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Opinion about Mohammed Cartoon

Beoordeling 4.5
Foto van een scholier
  • Opdracht door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 331 woorden
  • 26 mei 2006
  • 12 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.5
12 keer beoordeeld

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I think that the Danish newspapers better should had not published the Mohammed cartoons. The newspapers think they did the right thing by publishing the cartoons, because of the freedom of speech. But the freedom of speech is not an excuse to insult the Islam. With other words: You can’t say everything you want to somebody because of the freedom of speech. Anyhow, their’s also a freedom of religion, which is in this case more important then the freedom of speech. I know that the freedom of speech is very important in Danmark. The Danish government even gives money to neo-nazi’s for a radio station fromwhere they can give their opion about all kinds of things. So the Danish government thinks that freedom of speech is even more impotant then racism. An example: “fucking nigger” is not an insult, but it’s an opinion in Danmark. Now, back to the Mohammed cartoons. I said that the Danish newspapers shoud had not published the cartoons. But I think that the reaction from the Muslims in the Middle-East better should had not been so aggressive.The should have better reacted calm. I understand why the Muslims are angry, but that doesn’t give them the right to become so aggressive, burn the Danish flag, yell very loud, etcetera. That’s a bit exaggerated. I also don’t understand why the governments of the Middle-East treat the Danish government so badly. The Danish government has nothing to deal with the cartoons, because the newspapers decides to publish them, not the government. The Muslims should hit the newspapers with their actions, but now they are hitting the whole country, and especially the government. So: The Danish newspapers better should had not published the cartoons, because the freedom of speech is in this case less important then the freedom of religion. But the Muslims must not react this aggressive and they must send their reactions to the newspapers, and not to the government.


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