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The curious incident of the dog in the night-time door Mark Haddon

Beoordeling 5
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The curious incident of the dog in the night-time
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo/vwo | 2457 woorden
  • 8 maart 2011
  • 17 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5
17 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The curious incident of the dog in the night-time

Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nacht is geen gewone detectiveroman. De detective en verteller is Christopher Boone. Christopher is vijftien en heeft een vorm van autisme. Hij weet heel veel van wiskunde en heel weinig van mensen. Hij houdt van lijstjes, patronen en de waarheid. Hij houdt niet van de kleuren geel en bruin en wil niet aangeraakt worden. H…

Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nacht is geen gewone detectiveroman. De detective en verteller is Christopher Boone. Christopher is vijftien en heeft een vorm van aut…

Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nacht is geen gewone detectiveroman. De detective en verteller is Christopher Boone. Christopher is vijftien en heeft een vorm van autisme. Hij weet heel veel van wiskunde en heel weinig van mensen. Hij houdt van lijstjes, patronen en de waarheid. Hij houdt niet van de kleuren geel en bruin en wil niet aangeraakt worden. Hij is in zijn eentje nooit verder geweest dan het eind van de straat, maar wanneer de hond van de buurvrouw vermoord blijkt te zijn begint hij aan een angstige reis die zijn hele wereld op z'n kop zet. Christopher is onvergetelijk en Mark Haddon schildert zijn wereld op diep ontroerende, bijzonder grappige en uiterst overtuigende wijze. Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nacht won verschillende prijzen, waaronder de Whitbread Book of the Year Award.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time door Mark Haddon

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Titel: The curious incident of the dog in the night-time.
Schrijver: Mark Haddon
Uitgever: vintage Books
Jaar van uitgifte: 2003
Aantal pagina’s: 272

Before reading:

I went to the multi-media library to choose a book. I found a book but at the back side was the word simplified so I couldn’t read that book. Then I looked for an other book and found this book. After reading the back side I picked this book because it does appeal to me. I expect an nice story in the trend of a detective.

Chapter 2:

The main character of this book finds the dog of his neighbour mrs. Shears at 7 after midnight dead in her lawn The dog was killed. The name of the dog was Wellington.

Chapter 3:
He introduces himself. His name is Christopher John Francis Boone. He lives with his dad and his pet Toby. Toby is a rat. His mother was dead. Christopher is autistic and doesn’t understand all feelings of people.

Chapter 5:
Christopher pulled the fork out of the dog. The dog was killed with the fork. After that he hugged with the dog. When Mrs. Shears came out and yelled. Christopher closed his because he doesn’t like people who are screaming.

Chapter 7:
Christophers teacher Siobhan had told Christopher to write a book. So he explains that he is writing this book. His teacher said that he must write about somewhat he likes. He likes mystery novels so he decided to write a mystery novel. After Siobhan read the first pages she said she liked the book.

Chapter 11:
There arrived to policemen a man and a woman at mrs. shears house. The woman takes mrs. Shears away. So the man can talk to Cristopher. But he asked him to fast to many questions. He hit the policeman.

Chapter 13:
Christopher says: “This will nog be a funny book. I cannot tell jokes because I do not understand them.”(Blz.10)

Chapter 17:
After that hit the policeman decides to take Christopher to the police station. He has arrested him for attacking a police officer. The man calls another to pick up the policewoman.

Chapter 19:

Christopher decided to give his book prime numbers, because he likes prime numbers and he also likes maths. This book has 51 chapters but through the prime numbers it goes to chapter 233.

Chapter 23:
At the police station Christopher has to put everything he has on a desk. So also his watch. But he refused that, because he wants to know what time it is. The policeman puts him in a cell. He liked that because it was a cube of 2 by 2 by 2.

Chapter 29:
Christopher said that people are confusing. To describe this he has 2 reasons. “The first main reason is that people do a lot of talking without using any words. And the second main reason is that people often talk using metaphors.”(Blz.19)

Chapter 31:
When his father arrived at 1.12 after midnight at the police station. The talked a little bit. Christopher could go. He gets a warning because he had hit the policeman. Christopher takes his stuff and the drove together home.

Chapter 37:
Christopher says: “I do not tell lies. Mother used to say that this was because I was a good person. But it is not because I am a good person. It is because I can’t tell lies.“ (Blz.24).

Chapter 41:
In the car Christopher and his dad are talking about what happened. When they are home. Christopher feds his pet and drinks a glass of orange squash.

Chapter 43:
2 years ago when his mother died. Dad said that she had to stay at the hospital because she had a heart attack. He went to see her every day and taking drawings of Christopher with him for her. After 2 weeks his mother died.

Chapter 47:

Christopher says that he counts the cars who passed they school bus where he is in. when he sees 2 yellow cars in a row it is a black day and on black days he doesn’t talk with anyone. If he sees 3 red cars in a row it would be a quite good day, 4 red cars in a row it would be a good day and bij 5 red cars it would be a super good day.

Chapter 53:
Christopher is talking about the heart attack of his mother, but he doesn’t know it. After that he goes to mrs. Shears with his father. She cooked them spaghetti in tomato sauce.

Chapter 59:
Christopher would know who killed wellington. Father said to him that it’s non of his business. But he still did it, because his does not always understand anything. He went to mrs. shears house to do some research.

Chapter 61:
Christopher tells about his mother who was cremated and he also tells about Heaven. He thinks it doesn’t exist.

Chapter 67:
Christopher is afraid to talk at strange places to strange people, because he don’t know them. About the dead of wellington he wants to ask his neighbors a few questions. By answerening the questions mrs. Shears becomes his prime suspect because she left.

Chapter 71:
Christopher says that he isn’t stupid but the other children of his school are stupid. He wants to prove by doing his mathematic and he want’s to get an A. first it was unpossible at his school, but after talking it was.

Chapter 73:

“I used to think that mother and father might get divorced. That was because they had lots of arguments and sometimes they hated each other.” (Blz. 59) That was the reason of Christophers behavioral problems.

Chapter 79:
When Christopher arrived home, dad and he are getting an argue about the detecting that Christopher did. Father promise him that he won’t go asking Mrs. Shears about wellington, he won’t ask anyone about wellington and that he will stop right now with “This ridiculous bloody detective game.”(Blz. 64)

Chapter 83:
Christopher told that he wants to be an astronaut one day, but he can’t because he is an autistic. He thinks that is bullshit.

Chapter 89:
He tells about his dad and Mr. Shears and Mrs. Shears talks with Siobhan. The next day it’s a black day because he sees 4 yellow cars in a row. The next day he sees again 4 yellow cars. The day after that he doesn’t want a black day so he kept his eyes close during the ride.

Chapter 97:
When he goes to a store he meets Mrs. Alexander from number 39. He talks with het about the familie Shears and about Wellington. After that she promised Christopher to not tell dad about the conversation.

Chapter 101:
This Chapter is about a column in a magazine which goes like this: “you are on a game show on television. On this game show the idea is to win a car as a prize. The game host shows you three doors. He says that there is a car behind one of the doors and there are goats behind the other two doors. He asks to pick one door. You pick a door but the door is not opened. Then the game host opens one of the doors you didn’t pick to show a goat (because he knows what is behind the doors). Then he says that you have one final chance to change your mind before the doors are opened and you get a car or a goat. So he asks you if you want to change your mind and pick the other door instead. This is the solution: Let the doors be called X, Y and Z. Let Cx be the event that the car is behind door X and so on. Let Hx be the event that the host opens door X and so on. Supposing that you choose door X, the possibility that you win a car if you then switch you choice is given by the following formula: P(Hz^Cy+P(Hy^Cz) = P(Cy).P(Hz|Cy)+P(Cz).P(Hy|Cz) = (1/3.1)+(1/3.1) = 2/3.

Chapter 103:

At Christophers home was Rhodri a man who works for his dad, when Christopher came home. The talked for a while and then he got to the garden. He is watching the clouds and thinks about the universe.

Chapter 107:
Christopher is telling about he favourite book. The book is called The hound of the Baskervilles. It’s about Sherlock Holmes he is an detective. So that’s the reason why he does detective work about Wellington.

Chapter 109:
Christopher talks with Siobhan about his book. After that he did some maths and art.

Chapter 113:
Christopher has a photographic memory. It works the same as a videotape. Everything in his memory did happened.

Chapter 127:
He watches a film which is called Blue Planet. It’s about live in see. When Father came in the living room with my book in his hands. He was very angry because the conversation with Mrs. Alexander, and he slaps Christopher. After that he threw the book away.

Chapter 131:
Christopher hates the colors brown and yellow. He also gives some reasons for hating brown. For example: dirt, gravy and poo. He gives some reasons for hating yellow. For example: custard, yellow fever and sweet corn.

Chapter 137:

Because his dad feels guilty about slapping Christopher he takes him to Twycross Zoo. is sorry about hitting Christopher he takes him to Twycross Zoo. Christopher gave a prescription of the map an tells about his favorite animals.

Chapter 139:
Christopher tells about some fairytales and that they were not real. He also gives the reason why a murder victim is usually killed by someone who has known him.

Chapter 149:
Christopher wants to write in his book, but his dad has threw it away. So he starts looking for it. He start searching in the kitchen, the utility room, the dining room, the living room, the bathroom and he ends in dads room. He finds it in a box in dads room. He also finds an envelope with his name on it. He opened the envelope. There was a letter in it for him. He reads it and find out that it comes from his mum. He’s very confused because he thought she was dead.

Chapter 151:
He tells about graph.

Chapter 157:
A couple of days later he read all the other letters 1 by 1 and finds out that his mother isn’t dead. She left his dad. A few minutes after that his dad came in the room. He discovers that Christopher had read all of the letters. He explains why he didn’t tell anything and he feels guilty about it. He also tells he killed Wellington because he was mad at Mrs. Shears. Christopher had no words for it.

Chapter 163:

He tells why people’s heads are like computers.

Chapter 167:
Christopher is mad at his father and wants to leave the house. So he does. He takes some stuff and leaves. He thinks that he wants to live with his mother, who lived in London. He knew that because he remembered the address of the envelope.

Chapter 173:
Christopher watches the stars while he is sitting in the garden.

Chapter 179:
He decides to go live with his mother, and that he’s going to London by train. After a while he finds the train station.

Chapter 181:
He tells why he sees more then a normal human being. An example: when someone sees a meadow he sees a few cows. Christopher sees immediately that there are 4 cows brown and white, and there are 15 cows black and white and 4 of which are brown and white.

Chapter 191:
Christopher gets a train ticket and money and takes the train to London. Before he takes the train he meets a policeman, and talks with him.

Chapter 193:

Christopher explains why timetables make him calm.

Chapter 197:
When he sits in the train, the policeman comes again and says that Christopher has to come with him because his father is waiting at the desk. But because Christopher doesn’t want to they’re too late and the train went the station. He hides himself so the policeman can’t find him. When the train stops he stays at the same place.

Chapter 199:
Christopher tells about different things.

Chapter 211:
Christopher leaves the train. He goes to an information desk. He asks when the next train goes to London. When he knows that, he goes to a machine for a ticket. He buys one and takes the next train.

Chapter 223:
In the train there are a lot of posters. Christopher looks at them and describes one of them.

Chapter 227:
Christopher tells about the trip to London by train. When he arrives in London he has to go to his mother but he doesn’t know where that is in London. So he buys an information book. He walks all the way to 451c Chapter Road, London NW2 5Ng, which was the house of his mother. He finds it and meets his mother. His mother is happy and Christopher tells her the whole story, about the travel by train, but also about that father told him mother was dead. A policeman comes in and asks Christopher lots of questions. After that Christopher went to bed. At 2:31 he wakes up because he hears people screaming. It was father and mother who were having an argue. It was about Christopher, and he didn’t like that. When this was over Christopher went back to sleep.

Chapter 229:

Christopher has a dream. It’s about him. He is the only person on earth. He really likes the dream.

Chapter 233:
The next day mother had compassionate leave. And she had bought some clothes for him. He did some puzzle’s and maths and he saw some movies. The next day they go to swindon, to dads home, but no-one is there. The day after that day Christopher had his first of 3 days A Level Maths. The next 2 days he did the other 2 papers. And he had an A grade. After that Christopher was given a puzzle, which were 2 blocks of wood, which you had to detach of each other. After a while Christopher found out it had to with magnets and he could solve the puzzle. Christopher was still mad of his father, so his father wanted to talk with him, but Christopher didn’t want to talk. Father gives him a dog, who lives at his fahter. The dog has de name Sandy and Christopher can come as often as he wants to play with her.

After Reading:

I liked this book very much. It was not hard to read. And it was a good story. The most interesting character was Christopher. He was an autistic and you never read about autistics as main character. I would surely recommended the book to someone else.


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