What are the advantages and disadvantages of Schiphol?

Beoordeling 3.7
Foto van een scholier
  • Werkstuk door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 1359 woorden
  • 18 maart 2004
  • 27 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 3.7
27 keer beoordeeld

What are the advantages of a bigger Schiphol?

Schiphol is the biggest airport of the Netherlands, that’s why it is a main port. According to various investigations appeared that people expect that Schiphol will transport about 2015.44 million passengers per year. To get this amount op passengers Schiphol hast to expend. But what are the advantages of Schiphol? Here under you can see a couple of advantages of Schiphol. - Expending of Schiphol will give Holland more work employment. - Because of the expend Schiphol, as main port, can compete with other large airports. - The safety will increase, because they will prescribe better air routes. - More profit for airline companies and other companies.

More work employment.

Schiphol is a airport which grew very fast the last few years. Because of that is has enormous contributes on the expansion of the work employment on the airport en many people think that Schiphol is an enormous employer. Since 1988, the work employment on Schiphol increased with 4.7%, against a rural growth percentage of 2.1%.

Schiphol gives on this moment about 125,000 people work (direct about 57,000) Because of the growth of the airport, by which also more companies will settle in near Schiphol, people expect that in 2015 about 175,000 people will work direct or indirect for Schiphol. People expect that we will earn more in the future on Schiphol. The expectations, as they now are, show that around 2015, 3 eurocents of every euro that Holland receives as income, will be from Schiphol. Off course these are all expectations that also can be influenced by many factors. Well known examples are the impacts of the 11th of September, the war in Iraq and the infectious lung disease SARS. But maybe the most important aspect is the economic situation of not only Holland, but the world economy in his completeness. If people have lesser money to spend, that means that people wouldn’t go faster on a vacation with an airplane, because they need there money for more important business, through which they choose for the less expensive vehicles, like for example cars. But not only the passenger transport depends on the economical situation, but also the amount of cargo that has to be transported depends strongly on how the world economics is on that moment. Undertake a competitor’s battle

To see to it that Schiphol can keep on competing with other big airports in Europe (London, Paris and Frankfurt), Schiphol ought to get the space to grow. This can become impossible if Schiphol doesn’t get the opportunity to expand. With the expansion, we should think of the construction of extra tracks and the building of the buildings, by which the amount of passengers and as well as the amount of transportation of goods can grow. A less important thing is that people can improve the traffic around the airport, on short distance, so that the reachable ness of Schiphol can increase. It is for Schiphol, but mainly for Holland very important that Schiphol can compete with other big airports in Europe. After all, a big airport attracts more airplanes and that means more income for Schiphol, of which a part is for the State, since that they also possess an important part of the stocks from Schiphol. Holland is also, with Schiphol and the Rotterdam harbour, an important transit land if it’s about goods, but Schiphol is further an important boarding area for passengers that mainly come from America. So seen from the economical side whole Holland wants Schiphol to grow, because the bigger Schiphol, the more incomes for Holland.

Further on Holland gains, international seen as a small country, a big reputation when it consist of a big, good and modern airport such as Schiphol. There consist a better infrastructure and more mobility, so also more opportunities to trade. Important with this is that people have to take care of the reachable ness of Schiphol, that it stays good.

Decreasing safety.

Because of the growth of Schiphol the safety can increase. The construction of the fifth track for example has caused that less airplanes have to fly over districts because the fifth track has a favourable location for many fly routes, by which the possibility of an accident, by which many people who live nearby Schiphol can be involved, can decrease. Also the plans of a further expansion of Schiphol of not building in the neighbourhood of districts shows us that the possibility that people who live nearby Schiphol in the future have less the risk of being involved in a plane-crash. A sixth track in the future is hereby a good alternative. Because of the construction of a sixth track we can, min. one, maybe close two tracks if they cause too much nuisance for people who life nearby. Also the environment has benefit, because if there is one track less or in any way lies in an open field, and not in an area were the environment immediately can be destroyed.

More profit.

Because of the growth of Schiphol, many companies will settle in or nearby the airport. This can cause that there will be a better infrastructure. Because of that Schiphol and the companies will contain better connections and therefore will have reachable ness. Think for example about the HSL-line who give travellers and cargo-companies more choice through which the international attractiveness of Schiphol will increase. That’s why Schiphol says that the HSL-line is not a competitor, but a partner that cause for a better hinterland connection concerning of highways. Because of this better connection, more companies will settle around Schiphol. Through this there would be more and faster transportation of goods, so that the costs will decrease and the profit will increase.

What are the disadvantages of a bigger Schiphol?

Beside the just treated advantages that a bigger Schiphol will give you, there are also many disadvantages of having a bigger Schiphol. These are the disadvantages: - Noise nuisance - Stink nuisance and expulsion of CO2 - Decreasing safety for the surroundings of Schiphol.

Noise nuisance

There are clear agreements about the sound around Schiphol. There are many sound limitation measures. With the goal to limitate the noise nuisance around Schiphol, they have made borders in which the noise nuisance has to stay. These boundaries we call sound zones. One of the things for which the sound zones are used is for separating air traffic and districts. “De Tweede Kamer” has made a sound limitation for the whole twenty-four hours. Beside this sound limitation “de Tweede Kamer” also has a limitation and a matching sound zone for planes who travel by night, the LAeq. Due to these zones is clear what is allowed and not allowed in the surroundings of Schiphol. Noise nuisance is called Ke, which means “Kosten Eenheden”.

Nevertheless all the sound limitation measures, never on all places around Schiphol the noise nuisance shall decrease completely. That’s why they take measures, like sound isolation. In 1984 has the first sound isolation-program started for the houses that in that time were around the 40-Ke that lay around Schiphol. All those houses that weren’t isolated, are now all isolated. The costs were in total 280 million Gulden.

In the mean time began the second phase of the isolation-program. Until 2003 it goes in total about 14,000 houses. 7,000 of those houses lie in the area of the LAeq-zone. The second phase of the isolation-program has costs around 780 million Gulden.

Air pollution.

The province North-Holland has installed three measure posts for the air quality. Out of the measures it seems like that the air in the surroundings of Schiphol is cleaner then in Amsterdam, also outside the centre. There was an inspection if Schiphol didn’t cross the lawful boundaries of air pollution. Nowhere had they crossed it.


If Schiphol grows, this means that Schiphol will come more closer in the districts around Schiphol and closer to the people who live there. Since there will be more airplanes who use Schiphol that means automatically that more airplanes will fly over districts. Hereby the risk of an accident will increase and the safety of the people who live nearby Schiphol will decrease.




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