
Beoordeling 5.1
Foto van een scholier
  • Spreekbeurt door een scholier
  • 4e klas vmbo | 1201 woorden
  • 9 februari 2009
  • 69 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.1
69 keer beoordeeld

Studiekeuzestress? 5 gouden tips om voor áltijd te blijven twijfelen

Ben jij ook zo'n expert in het uitstellen van je studiekeuze? Met deze 5 tips blijf je gegarandeerd nog járenlang twijfelen. Want waarom zou je een beslissing nemen als je ook gewoon... niet kunt kiezen? 

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1. Fashion of now
2. Fashion from the past
3. Fashion designers
4. All different kinds of fashion
5. Women man and child clothes

1. Fashion today.
Actually many people wear many different styles: Gabber, Hiphop, Metal, R&B and Skate. You can choose by yourself in which style you want to hear. there still develop new styles, a few of them: Beatniks, Dijkers, Disco\'s, Hippies, Nozems, Pleiners, Punkers, Rock-\'n-Roll and Skinheads.
Everyone choose were he or she want to hear and mostly is your behavior the same. If you wear R&B clothes you also what to be a member of that group.

Some people like there own clothes just because it’s nice. It comes down to that everyone contributes what he or she wants. But sometimes you have there a reason for. You get different opinions and other flavors for style that takes you to.

Clothes also protects against the cold and the heat.
It ensures that you in the summer not burned and in the winter ensure your clothes for the heat. It is also hygienic.

2. Fashion from the past.
If you needed clothes tree hundred years ago you go to the clothes maker at least you where rich. Of course they pay attention on the highest fashion. Before the French revolution everybody wants to have French clothes. But after the revolution was that behind and everybody looks at the English fashion. About fifty years ago Paris became the town of fashion again. People with not a lot of money, have to made there own clothes or the get second hand clothes of the rich people. About the year 1889 (eighteen-eighty-nine) the found the sewing-machine out. Rich people don’t like that kind of clothes. They keep going to the clothes maker. But then there came a revolution, and there became a lot of new fabrics. The clothes fabrics want to sell their clothes and make up things to make the clothes very nice and special with all kind of colors and different kind of materials. Those people earned a lot of money. They made even child clothes. There found out the cutting machine who can cut fourthly pieces of clothes a time. So they make a lot of the same clothes. And then, there came the jeans. A pants of jeans in all different kinds of blue. They made and make still millions of them.

3. Fashion designers.
Charles Frederic Worth is the first designer although it in that time it was not mentioned, it was just yes a tailor but from him was first his name known.
Everybody everyone said it ‘the century of Worth’

the great sensation after the war is Dior, he continues till the end of the fifty’s the King of Haute Couture.
Christion Dior is born in 1905 (nineteen hundred-five), he comes from a poor family and trying to earn some money with the design of hats. Than he goes on to clothes en is employed by Robert Piguet. In the war he makes illustrations for fashion for Figaro. After the war goed Dior employed by Lucien Lelong. Than Marcel Boussac was interressed. But Dior just want to work for him if he get a House. Dior didn’t expected but Boussac did it. In 1946 was the House Dior open and on 12 February 1947 was his first collection NEW LOOK. This name came from the fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar.

Yves Saint-Laurent
At his 17th (seventeen) is he because of his designs directly adopted by Dior. Yves Saint-Lauren is 21 (twenty-one) when he takes the House Dior over. The first collection was the Trapeze line and it was very successfully. In 1993 (nineteen-ninety-tree) was the House overgenomen by Mr. Elf. After Dior was he France’s important designer.

Chanel is the best known and most important designers from the years 20(twenty). She designs a fashion that simple and easy, but it is chic. In the was design she clothes for the sailors.
Also in the years 30 (thirty) stay Chanel the best designer.
The suit where the jakje the midway hold between vest and jacket is very popular and goes the history in as the Chanel-suit.
In 1939 close the Chanel House.
After 15 (fifteen) years was the house again open at 5 February 1954 (nineteen-fifty-four).

4. All kinds of fashion
Nail Fashion.

Nails has also to do with fashion, you lakt, cut, and you clean them. When you your nails cut, and you feel nothing than is that because there dead.
Your nails grown from the nail bed.
The nails of your finger grown 3 (three) mm per month, while the toe nails0,5 to 1mm per month grow and therefore about a year about to refresh. And per year 2,5 to 5 centimeter.

Hair Fashion.

Also hair has to do with fashion
Your hair is dead, and therefore it also does not hurt when the barber cut your hair.
Human hair may be different couloirs, the most couloirs who contained are brown (Dark), light blond and black and the couloirs which prevent the least are gray and white.
White hair may also at a young age appear, it is a mild form of Blond.
Researchers had shown that people with red hear have a very sensitive skin for the sun and that they a much greater chance to get skin cancer.

Shoe Fashion.

When you buy your shoes in a shop they have to be from a good quality.

1. solide material
2. comfortable and they have to walk nice
3. you should find them beautiful

Shoes are for your feet to protect them, they prevent infections, mold, the cold and your toe nails, for example when you work. So shoes are very important.


Make-up is also very important for some people.
They wanna be pretty for the disco of when they visited anyone.
there is now also other make-up in fashion
A black line, and dark eyes.
A lot of mascara and a litte stripe in the corner.
There are lots of people who not can’t without make-up.
They can’t miss it.
There are also people who it actually can miss.
it is just what you want.

5. Woman, Men and Child fashion.
Woman fashion;

Women wore earlier always long skirts, they were than to the ground. There were also hoop skirts, they called it so because there sit a hoop made of iron bottom.
Sometimes they were so widespread that they no longer by the door could
Almost everybody join the fashion of the hoop.
Girls who work on the country made their skirts widening by many skirts below carry.
Hundred years ago began the women enough of the hoop skirts, en they warring less loose dresses.

Men Fashion;

Men wearing 100 (hundred) years ago also jackets and long pants, so just like now..
The model was only different and also the color.
The trouser legs were very closely and the shirts had stiff collars
On that collars were hard points, and sometimes they punctured in your neck.

Child Fashion;

Real child fashion consisted for hundreds years ago not yet.
Children wearing the same clothes as there parents.
Little girls wearing short skirts from their mother. And thick socks.
Posh girls had to wear a corset when they were 12 year old.
Boys wearing dresses. They get a pants when they were 5 (five) years old.




your english is really horrible!!

13 jaar geleden

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