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Hoofdstuk 1, opdracht 41: Brieven

Beoordeling 5.7
Foto van een scholier
  • Opdracht door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 336 woorden
  • 11 februari 2008
  • 26 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.7
26 keer beoordeeld

Opdracht Engels oefening 41 deel 1:

[Jouw straat en huisnummer]
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[Jouw land]

[dag] [maand], [jaartal]

Dear Rubi,

I understand your problem and what you mean. I think that I can give you some advice to solve it. I’m not a big fan of football but why can’t I give you advice?

You have a problem with people saying that you are a \'bit of a ‘tomboy’. Do you actually realise that when you make a problem with it you loose your self-confidence?!

Ignore it and think you are better than them or just say: ‘Yes I’m a tomboy, so what…?\' Because then you get more self-confidence! And when you get more self-confidence, you’ll laugh when people call you a tomboy! It’s not strange that a girl plays football, some boys gymnastics and some girls play football. And that’s how it is!

Good luck and write back to me if it have worked,

[Jouw naam]

Opdracht Engels oefening 41 deel 2:

[Jouw straat en huisnummer]
[Jouw postcode en plaats]
[Jouw land]

[dag] [maand], [jaartal]

Dear Justine,

So, your parents are your problem. I understand what you mean and I think your parents are not your only problem, my darling!

Maybe your parents are too religious and they want you too close to them, but your parents are the most important people in your live, don’t forget that!

Firstly accept your parents. Accept that they are who they are.

The second thing and the most important thing is communicating with your parents. Talk when you have time about your friends, problems and other things. You become closer to your parents and than they understand more about you!

Finally you must make choices. Go out with your parents and an other time you can go out with your friends. You can only achieve this if you communicate with your parents!

Good luck and write back to me when you have some questions about the three things I’ve written,

[Jouw naam]


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