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Beoordeling 3.7
Foto van een scholier
  • Vertaling door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 460 woorden
  • 12 november 2003
  • 50 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 3.7
50 keer beoordeeld

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Dublin Games
Ireland Kicks Off 11th Special Olympics World Summer Games
By Karen Fanning
Fireworks over the opening ceremonies in Dublin, Ireland. It was the biggest opening ceremony ever—and a showcase of Irish talent from River Dance to U2 to the Corrs. (Photo: A. J. Hellickson)
June 19—As she counts down the days until the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games, Vanessa Peters is looking forward to meeting other athletes from around the globe. But when the eighth-grader finally steps onto the field to take on the standing long jump in Dublin, Ireland, her thoughts will be trained on a single goal.

"I'll be focusing on how far I can jump," says the 14-year-old from Murfreesboro, North Carolina.

Vanessa is one of 7,000 Special Olympians who will gather on the Emerald Isle on June 21 for the weeklong competition. This year's event marks the first time the World Summer Games are being held outside the United States. With more than 160 countries participating, athletes will travel from as far as Uganda, Bolivia, and Australia to show off their athletic skills in 21 sports.

Athletes must be at least 8 years old to compete. Unlike the Paralympics, which provide sports opportunities for top athletes with physical handicaps, the Games give individuals with mental disabilities the chance to compete.

After three years of training, Vanessa hopes that all of her hard work will pay off in Dublin. When she finally gets to step onto the world stage, Vanessa's competitive juices will be flowing.

"I want to do my best," she says. "And I also want to win."


De opening van de olympische spelen.


Special Olympics World Summer Games speciale olympische wereld zomer spelen
Athletes atleten
Around the globe vanuit de hele wereld
The standing long jump de sprong zonder aanloop
Dublin Dublin
Ireland Ierland
Juni 21 21 juni
The long weekend competition de week lang wedstrijden
The first time the world summer games de eerste keer de wereld zomer spelen
Outside the united states buiten de vrenigde staten
Countries participating landelijke deelnemers

To show laten zien
Athletis skills atletische vaardigheden
21 sports 21 sporten
Athletes atleten
8 years old to complete 8 jaar oud om mee te doen
The paralympics de paralympics
Opportunities gelegenheid
Physical handicaps geestelijk gehandicaptten
Individuals indivueel
Disabilities belemmering/ handicap
Hard work hard werken
Pay off in Dublin spelen in Dublin
Competitive juices wedstrijd spanning


Er komt een olympische wereld zomerspelen voor gehandicapten. De atleten komen vanuit de hele wereld. Een week lang laten ze alles zien wat ze kunnen. Er zijn maar liefst eenentwintig sporten waaraan de atleten kunnen deelnemen. Ook zijn er de paralympics, dat is voor de mensen die geestelijk gehandicapt zijn. Zij kunnen ook laten zien wat zij kunnen. Iedereen laat zich daar van de beste kant zien.

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