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The fault in our stars door John Green

Beoordeling 6.3
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The fault in our stars
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 2070 woorden
  • 6 april 2016
  • 8 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.3
8 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The fault in our stars

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernietigt, dat ieder godsblij maakt dat hij lééft. 

Hazel werd drie jaar geleden opgegeven, maar een nieuw medicijn rekt haar leven voor nog onbekende tijd. Gen…

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernieti…

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernietigt, dat ieder godsblij maakt dat hij lééft. 

Hazel werd drie jaar geleden opgegeven, maar een nieuw medicijn rekt haar leven voor nog onbekende tijd. Genoeg om een studie op te pakken en vooral niet als zieke behandeld te worden. Augustus, Gus, heeft kanker overleefd - ten koste van een been. Vanaf het moment dat Hazel en Gus elkaar ontmoeten, lijkt er geen ontsnappen aan de zinderende wederzijdse aantrekkingskracht. Maar Hazel wil niet iemands tijdbom zijn.

Hazel laat Gus kennismaken met haar lievelingsboek: An Imperial Affliction van Peter Van Houten, een roman over een ziek meisje, die midden in een zin eindigt. Samen besluiten ze op zoek te gaan naar Peter Van Houten om hem te vragen hoe het de personages vergaat nadat het boek is opgehouden. De tocht leidt hen naar Amsterdam, waar de schrijver als een kluizenaar leeft. Hij is in niets wat ze zich van hem hebben voorgesteld. En hun leven neemt een wending die ze zich niet hadden kunnen indenken.

'Ik bezing de tijd die versluiert en onthult, de tijd die je met de doden herenigt, de tijd die als water alles vernietigt wat hij voedt.'
Peter Van Houten, An Imperial Affliction

The fault in our stars door John Green

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Meer informatie
  1. Describe the setting of the book and mention some characteristics of that place and time that could be important to the story. (background information). 

The story takes place in America, at Hazel’s house, at the hospital, at the support group and at Augustus’ house.  Hazel and her friends are very often in the hospital, it’s normal for them. The story takes place about 3 years ago. Example of the book (at the support group): Then Augustus Waters reached into a pocket and pulled out, of all things, a pack of cigarettes. He flipped it open and put a cigarette between his lips. “Are you serious?” I asked. “You think that’s cool? Oh, my god, you just ruined the whole thing.”


  1.  Compare and contrast (two of) the main characters.

Hazel Grace Lancaster: Hazel is a girl who is very calm and trustful. Hazel has cancer, but she wants to enjoy her life as long as it is possible. Her opinion is very strong. Hazel is a very kind girl with a big heart.

Augustus Waters: Augustus had also cancer, but now he’s cancer free but in exchange for that, he lost his leg. When Augustus and Hazel known each other very good, Augustus has pain and there is again cancer in his body found. Augustus is very handsome and this also Hazel’s opinion. Augustus is a social person and you can talk with him about everything. He’s a real gentleman and he treats Hazel perfect. Augustus has a very good sense of humor and he cares a lot about other people.

Similarity between Hazel and Augustus: They both have a very big heart and are very kind. They both have cancer and try to survive and enjoy life with each other.

Difference between Hazel and Augustus: Hazel thinks she is a bomb because she has cancer and you don’t know when you’re going to die. You don’t know when the bomb is going to explode. Augustus doesn’t care about that because he loves Hazel that much. So Hazel is making problems of things where Augustus is calm about.

Example from the book where Augustus is funny: An Imperial Affliction was my book, in the way my body was my body and my thoughts were my thoughts. Even so, I told Augustus. “My favourite book is probably An Imperial Affliction,” I said. “Does it feature zombies?” he asked. “No,” I said. “Stormtroopers?” I shook my head. “It’s not that kind of book.” He smiled. “I’m going to read this terrible book with the boring title that does not contain stormtroopers,” he promised, and I immediately felt like I shouldn’t have told him about it.


  1. Explain how the main character feels at the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Hazel: In the beginning of the story Hazel doesn’t feel very well because her mom thinks she’s depressive and she has to go to a support group, which she hates. At the support group she meets Augustus Waters, since that happened, her life is much better and she is having a great time with him. In the middle of the story hazel feels confused because she was going to Amsterdam to meet Peter van Houten, the writer of her favourite book, but when Hazel and Augustus are in Amsterdam at his house, Peter van Houten is a total bastard and he doesn’t wants to answer the questions of Hazel. They left with a sad feeling but they were having a great time in Amsterdam with the assistant of Peter van Houten, who apologized for his behaviour. At the end of the story Hazel feels horrible, because Augustus told her that he has cancer again. They’re both fighting for their lives and they help each other through this horrible time. A bit later in the story, Hazel is being called by the mom of Augustus that he died. Since Augustus died, Hazel feels very bad because she lost her best friend and the love of her life.

Augustus: In the beginning of the story Augustus meets the love of his life, Hazel Grace Lancaster, his life is a rollercoaster which is only going up. In the middle of the story Augustus goes to Amsterdam with Hazel to meet Peter van Houten, but that wasn’t what they expected of him, because he was a unkind man, who had drinking problem. Augustus feels great in Amsterdam by the way because he’s with the love of his life. At the end of the story Augustus doesn’t feel well because he has a lot of pain and he has to tell Hazel that he has cancer again. He’s too sick and he died a bit later in the story.

All the things that happened to Hazel and Augustus are almost all the same because they’re doing everything together and they spend a lot of time with each other.

Example of the book why Hazels life has been better since she met Augustus: I liked Augustus Waters. I really, really, really liked him. I liked the way his story ended with someone else. I liked his voice. I liked that he took existentially fraught free throws. I liked that he was a tenured professor in the Department of Slightly Crooked Smiles with a dual appointment in the Department of Having a Voice That Made My Skin Feel More Like Skin. And I like that he had two names.


  1. Select parts of the story that were the most interesting, saddest, happiest and most beautiful and describe them (add page numbers).

This example from the book is very intersting because Hazel and Augustus find a word that means ‘their always’: “Okay,” he said. “I gotta go to sleep. It’s almost one.” “Okay,” I said. “Okay,” he said. I giggled and said, “Okay.” And then the line was quiet but not dead. I almost felt like he was there in my room with me, but in a way it was better, like I was not in my room and he was not in his, but instead we were together in some invisible and tenuous third space that could only be visited on the phone. “Okay,” he said after forever. “Maybe okay will be our always”. “Okay,” I said. It was Augustus who finally hung up. (pages 72-73).

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This example from the book is very intersting because Hazel and Augustus find a word that means ‘their always’: “Okay,” he said. “I gotta go to sleep. It’s almost one.” “Okay,” I said. “Okay,” he said. I giggled and said, “Okay.” And then the line was quiet but not dead. I almost felt like he was there in my room with me, but in a way it was better, like I was not in my room and he was not in his, but instead we were together in some invisible and tenuous third space that could only be visited on the phone. “Okay,” he said after forever. “Maybe okay will be our always”. “Okay,” I said. It was Augustus who finally hung up. (pages 72-73).

This is the saddest part of the book: Augustus Waters died eight days after his prefuneral, at Memorial, in the ICU, when the cancer, which was made of him, finally stopped his heart, which was also made of him. He was with his mom and dad and sisters. His mom called me at three thirty in the morning. I’d known, of course, that he was going. I’d talked to his dad before going to bed, and he told me, “it could be tonight,” but still, when I grabbed the phone from the bedside table and saw Gus’s Mom on the caller ID, everything inside of me collapsed. She was just crying on the other end of the line, and she told me she was sorry, and I said I was sorry, too, and she told me that he was unconscious for a couple hours before he died. (page 261)


The happiest part of the book: “But I didn’t save my Wish,” I said. “Ah,” he said. And then, after what felt like a practiced pause, he added, “But I saved mine.” “Really?”  I was surprised that Augustus was Wish-eligible, what with being still in school and a year into remission. You had to be pretty sick for the Genies to hook you up with a Wish. “I got it in exchange for the leg,” he explained. There was all this light on his face; he had to squint to look at me, which made his nose crinkle adorably. “Now, I’m not going to give you my Wish or anything. But I also have an interest in meeting Peter van Houten, and it wouldn’t make sense to meet him without the girl who introduced me to his book.” “It definitely wouldn’t,” I said. “So I talked to the Genies, and they are in total agreement. They said Amsterdam is lovely in the beginning of May. They proposed leaving May third and returning May seventh.” “Augustus, really?” he reached over and touched my cheek and for a moment I thought he might kiss me. My body tensed, and I think he saw it, because he pulled his hand away. “Augustus,” I said. “Really. You don’t have to do this.” “Sure I do,” he said. “I found my Wish.” “God, you’re the best,” I told him. “I bet you say that to all the boys who finance your international travel,” he answered. (89-90)


The most beautiful part of the book: “Augustus Waters,” I said, looking up at him, thinking that you cannot kiss anyone in the Anne Frank House, and then thinking that Anne Frank, after all, kissed someone in the Anne Frank House, and that she would probably like nothing more than for her home to have become a place where the young and irreparably broken sink into love. “I must say,” Otto Frank said on the video in his accent English, “I was very much surprised by the deep thoughts Anne had.” And then we were kissing. My hand let go of the oxygen cart and I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my tiptoes. As his parted lips met mine, I started to feel breathless in a fascinating way. The space around us evaporated, and for a weird moment I really liked my body; this cancer-ruined thing I’d spent years dragging around suddenly seemed worth the struggle, worth the chest tubes and the PICC lines and the ceaseless bodily betrayal of the tumors. (202-203)


  1. What is the message behind the story, what can we learn from it? (Do not answer “there is no message”, because there always is!) What is made clear about norms and values? (There’s always an answer to this question as well!)

5.The message behind the story is that you have to love yourself, in this story even if you have cancer, enjoy every minute like there is no tomorrow. Take the positive things out of life and don’t be sad. Never give up on things you really want, example from the book: Hazel really wants to go upstairs in the Anne Frank House, but she’s very tired and she can’t breathe very well, but she keeps going, maybe a bit slow but she never stops! The second example from the book is that Augustus is in love with Hazel, but Hazel doesn’t want a relationship with him. Hazel said that she’s a bomb and you don’t know when she’s going to explode, because of her cancer. Augustus doesn’t  give up on the girl he loves and he keeps treating her perfect and he’s always there when she needs him. At the end of the story Hazel accepted a relationship because she realised that she needs also persons behind her, she can’t do everything by herself.

  1. Decide if the story really could have happened and justify the reasons for your

decision. Give examples from the book.

Yes, the story really could have happened. In the story are normal people, they live normal. Cancer is still a disease and it can really happen. The love story between Hazel and Augustus is also realistic.


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