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Zelf verzonnen verhaal

Beoordeling 6.3
Foto van een scholier
  • Verhaal door een scholier
  • 1e klas havo/vwo | 293 woorden
  • 20 april 2004
  • 487 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.3
487 keer beoordeeld

Nieuw seizoen Studententijd de podcast!

Studenten Joes, Tess en Annemoon zijn terug en bespreken alles wat jij wilt weten over het studentenleven. Ze hebben het onder andere over lentekriebels, studeren, backpacken, porno kijken, datediners, overthinken, break-ups en nog veel meer. Vanaf nu te luisteren via Spotify en andere podcast-apps! 

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The Crystal-gazer

Once upon a time there was a man and a woman. One night they went to the fair. First they went to the dodgem-cars, where they had great fun. Then they brought a visit to the Cristal-gazer. It was an old woman and her face was weird and scary. She had long grey and dirty hair and a big nose with a big pimple on it. She looked like a witch. The man and the woman sat round the glowing crystal ball. The old woman looked in to the ball and laughed very mean. The woman and the man held each others hands tight and listened to what the old woman had to say. The old women spoke with a mean laugh:”Death is very close for one of you or maybe for the both of you.” The light in the ball went out, and the man and the woman left the booth very scared. They felt awful and didn’t care for the fair anymore and so decided to go home. Driving in the car, they came to a crossroad and it went very fast. The traffic light was red but the man drove on. He was blinded by the light of a car and didn’t see anything. Then their car crashed the other one. There was a big bang, and then it was quiet. The silence was broken by the sounds of a ambulance and a police car. The man and the woman were dead.
Later on the funeral there was a strange person among the people. It had a coat before it’s face, so you couldn’t see who it was. But if you listened very carefully you could hear a quiet but high-pitched, mean, little laugh.




ik vind het een super verhaal.
Maar let nog wel even op de spelling ;)

13 jaar geleden



creatief, maar grammaticaal zeer slecht.

Groeten Engels docent.

13 jaar geleden



Geinig xd zit nu ook in 1 e zou t nie kunne

11 jaar geleden



Een super verhaal. Echt goed zou zo nog wat teksten willen lezen

7 jaar geleden



I like this story and rate 10 But how dood it be 5.8

6 jaar geleden

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