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Beoordeling 5.3
Foto van een scholier
  • Samenvatting door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 802 woorden
  • 22 november 2001
  • 28 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.3
28 keer beoordeeld

Laat van je horen: schrijf een brief en kom in de krant 📰

Ook dit jaar organiseert Nieuws in de Klas een schrijfwedstrijd waarbij het winnende verhaal wordt gepubliceerd in de krant. Schrijf jij het meest vlammende betoog, best onderbouwde of scherpste opinie over wat er nu speelt in de wereld, dichtbij of ver weg? Of het nu gaat over het milieu, geloof, vluchtelingen of het nieuwe kabinet, AI of gender-issues, alle meningen zijn welkom. 

Doe mee!
Artikle: Arctic Zirlke
Source: Wasp
Time: 2 hours
Subject: Race in Alaska
Summary: Paragraph 1, 6 lines
Aliy Zirkle is selecting dogs, which can handle the extreme low temperature, for today’s sled run. Paragraph 2, 10 lines
Aliy became champion of the Yukon Quest in the cold Canada. She is the first woman and youngest person ever to win, completing the race in less then eleven days. Paragraph 3, 3 lines
Aliy is wild and physical very strong. Paragraph 4, 9 lines

Aliy loves her dogs. She calls her house: Skunks Place. Skunk is her oldest dog. Where skunk is, is her home, hart and soul. Paragraph 5, 11 lines
Aliy says that dogs are like people; they are either really emotional or really detached. Aliy does not have a favourite dog, they are all her buddies. Paragraph 6, 12 lines
Aliy has a bond with her dogs; many people believe that this is the key to her success. Aliy thinks that it is not a business acquaintance, but she thinks that the dogs are her buddies. Paragraph 7, 14 lines
Aliy bred the most of her dogs herself. When the dogs are past their prime, Aliy keeps them as pets or she finds them new homes. Paragraph 8, 8 lines
In Alaska the relationship between the mushers and their dogs is based on mutual survival. Aily does not use reins; she only uses her voice to command. Paragraph 9, 15 lines
Aliy moved to Alaska. For her work she had to drive 50 miles in a snow machine. Later she got a team of six dogs. She learned a lot of the reality. Four years ago she moved to Two Rivers, a place where you have to survive by hunting and fishing, includes the women. Paragraph 10, 9 lines
Aliy wanted to join. Because she needed money, she held a party where guests were asked to pay $20, and Aliy promised them a wonderful time. Paragraph 11, 6 lines

Every one was happy for her, after her victory. She receiceved a lot of fan mail and a New Yorker asked her to be his child. Paragraph 12, 20 lines
Aliy broke into the race, with all older guys. Her hobby became a full-time job. Because she wanted to race well, she putted a lot of energy into training. She planned each move, because she wanted be prepared to everything. The day before the race started, she became ill by food poisoning. But much the worst was, that one of her dogs died. Paragraph 13, 18 lines
Last year was it more difficult for her to win. She felt pressure because many people thought that she could win. In 2000, she had a smooth passage and grained a lot of confidence. Paragraph 14, 7 lines
Next she had to travel along the frozen Yukon River, a very dangerous place, but all went well. Paragraph 15, 18 lines
Aliy got tired. She had to stay awake. Her sled was broken, but she did not give up. When she was in the lead, she felt into sleep. She began hallucinating. Because she wanted to remember everything, she kept a notebook. Now it is difficult to read. Paragraph 16, 9 lines
When the others were resting, Aliy continued running. She trusted her dogs, now she was testing their relationship that they built up. Paragraph 17, 5 lines
Aliy said that she and many other people do the dangerous Yukon Quest because of testing their human spirit. Paragraph 18, 9 lines
One musher got frostbite, because of the extreme low temperatures. He did not want that frostbite changed into gangrene, so he chopped of his toes. Paragraph 19, 5 lines

The dogs can handle the cold conditionings; they even sleep outside when it is freezing. Paragraph 20, 7 lines
Nobody is ever died during a race. But somebody is died during his training, he felt with his dogs into an icy lake. Paragraph 21, 7 lines
Aliy is not scared, she learned tot control her responses, because dogs can sense fear and then they get worried, that is when things can go wrong. Paragraph 22, 14 lines
In Alaska live 20:1 ratio men to women. The men expect that the women are pretty, wear dresses and make-up. But they also expect them to chop wood. But for Aliy her dogs are the most important and, all the other things take second place. Paragraph 23, 9 lines
Her next race is the Iditarod and several women have already won it. She has to know, if her dogs are hundred percent. She checked all the dog’s performance. Paragraph 24, 20
Aliy runs up a hill several times to keep herself fit. The only way for her to relax is bartending. She serves the male customers. Aliy is someone who knows exactly what she wants and that is to race her dogs and she could never stop. I thought the text was clearly written, because I understood almost everything and the text is has paragraphs. The author’s opinion is expressed, because sometimes she says what she thinks about Aliy.


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