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Copycat door Colin Dann

Beoordeling 6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Copycat
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 760 woorden
  • 12 juni 2005
  • 25 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6
25 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Copycat
Copycat door Colin Dann
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Title: Copycat
Explanation: Sammy (a stray cat) tries to act like a pet so he imitates the Church cat’s behaviour. Writer: Colin Dann (I couldn’t find any information about him on the Internet or in the library). Place: London. Time: The present. Main characters: Sammy and Pinkie. Main characters and description: Sammy is a stray cat who lived in the London park until he heard the thud of heavy footsteps of a number of men coming towards the cats. Pinkie is the mate of Sammy and together they have 3 kittens: Fern, Moss and Little Sammy. Pinkie always was a stray but Sammy run away from his home when he was still young. Buster a pet cat witch helped Sammy and Pinkie to get to the other side of London by distracting his master so they could hide in the car. Monty has a deal with Sammy that Sammy gets half of his food if he protects the food bowl from the other cats. Fox is an old fox witch lives from berry’s (because he has no teeth anymore) and knows exactly where the rabbits live. And he doesn’t have any friends. Theme: The hard live of stray cats. Climax: At the beginning that there kittens are being captured and Sammy and Pinkie are frightened of what’s going to happen next. Because of that they are going to try to get out of London. My opinion: I think it is a nice story but only for kids of 9-12 years because it’s a bit childish. It reads good and it is nice that it is written from a different angle than most books because now you can imagine how life would be if you are a cat. Title: Copycat. Explanation: Sammy (a stray cat) tries to act like a pet so he imitates the Church cat’s behaviour. The Summary: Sammy and Pinkie are two strays living in London’s Regent’s park since before winter. There three kittens had been born and nurtured. But one day they hear heavy footsteps coming towards them: “Tramp, tramp, tramp.” That’s when it all started. From that day on they are on the run trying to get out of the city and out of danger. Buster was the first cat to help Pinkie and Sammy. He found a way to get the two cats to the other side of the city. Sammy makes up a plan to foul the humans by imitating a pet. Thereby he needs good food so he makes a deal with Monty (a black cat who lives there), Sammy gets half of his food if he protects the food bowl of Monty from the other cats. But Pinkie doesn’t agree with Sammy’s plan (because she’s afraid of all human beings) so she goes out to fetch a prey and she meets the Pub Cat. The Pub Cat wants to catch a tame rabbit out of a cage but they can only do that with the help of a fox. When they try to get the rabbit a dog hears them and kills the Pub Cat. Pinkie tries to run as fast as she can but gets stuck in some wire. The fox runs to the shadow to get “invisible” and stays there. The owner of the dog takes the dog away and apologises to the owner of the Pub Cat. Pinkie is still caught in the wire and the moment she gets out she has a deep wound in her back. The owner of the dead Pub cat sees her and brings her to a home for lost animals. Meanwhile Sammy gets fatter and fatter and one day he can’t even go through the cat flap. He gets stuck in the middle and the next day the girl who feeds Monty sees him and pushes him through. Sammy immediately goes to search Pinkie but hears from the fox that she is to a home for lost animals. They are going to search her on the other side of the river. The fox goes with him because he can’t catch food anymore and he has no friends. A few days later the find the home for lost animals but the next day Sammy and the fox see that she is taken by the old owners of the Pub Cat. Sammy and the fox know where they live and go back to the village. A few days later Sammy and Pinkie are reunited and the fox finally has some friends.


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