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Skyjack door Tim Vicary

Beoordeling 6.6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Skyjack
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vmbo | 402 woorden
  • 11 september 2003
  • 154 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.6
154 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Skyjack
Skyjack door Tim Vicary
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This is a book about a hijacked plane.

Genre: violent and action

This book takes place in a plane (on a airport), the parts with Helen take place in the office part of the airport, and in the car.

These are the characters in this book:
Carl, Harald, Helen Sandberg, two male hijackers and one female hijacker.
Carl is a businessman and he’s married to Helen, she is the prime minister. They have one daughter Sarah. Harald is Carl’s bodyguard, he’s a tall, athletic, young man and he has two sons.

Harald and Carl are on their way home from a meeting. When they are in the plane Carl wants some coffee, so he asks the air-hostess to get him a cup of coffee. When he got the coffee he asked whether it was her first time on a plane and she said yes. The air-hostess went back to the cockpit when she came back she had a machine gun in her hands, behind her were two man with machine guns in their hands. They wanted to speak to the prime minister. They said that the prime minister has to set their brothers free in one hour or else they will shoot one of the passengers. Helen doesn’t agree, so the hijackers killed one man. When the hijackers ask for all the passenger’s passports, Harald eats the passport of Carl. When the hijacker came by he said that Carl was his prisoner, and that he had to bring him away. When one of the hijackers wasn’t paying attention, Carl jumped on him, but he missed and the hijacker pointed his gun at him. Then he saw the paper in his pocket with Carl and Harald on it, he told Harald to sit down, if Helen didn’t set the brothers free he’ll shoot him first. A hour later some F.B.I agents threw smoke bombs in the plane. The hijackers had a look and they where shot. The hostages were set free and Helen and Carl could see each other again, and Harald was free to go to his son’s birthday.

My opinion:
I didn’t like this book very much because it isn’t my kind of genre, I like romantic books. I hope I will enjoy the next book more.

This was my book report, I hope you like it!


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