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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix door J.K. Rowling

Beoordeling 7
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Boekcover Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 1063 woorden
  • 5 november 2003
  • 47 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7
47 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is desperate to return to Hogwarts and find out why his friends, Ron and Hermione, have been so secretive all summer. But before he even gets to school, Harry survives a terrifying encounter with two Dementors, attends a court hearing at the Ministry of Magic and is escorted …

Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is desperate to return to Hogwarts and find out why his friends, Ron and Hermione, hav…

Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is desperate to return to Hogwarts and find out why his friends, Ron and Hermione, have been so secretive all summer. But before he even gets to school, Harry survives a terrifying encounter with two Dementors, attends a court hearing at the Ministry of Magic and is escorted on a nighttime broomstick ride to the secret headquarters of a mysterious group called the Order of the Phoenix...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix door J.K. Rowling

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Title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Schrijver: J.K. Rowling
Published in: 2003
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Number of pages: 766 Title Explanation: In the book Voldemord is coming back. Dumbledore (see below), makes the Order of the Phoenix to work against Voldemord. This group of people are trying to stop Voldemord to become stronger. Voldemord wants Harry Potter. The name of the Order comes from the bird of Dumbledore because that’s a Phoenix. Main characters: • Harry Potter: he is 15 years old is about to start the fifth year on Hogwarts. He wants to become an Auror so he must get in this important year many of the OWL’s you must have if you want to be an Auror. He is very determined to score as many OWLS’ as he can and to get rid of Professor Umbridge. • Ron Weasley: Also a 15 year old boy and also in the fifth year of Hogwarts. He is a good friend of Harry and Hermione and together they experience a new adventure in this book. Ron qualifies himself to be Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch House team! • Hermione Granger: A muggle-born . She is again 15 year and also a student on Hogwarts and also in her 5th year. Her friends Harry and Ron gave her a lot or problems during her study time. She was supposed to study for Herbology and in place of doing that she helps Ron with his problems etc. • Neville Longbottom: Just like Harry, Neville also lost both of his parents. They may still be alive but they don’t recognise him. When Bellatrix Lestrange spoke one of The Unforgivable Curses (The Crucio Curse) to long and they lost their mind. And just like Harry he is part of The Prophecy... • Luna Lovegood: Also known as ‘Loony’ Lovegood. She helps Harry and his friends with many things. She has one thing in common with Harry and Neville, she has had a near death experience and now she can see Thestrals • Professor Dolores Umbridge: The new Defence Against Dark Arts teacher. After their first lesson Harry found out that she was a ‘filthy old hag’ (this is a quote). She was send by the Ministry of Magic to prevent that Dumbledore ‘trains’ his students for unknown purposes against the Ministry. And she even managed to expel Dumbledore and took his place as Headmaster (in her case Headmistress). • Sirius Black: Searched by the Ministry of Magic for a mass murder he didn’t commit, he is also the godfather of Harry. He would do anything to help him. He is a member of the Order of the Phoenix and provides the Order with a headquarter. • Professor Severus Snape: As teacher of Potions and Head of the Slytherin House he isn’t loved on Hogwarts. He is trying to become Defence against the Dark Arts teacher for many years but he keeps failing the tests. He is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Because Harry is having strange dreams about something (The Prophecy) Snape is ordered by Dumbledore to teach him Occlumeny . • Professor Albus Dumbledore: As Headmaster of Hogwarts and being the most powerful wizard in the world he has quite a reputation. He ignores Harry throughout the school year for unknown reasons.
Summary: Harry is about to start his 5th year at Hogwarts, when Dementors attack Dudley at Privet Drive. Harry uses the Patronus charm to make them go away. He has to go to the ministry for a trial because he used the Patronus spell in the muggle world; but he doesn’t get expelled from Hogwarts. Mister Weasley, Rons dad and an employee of the Ministry of Magic, takes Harry with him to the headquarter of the Order of the Phoenix. Mister Weasley believes Dumbledore and is a member of the order. When everybody begins the year at Hogwarts, Hagrid isn’t there and there’s another teacher for Defence Against Dark Arts: professor Umbridge. She’s from the ministry of magic. She gets more and more power at Hogwarts and even becomes headmistress. Dumbledore gets expelled, because the ministry doesn’t want him to spread around that Voldemord has returned. According to Umbridge, the students aren’t allowed to practise Defence Against Dark Arts, but Harry, Hermione and Ron start a club with many others were they do practise it. They call themselves Dumbledore’s Army (DA). Harry gets ‘dreams’. He sees things happening and in his dream he walks trough the Ministry of Magic searching for something, but he doesn’t know what. Dumbledore and Sirius think its Voldemord, trying to get into Harry’s thoughts. Snape has to teach him Occlumency. But Harry doesn’t practise well enough. One night, Harry sees in his dream that Voldemord and the Deatheaters are torturing Sirius at the ministry. The members of DA fly on Theastrals to the ministry. There they notice it’s a trap, Sirius isn’t there, but the deatheaters are. The members of the DA fight against them. The Deatheaters are to strong, but when all hope was lost, the members of the Order of the Phoenix come and help DA. During the fight, Sirius gets killed. Voldemord wants Harry to open something. It’s a prophecy, but it breaks. Voldemord gets really mad, and tries to posses Harry and kill him. But Dumbledore fights against him. Voldemord escapes. Minister Fudge saw Voldemord, so now he believes he has returned. Back at school, Harry is very sad and angry that Sirius died. He was the only one he really loved. Dumbledore tells him the truth about everything, about his whole live. The prophecy was made before Harry was born. It said that there would come a boy who had the power to vanquish the dark lord. The dark lord would mark him as his equal, but he would have powers, the lord would not know. Neither one of them could live or die without the other. That boy is Harry. So when Voldemord dies, Harry will die too. The year is now over and now the ministry believes that Voldemord has returned, they start to convince all the wizards and witches that Dumbledore and Harry (and the others) were right. They must fight against Voldemord. Harry has to go back to Privet Drive during the summer, but the whole order will be looking after him.


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