. UNICEF advocates for measures to give children the best start in life, because proper care at the youngest age forms the strongest foundation for a person's future. This was our presentation are there any questions? We would like to hear your opinion about UNICEF. ----------------------------------------- We chose this subject because we think UNICEF is a very good organisation and they do great work. It’s very important that there is an organisation that helps children




This is a great presentation!

13 jaar geleden



Het is life, niet live kut

8 jaar geleden



Bijna perfect, alleen moet "live" in regel 4 "life" zijn. (Iemands leven i.p.v. het leven zelf) ;)

8 jaar geleden

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