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Bully door Yvonne Coppard

Beoordeling 4.8
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Bully
  • Samenvatting door een scholier
  • 3e klas vmbo | 709 woorden
  • 6 juni 2006
  • 74 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.8
74 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Bully
Bully door Yvonne Coppard
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Studenten Joes, Tess en Annemoon zijn terug en bespreken alles wat jij wilt weten over het studentenleven. Ze hebben het onder andere over lentekriebels, studeren, backpacken, porno kijken, datediners, overthinken, break-ups en nog veel meer. Vanaf nu te luisteren via Spotify en andere podcast-apps! 

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1. Title: Bully
2. Author: Yvonne Coppard
3. Source: Lijsters
4. Number of pages: This book have 112 pages. Number of chapters: This book have 10 chapters. 5. Published; when and where: The book is published in Groningen (Wolters-Noordhoff) in 2004. 6. Explanation of the title: In this book, the main character Kerry Hollis is bully by a few classmates. 7. Ficton: Yes, because the persons are invent. 9. Description of main character(s): Kerry Hollis: Kerry is the main character in this book. Kerry is verry silence. The reason is that she has a car accident and now she has a criple leg. She is very unhappy and wish that she be able to do the same things before here accident. She is bullyd by Billy, Wayne and Fats. Billy is a clasmate of Kerry and he is very jealous on her because she has great parants and she has everything that Billy also wants. The bullyers: Billy Taggart, he is the leader of the bullyers. Billy is a clasmate of Kerry and he is very jealous on her because she has great parants and she has everything that Billy also wants. Wayne Shaw, he is a very unfriendly person. Fats, he is a hanger on. Because if he don’t want to hang on than he we will be bullyd too. June Richards: June is first not a great friend from Kerry, but later in the book she is very close with Kerry
Liz Hollis: Liz is the mother of Kerry, she was the cardriver when the accident happend. She is very nice en frienly to everybody. Miss. Jones: Miss. Jones is one of the teachers of Kerry, she sew that Kerry is unhappy and she try to give Kerry new idea’s for her future. 10. Personal commant: It’s a very nice book to read, asspecially because the use of words isn’t very difficult to me. It’s a very sad story, because if she had told all her problems to someone, then they could help her. But she haven’t do this, that’s a pity. I can’t understand that. Everybody was so kind to her.... 11. Open or close ending: This book has a closed ending because the whole story ends when she payed Wayne back for what he had done to her. 12. Genre: It’s a psychological story because to be bully is a very emotional thing. 13. Climax: Kerry and her problems, and how there came solutions. 14. Order of events: Kerry had an accident, that’s the reason that she has a criple leg. She could not longer practice gymnastics. Befor the accident, Kerry was very good in gymnastics. Kerry is very unhappy. Her parants deside to move to another house and another school to help Kerry to rebuild a new life. But Kerry is still unhappy, the first reason is because she have no friends because she is very dissapointed. And the other reason because she is bullyd by Billy and his friends, but she don’t want to tell it to her mother because she think her mother felt guilty because she was the driver when the accident happens. But than, she found an article about a man named Taggart who was arrested. And who was put into jail. It was the father of Billy! There was nowone who know this, only Kerry and Billy. She told it to Billy and she sad that she won’t tell anyone of his father, but Billy has to leave her alone. And help her if she ask. It goes very good until June and other people think that Billy and Kerry are in love. Billy don’t want to be longer her slave and he no longer want to listen to her. The next day, Billy isn’t on school. He is moved to another house, and he is not longer on school.Wayne bullyd her so much that she have to go to Billy’s house. He is very poor and his mother is very sick. Billy don’t want to help her. So, she had to fight back against Wayne. On an evening she saw Wayne hanging in the park next to her house, this is her change! She felt the angry and paid him back. The real Kerry is back.




ik had een vraag on er niet helemaal uit alles halen heb je dit gewoon uit het engelse les boek ??
en het probleem zeg maar is dat de hele samenvating ? ik hoef het namelijk alleen in Nederlands te type en samenvating dus

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