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Beoordeling 6.5
Foto van een scholier
  • Werkstuk door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 1098 woorden
  • 20 juni 2004
  • 37 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.5
37 keer beoordeeld

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What are we doing about AIDS in the world?

My paper is about AIDS, a disease which has killed a lot of people already, and even more people are going to die if nothing happens. The United Nations (UNAIDS) have made an estimation in 2003 of 40 million people, who are infected with AIDS or HIV. In 2000 the number of people who were infected, was estimated at 36 million. This means an increase of 4 million people in 3 years! In the Netherlands about 17 000 people are HIV-infected, and 3900 people have already died. Every day 14000 people in the whole world get infected with HIV. A lot of people are affected by aids, so we are talking about a huge problem.

What is AIDS?

AIDS is a disease that affects the immune system. AIDS means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS was first recognized in the United States of America. In 1981 a lot of (gay) people were diagnosed with a type of pneumonia, which only people with a bad immune system normally got. Before the infection the people were in good health. In this group there were a lot of people who had a rare form of cancer all of a sudden. They all got sick, because they had problems with their immune system. It appeared they had a new sort disease, it was called AIDS.

If you have AIDS, you are infected with the HIV-virus. HIV is standing for Human Immune Deficiency, it touches the immune system very bad, and you’ll get sick. Your own body can’t stop AIDS, because it is to strong. Everybody can get AIDS,
it doesn’t matter if you’re 6 months or 66 years old. Ways to get AIDS are:
• From mother to child. If the mother is HIV-infected, her unborn baby can get it too.
• A blood transfusion. If the blood you get in a hospital is from a person who is HIV-infected (and doesn’t know that).
• Other blood contact with an infected person
• Using a used needle (when you’re a drug addict).
• Unprotected sex.

Aids can’t be cured with medicine. Medicine can slow down the HIV-virus, so you don’t catch all kinds of diseases.

What kind of AIDS-policy has the Netherlands?
The first information’s campaign in the Netherlands was in 1983. Since then a lot has happened. The ministry of public health, welfare and sports (VWS) is responsible for the Dutch fight against AIDS. VWS takes care of essential pre-conditions as legislator and giving of rules, and VWS also takes care for budgets for the national development and the local carrying out of the fight against AIDS. At request of the ministry the Aids Fonds (established in the Netherlands in 1985) has had a budget since 1994. With the contributions they developed the fight against AIDS in the Netherlands. The money is used for:
• Individual assistance to people with HIV/AIDS.

• (Psychosocial) Care.
• Scientific research.
• Information and prevention.
• Projects in developing countries.

How is the public informed?

In order to inform the public about the issues of HIV/AIDS and to create a general awareness of and involvement with (those who suffer from) HIV/AIDS, the Aids Fonds carries out two major national public awareness campaigns a year. These campaigns are held around Aids Memorial Day and World Aids Day. Apart from that, a number of special campaigns are carried out by numerous organizations aimed at particular target groups in society that run higher risks of getting infected with HIV.

- Aids Memorial Day: every year around May (this year it’s at 15 May) there’s a day that people who are infected or in any way related to AIDS or HIV come together.
- World Aids Day: every year at the first day of December. On that day people with AIDS or HIV, organisations and doctors want to ask attention for the disease. Then there are all kinds of actions to collect money. The money they collect is used to warn people and to help people in the poor countries.

One of those actions is selling art bags. For an art bag you pay 5 euro and you safe one child from getting aids. If you have an art bag you can show that you want to help with the battle against AIDS. In the art bag is also a picture postcard if you send that you can be a member of the AIDS-fond.

What kinds of care get people with HIV or AIDS?

The treatment of an HIV- infection is only legitimate in a hospital which has got the label HIV-treatment centre from the ministry. In the Netherlands there are 24 centres scattered over the country. AIDS- specialists, nurses and internists treat the patients. People of RIAGG (an authority that provides help) and social workers will provide psychosocial care and social assistance around HIV and AIDS. Advocacy, information service and mutual contact and support for people with HIV belongs to the responsibility of the patients association, the Hiv Vereniging Nederland.

What about AIDS in developing countries?

According to Stop Aids Now (an organisation founded by among others, the Aids Fonds) Botswana (the country above South-Africa) has got the largest percentage of HIV-infected people in the entire world, which is 38.8 percent! There are a lot of people who are trying to bring AIDS and HIV under the attention. Celebrities like: Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Bono from U2 and Beyoncé Knowles are trying very hard to bring AIDS and HIV in developing countries under the attention of the large public. People in for instance Africa often don’t know anything about AIDS and HIV. They don’t know how you can get it and what to do, so that they won’t get it. Therefore education about prevention is really necessary. Stop Aids Now wants direct help and structural solutions; this means that we need to support projects now, which are providing help and care to people with HIV and AIDS. At the same time it is important to look at the future, and invest in counselling and prevention to avert further spread. And of course there are investigations to get a save, effective and payable vaccine.
What is done with the money you give?

The money that is raised is used for a lot of different purposes like:
• Building hospitals
• Providing medicine
• Build orphanages, were orphans from whom the parents both have died of AIDS can live (max. 6 months)
• Giving away free condoms
• Educate people about AIDS and HIV.
• And a whole lot of other projects are provided.




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