
Beoordeling 5.5
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  • Spreekbeurt door een scholier
  • 4e klas aso | 539 woorden
  • 29 september 2014
  • 2 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.5
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The Titanic RMS Titanic was a British transatlantic passenger liner. The building of the big ship started in 1909 en it was launched in 1911. In 1912 the ship made it first and unfortunately it last voyage. The titanic was built for the White Star Line. Actually there were 3 ships built for the White Star line in that class, the Olympic, the Titanic and the Britannic. All of the 3 ships were very big and luxury, far more than the most ships of that time. But of the 3, the Titanic was the largest and the most luxuries one. The Titanic’s Nick name was the Unsinkable, because of its 16 waterproof compartments. There were three classes on board: the first class, it was intended for the rich. The second class, which was intended for the middle: not rich, not poor, and the third class: for the poor. The disaster The ship stood from the very beginning of the building as a unsinkable ship, but as we know today it wasn’t unsinkable atoll. The voyage started on April the 10th 1912 in Southampton England, whit the destination New York. On April the 14th 1912 the ship collided with an iceberg around 11:40 p.m.. Although the iceberg was spotted before the collision by a sailor, but an collision whit the iceberg was unavoidable. The Titanic could stand a damage of 4 waterproof compartments, that’s also a reason why they called the Titanic the unsinkable. But the iceberg damaged 5 compartments, so that is one too much. After the collision the Titanic sank whit in less than 3 hours, and only in 1985 the ship was discovered at the bottom of the ocean. The passengers There was a total of 2200 people aboard the Titanic. This number consisted of passengers and crew members. On the Titanic there were not enough lifeboats to save every one, there was only place for the half of the amount of people on board. And the lifeboats that were launched were not filled to capacity. So of the 2200 people on board, 1500 people did not survive the disaster. Edward John Smith The Titanic was under command of Edward John Smith the captain. He had a long carrier as captain behind him, and was famous for his great leadership. When he found out that the ship would sink, he commanded to prepare the lifeboats. But he did not granted permission to the people to go off the ship. It took some time before he could be persuaded to let the people abandon the ship. He also gave very little information to the people because he did not want to cause any panic. The captain went down together whit his ship. Some facts 1. There were only 20 lifeboats on board the titanic, meanwhile there were 40 lifeboats needed to save all of the people. 2. From the time the lookouts sounded the alert of the iceberg, the officers on the bridge had only 37 seconds to react before the Titanic hit the iceberg. 3. The Titanic seemed to have everything on board, including its own newspaper. 4. The R.M.S. Titanic was a Royal Mail Ship, a designation which meant the Titanic was officially responsible for delivering mail for the British postal service. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNyKDI9pn0Q 3:57


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