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Sex education

Beoordeling 9.4
Foto van een scholier
  • Essay door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 211 woorden
  • 1 oktober 2019
  • 5 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 9.4
5 keer beoordeeld

What is more important in a teenager’s decision to have sex: personal choice or external factors?

The decision to have sex as a teenager has been an issue for a long time. Do teenagers have sex because of personal choice or external factors? In this essay I intend to discuss these causes.

First of all, physical pleasure is extremely important. Teenagers might set the final steps to having sex because it feels good and they want to explore it further.

Furthermore, having a relationship may be the reason to have sex. Feeling safe with a partner and exploring things together might be the reason to make a big step and have sex. 

On the other hand, the pressure from media nowadays might give teenagers the impression that having sex is a must or cool. Almost everything is sexualised and objectified in the media, therefore it might be putting pressure on teenagers.

In conclusion, I believe that personal choice should be the main reason why teenagers have sex. However, I think that because of the pressure that is put on teens the media, their personal choice might be influenced. That is concerning, since the choice to have sex should not be influenced by anybody or anything but yourself.


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