Stepping stones Engels antwoorden

Beoordeling 4.6
Foto van een scholier
  • Antwoorden door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 387 woorden
  • 14 oktober 2012
  • 27 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.6
27 keer beoordeeld

Leesopdracht versie A

1 Because he thought that he was the one who pulled the chair out from under him.
2 - She only talked about people and situations Bethany was not familiar with.
- She ignored Bethany.
3 She felt left out.
4 When they had to do a project together.
5 Because of her support when Livia had a problem.
6 That most people answered that their best friend made a bad first impression on them.
7 That she was always busy with her make-up, even in class.

1 How does that salesman come across?
2 How would you describe the candidate?
3 What's your teacher like?
4 They are really generous.
5 The film was not as exciting as we thought it would be.
6 I'm pleasantly surprised by the results.
7 The con artist is rather convincing.
8 She has great qualifications.
9 He comes across as quite nervous.
10 She seems disappointed.

1 She looked / appeared to be rather insecure, a bit pale too
2 He looked quite self assured
3 He didn't appeal to me, he came across as rather arrogant in his three piece suit
4 They wore worn-out jeans
5 his attitude gave us the wrong impression
6 has a very pleasant personality
7 he gives me the creeps

Leesopdracht  Versie B
1 Because she gives them bad grades
2 His clothes, his glasses and his hair.
3 He treats them like equals / friends.
4 He thinks she is too old for fashion.
5 Because she is the only French teacher in school.
6 Because he talks in a funny way to help them remember what they learn.
7 Because one day she started shouting at students and made them stay after school.

1 What is that actor like?
2 How does the applicant appear?
3 How would you describe his appearance?
4 They are really nervous.
5 Her attitude gives me the creeps.
6 He seems quite insecure.
7 The director appears to be / looks rather self-assured.
8 She has a pleasant personality.
9 She comes across as quite generous.
10 The trailer was not as exciting / interesting as they had led us to believe.

1 He had great qualifications, and he was rather convincing.
2 How would you describe him?
3 He wore a worn-out three piece suit.
4 He came across as quite trustworthy / reliable.
5 He didn't impress me at all.
6 maybe his attitude gave you the wrong impression.
7 he is not as interesting / exciting as you thought he would be.



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