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Curtain: Poirot's last case door Agatha Christie

Beoordeling 4.7
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Curtain: Poirot's last case
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 400 woorden
  • 25 februari 2008
  • 9 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.7
9 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Curtain: Poirot's last case
Curtain: Poirot's last case door Agatha Christie
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Book review: “Curtain: Poirot’s last case” (Agatha Christie)

I’ve read the English book “Curtain: Poirot’s last case”. It’s written by the famous English detective writer Agatha Christie. She thanks her success to her 2 very popular characters : the English female detective Miss Marple and the Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. Curtain is the last book in the series of Hercule Poirot and is about the last case he has to solve.

In the beginning of the story he invites his old friend Captain Hastings over to the country house named Styles. When Hastings gets there he understands that Poirot hasn’t invited him over just for fun. Poirot tells him that one of the guests at Styles is a murderer and that he is soon going to murder again if they do not stop him / her. Poirot refers to the murderer as person X but he doesn’t want to share the identity of the murderer with Hastings. This person X has also to be related to 5 murders that already have happened. So the only thing that Hastings got to do is to find the person at Styles who is linked to these 5 murders. But Hastings soon finds out that it isn’t as simple as that. Several people die in the story and when Poirot eventually dies of natural causes at the end of the story, Hastings still doesn’t know the identity of person X. But the story then gets a really twisted ending when Hastings receives a written confession of Poirot, four months after he died. After reading this confession he finally knows the identity of person X.

After reading this book I was relieved that it finally ended after page 188. I thought the story was much too complicated and that the used vocabulary wasn’t simple enough. There were too many words that I didn’t understand and that I had to look up in the dictionary. What I did like about the story was that you never could predict what was going to happen next. Especially the ending was very surprising. But I wouldn’t recommend the book to my fellow students. I think that they will share the same meaning as I after reading it. I would only recommend it to people who already are capable in understanding difficult English words. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give this book a 6.


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