The Tiger

Beoordeling 5.7
Foto van een scholier
  • Werkstuk door een scholier
  • 1e klas vwo | 1236 woorden
  • 5 maart 2005
  • 7 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.7
7 keer beoordeeld

Introduction My project is about the tiger. The tiger is a beautiful animal and one of the greatest animals of the world. In this project I am giving you some information about the family and species, characteristics, environment, food and the relationship between humans and the tiger. I hope you will learn much from my project about the tiger. Family and species The tiger is family of the catlike. He’s one of the greatest catlike of the world. From the eight species of tigers there are now still five left. The species of tigers that still exist are the Bengalese tiger (+ the White tiger), Gibberishes tiger, Indo China’s tiger, South China’s tiger and the Sumatrans tiger. The Bengalese tiger (+ the White tiger) The Bengalese tiger has it’s origin in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, and Nepal. There are now between the 3030 and the 4600 Bengalese tigers left. Sometimes there is a tiger that is born with a white fur. That can only happen by the Bengalese tiger. The Gibberishes tiger
This tiger has it’s origin in the Amour-Ossuary district and does not live in Siberia. Now there are about the 300 left of this specie of tiger. The Indo China’s tiger

This tiger lives in Cambodia, Laos, Malaise, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. This specie is almost extinct. There are about 30 left. The South China’s tiger
This tiger lives in China. There are less than 30 tigers left over off this specie. The Sumatrans tiger
The origin of this tiger is Sumatra. This is the smallest one of all species. There are now 500 left. The extinct species are the Balinese tiger, Kampuchea tiger and the Javanese tiger. The Balinese tiger
This tiger lived in Indonesia, Bali. He was extinct in 1937 by to many tourism and people took there land. The Kampuchea tiger
The Kampuchea tiger lived in Turkey, Mongolia, Iran and Afghanistan. They were extinct in the beginning of the twentieth century. The Russian government took care that people destroyed the Kampuchea tiger. The Javanese tiger
Some people think that are some Javanese tigers still alive, but officially the Javanese tiger is extinct. This tiger lived on Java. Before the humans lived on earth, there was also an other specie of the tiger. The Sable Teeth tiger. He had no lines and grandiose fangs. Characteristics Teeth

The dangerous weapon of the tiger is his set of teeth. His teeth are typical that from a carnivore. The four long canine’s, sharp as knife’s, stick out the most. If he has his canine’s planted in the neck of his prey, the animal has no change left to escape. With his molars he cuts the meat in shares. Camouflage
Thanks to his stripes, he has a camouflage costume. In the woods, reed lands and the marshes where he lives, melts his image thorough together. No one sees the difference between the play of the sun and shadows in the plant stems, or the impact of it on the fur from the tiger. Because of that the tiger can sneak unnoticed to his prey. Claws
The tiger has very big and sharp claws. The tiger draws his claws when he walks. Therefore the tiger is inaudible. His forepaws have five toes and his hind legs have four toes. Eyes
The tiger can see six times better then the human. Especially in the darkness. But the tiger can not see any colors. But sometimes they can see some blue and green. The Fur
The tiger has a beautiful and colored fur. His fur has many stripes. The stripes are black and brown colored. On his tail he has no stripes, but rings. The fur of the tiger is orange, but sometimes it is black or white. The black or white fur is very uncommon. The thickness of the fur dependents on the climate in witch the tiger lives. If the tiger lives in a cold climate, the tiger has a thick fur. The thickness of the fur of the Gibberishes tiger is 4 until 6 cm on the back and 7 until 10 cm on the paunch. Average the fur is 0.7 until 2 cm on the back and 1.5 until 3.5 on the paunch. You can see it is a lot of difference. Reproduction In the mating-season the male and a female come together. The tiger receives 2 until 4 whelps a time. The whelps are born 3.5 months after the mating. When the whelps are born, the are blind and way about 1 pound. When the whelps are 2 months old they leave the nest. After 4 months the whelps are playing outside and hunting insects. When they are 6 months old they go hunting with there mum. Before that they drink milk. The mother learns the whelps to hunt and when they are 11 months old they hunt by themselves, but then they are not able to catch big prey’s. When they are 16 months old they can catch an animal by themselves. Even big animals. Then they hunt alone, and not with there mum or brothers and sisters. When they are 3 years old they leave there mum and brothers and sisters. They are now alone and have to survive by themselves. The tigress learns at a young age the whelps everything they need to survive. To catch food is the important thing of all that the whelps have to learn. The tiger and the humans The biggest enemy of the tiger is the human. In the 20th century many tigers were shot by farmers or hunters. The farmers, because the tiger destructed all the land and hunted up cows and goats. The hunters, this for its believe in the medical working on humans. For example: His bones against rheumatism and typhus, His tail against skin diseases and his mussels against illness. Also many land of the tiger is destroyed by human. People want to build roads and houses. In the beginning of the 20th century there were about 100.000 tigers. Now there are about 6000 left. Lucky, there were people that found that this could not go one any longer. Now there are many reservations in different countries. Hunting up tigers is illegal now. And the population of tigers is now growing. Hunting and food

The tiger is a very powerful animal. The tiger has very big claws and very sharp teeth. Hunting
The stripes on the fur work as a camouflage. The stripes make him almost invisible. If he walks through the reed, the animals can’t see him. Also you can’t hear him, because of his soft soles under his feet. Because of this, the tiger can come close by his prey. The change that you can see the tiger on a safari is very small, because you can’t see him in the reed, and he has already seen, heard and smelled. These three senses of the tiger are better than those of the human. If the tiger sees a prey, he begins to run to his prey. If he has surpassed his prey, he makes a big jump on his prey and catches him with his full body up the ground and bites his prey dead. The time that the tiger catches a prey is 1 up to 20 every time. The tiger eats mainly big animals, like swine’s and deer’s. Sometimes they eat also cow’s and goat’s from farmers. A tiger sometimes attacks a human. But that is only out of self-defense.


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