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Interview Robyn Hitchcock - Interview

Interview Robyn Hitchcock - Interview

Maybe you know us...
Hun nieuwe album Nextdoorland is net uit, en Robyn werkt daarnaast ook nog eens solo: Robyn Sings ligt in Amerika in de winkel, vol Bob Dylan covers. Een exclusief interview met Robyn, door de redactie van Scholieren.

How did you end up with the Soft Boys?
Morris was recommended to me in 1975 by James A. Smith, up in Cambridge. Kimberley was recruited at the end of 1977 when his group, the Waves,was in disarray. Matthew joined twice; once in 1976, and again three years later. We last worked together as the Soft Boys in 1981, but have been in and out of each other's lives ever since.

[image:1:center:Robyn zingt]
What other band would you preferrably play with?
Tarif De Haidouks, if I was good enough! Television and Sonic Youth are great guitar bands, but they don't need any more guitarists. I'll stick with the Soft Boys.

How do you come up with Soft Boys songs?
I bring in songs and we arrange them together. Sometimes we jam and a song comes out of that. Sometimes we carry on arranging a song long after we've recorded it.

[image:2:center:De Soft Boys in 2002]
It's not always easy to understand what your lyrics are about. Can you explain a bit about them?
Words are my speciality - I wasn't a natural musician, but I've always enjoyed words. I hate the way so many song-writers feel they have to write in clichés; Beefheart didn't, Bob Dylan didn't, and Syd Barrett didn't. I'm writing in that tradition. It's possible that Celine Dion will never record one of my songs.

As a rock-star, do you have to smoke?
You don't have to smoke, but I still do, sometimes. The others stopped years ago - Kim never even started, wisely. Drugs and drink are for kids - but rock music doesn't encourage people to grow up. Whether you grow up or not, you're gonna grow old anyway; unless your way of life kills you. Gepubliceerd op 24 oktober 2002
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