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The African Wild Dog

Beoordeling 5.5
Foto van een scholier
  • Werkstuk door een scholier
  • 1e klas tto vwo | 853 woorden
  • 15 juli 2008
  • 2 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.5
2 keer beoordeeld

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Studenten Joes, Tess en Annemoon zijn terug en bespreken alles wat jij wilt weten over het studentenleven. Ze hebben het onder andere over lentekriebels, studeren, backpacken, porno kijken, datediners, overthinken, break-ups en nog veel meer. Vanaf nu te luisteren via Spotify en andere podcast-apps! 

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1 In which department and in which group is the African wild dog?
The African dog is of the department ‘animal kingdom’ and it is an ‘animal with bones (vertebrates)’,  he is one of the mammals.

2 Why is he in that department and in that group?
It he is bilateral symmetric. And has an internal skeleton.

3 What are other names of animals from that group?
Some names are; Bouvier, teckel and other dogs, wolves.

4 Were does he live?
Until one hundred years ago he lived in the whole of Africa south of the Sahara. Fifty years ago there were still many in the whole of Africa, except in the desert and the rain forest. Now they still live only in a couple countries and in small, spreaded groups. They live nowadays most in Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Botswana and South Africa. How much African wild dogs there still are, nobody knows exactly. They live, as it happens, on extended savannas where they are difficult to count. One thinks that there are in sum still only 3000 African wild dogs alive in Africa.

5 What does he eat?
De African Wild dog is normally hunting on: middle big antelopes as impala, Thomsongazelle, blue gnoe and the big koedoe. He is can also catch bigger animals than he is (e.g. Zebra’s). African wild dogs are hunting most of the time in a group. The speciality is not the speed, but endurance. He can on a distance from 5 km in the same speed a speed of 48 km/h tolerate in a short sprint he can have a distance of 60 km/h. The group pursues a prey and bites to the back and the parts of the prey animal until these touch tired. In contrast to cats such as the lion the African wild dogs do not seize their prey at the throat but in the abdomen. They jerk the organs and because of this do not pass the prey animals asphyxiation but generally by a shock stand for living. This sounds barbarically and for this reason African wild dogs to in the recent past were considered as corrupting. Recent research has however shown that the preys of African wild dogs die faster than those of lions and leopards.

6 What are the natural foes of them?
I can’t found foes of him. Only the human being.

7 Social behaviour and reproduction
They’re very social animals, which have a strict hierarchy in their group. The core of a group is a dominant pear. Only the dominant pear can reproduce itself and only he marks the territory with urine. Other adult animals help with the care for the babies, among other things by vomiting food on.

A group exists nowadays generally from approximately six adult males and four adult women. In former days were groups much larger: groups consisted of hundreds wild dogs. Larger groups have territories larger than smaller groups. Also children in larger groups have a higher life expection. The territory of a group can be very large, 200 up to 2000 km².

The African wild dog is generally silent. On this site you can hear the voice how the African Wild Dog hear child call:

The African wild dog gets the most children of all dogs: average ten children by born. Most of the children are born at the end of the rain time in an underground hole, generally leave hole of an aardvark. The children are at birth blindly and helpless. After a month, they come for the first time outside the hole. After five weeks they proceed of mother milk on throw up food. After nine weeks they go along with the other adult dogs on hunting, and after a year they are full-grown.

After awakening, early in the morning or late in the afternoon, there a type ceremony were all the dogs are, where young wild dogs, arises assemble and other animals disturb by circling they gone. Animals which do not want be disturbed to close temporary friendships with other animals, where also they assemble in larger groups.

The African wild dog becomes generally not old: many animals die for their tenth life year

8 Other names.
Other names are: Afrikaanse Wilde Hond, African Hunting Dog, African Wild Dog, Apeete, Aye Dur, Cape Hunting Dog, Cynhyene, Eeyeyi, Eminze, Imbwa, Inpumpi, Kikwau, Kite Kya Negereni, Kulwe, Licaon, Liduma, Ligwami, Loup-peint, Lycaon, Mauzi, Mbawa, Mbwa Mwitu, Mbughi, Mhuge, Mulula, Muthige, Nzui, Omusege, Osuyiani, Oulay, Painted Dog, Prude, Sudhe, Suyian, Suyo, Suyondet, Takula, Tri-colored Dog, Yeyii. And of course the biology name: Lycaon pictus.

9 Digestion
Plant cells have got a cell wall, they are not easy to digest plant eaters (herbivore) have got a long alimentary canal required to the most of the stoves out of the plants be able to get. E.g. a Cow have 5 stomachs and have to ruminate. Meat eater (carnivore) have a shorter alimentary canal because meat is much easier to digest. As you look at the long of the intestinal canal are we (omnivore) behind the herbivore and the carnivore. The African Wild Dog is a carnivore.


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