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Special Avril Lavigne - Interview

Special Avril Lavigne - Interview


Avril Lavigne is zeventien, en een jaar geleden was haar leven hoogstwaarschijnlijk nog redelijk normaal. Ondertussen heeft ze een record-deal bij BMG en maakt ze, jong en gemotiveerd als ze is, rock-liedjes over skaterjongetjes, relaties en andere vervelende zaken in een tienerleven. Ze is geen Britney-adept, zegt ze zelf. Een beetje boos zelfs: "I was born to rock, rock and roll! I see myself as a ‘rock chick’ yes, and when people refer to me as a ‘pop chick’ I’m like noooooooooo!". Ze komt uit Canada, en beantwoordde goedgehumeurd vijf vragen.

Hiernaast vind je links naar twee nummers van Avril's debuut-album Let go.

What inspires you to write ?
I started writing when I was 12 years old, I started to teach myself guitar at 12 years old. I write about whatever I go through, relationships I‘ve been in, my opinions. My lyrics are real and honest, and I think that’s why the fans can relate to my songs, because I’m not sitting there trying to make a song that has all these rhymes and funky words, I just splurge all my feelings out on paper - and people can relate to that.

Whats on your stereo right now?
At the moment I’m listening to Blink 182, Sum 41, SOAD, I like punk-rock music.

What makes a good song for you?
A good song has to contain a strong message, and edge, I like edge to my music.

Both the album 'Let Go' and the single ‘Complicated’ are doing amazingly well Stateside and in Canada. How does that feel?
Having success in Canada and the States, has given me a really relieving feeling, because it is so hard to ‘make it’, or to have success, and there’s so much competition, and so many talented people out there.

What do you hope to have achieved in five years time?
I want to be known for, and try and work it here in UK!

Interview: Paula Hartley Gepubliceerd op 18 september 2002
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