Vocab 61-70

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VOCAB CHAPTERS 61-70. 61. Crime. - A. to steal: the object of this verb is the thing that is taken away (e.g. they stole my bike) It is an irregular verb; steal, stole, stolen. to rob: the object of this verb is the person or place the things are stolen (e.g. a masked man robbed the bank) - B. Leer de table. - C. To commit a crime = een misdaad plegen
To witness a crime = getuigen
Charge with = the police charged him with bank robbery. To accuse of = beschuldigen

They were tried = the case came to court and they were tried
Pleaded not guilty = bewezen onschuld
Prosecuting = aanklagen
Passed verdict on = after brief deliberations, the jury passed verdict on them. Innocent = onschuldig
Acquitted of = the judge acquitted him of any involvement in the case
Sentenced to = the judge sentenced him to 3 years prison. Pay a fine = boete betalen
Served (in prison/jail) = in de gevangenis zitten
Was released from prison = vrijgelaten uit de gevangenis
Got time off (for good behaviour) = eerder vrij (voor goed gedrag) - D. Leer engels-engels. 62. Money buying, selling and paying. - A. You can pay: in cash / by cheque / by credit card. Current account = in your current account you e.g. pay in your salary

Withdraw money = geld van je bankrekening) afschrijven
Bank statement = afrekening
Savings account = spaarrekening
To deposit = storten
Overdraft / overdrawn = schulden (in the red = rood staan) To charge interest = rente vragen
Bank loan = lening
Building society = hypotheker
Mortgage = hypotheek
Fee / fees = money paid for services, e.g. school
Fare = money paid for a journey
Bargain = een ‘koopje’ Not worth = niet waard
A rip-off = if something isn’t owrth what you paid for it - B. income tax = inkomens belasting
Wages / salaries = lonen / salarissen
Inheritance tax = tax collected on what people inherit from others
Customs / excise duties = have to be paid on goods imported from other countries

VAT (value added taxes) = BTW
Corporation tax = what companies pay on their profits
Tax rebate = if you pay too much and you get tax back
Unemployment benefit / the dole = WAO
Disability allowances = money paid to people with a handicap
Student loans = money lent to help pay for studying
Social security = Currency = valuta
Exchange rates = Shares = aandelen
Invested in = investeren in
Dividend = Profit or loss = winst of verlies 63. Belief and opinion. - A. Verbs connected with beliefs and opinions: I’m convinced (that) ... I’ve always held that ... I maintain that ... I feel ... I reckon ... I doubt ... = ik betwijfel
I suspect ... - B. In my view / opinion, ... ..., to my mind. If you aks me, ... From a teacher´s point of view ... - C. believe in

think of
Are you for or against ... In favour of
I have my doubts about ... - D. Leer de ‘word tree’. Nog wat rare woorden daaruit: convictions = morals = conservative / traditional = Darwinist = Pacifist = - E. Adjectives for describing people’s views and beliefs: fanatical / obsessive = eccentric / odd = ouderwets
middle-of-the-road / moderate = dedicated / committed = firm / strong = sterk 64. Pleasant and unpleasant feelings. A. ecstatic = Cheerful = life looks bright and positive
Grateful = someone has done something thoughtful for you
Delighted = something gives you great pleasure
Miserable = everything seems wrong in you life
Frustrated = you are unable to do something you want to do
B. inspired = you are stimulated to create deeds or words
Thrilled = something extremely exciting and pleasing happens
Anxious = afraid and uncertain about the future. Apprehensive about = slightly nervous or anxious about something in the future

65. Like, dislike and desire. A. to fancy = like someone very much. “I fancy him!” To be keen on = like something “we are both very keen on sailing!” Appealed to me = his sense of humour appealed to me
Captivated by = I was captivated by his smile
To be fond of = I’m fond of animals! (gek van/op) Affectionate and loving = he’s always affectionate and loving towards me
To devote to = We are very devoted to each other
B. Stronger ways of saying dislike: (all followed by a noun or an ‘ing form): Loathe, detest, despise, hate, cannot stand, cannot bear
Strong words used to describe the effect which something detested has on the person affected: Repel, revolt, appal, disgust
C. To desire = to wish (formal: sexual wish) To look forward to = I’m looking forward to the musical tomorrow! To dread = (opposite of “look forward to”) Are you? I’m dreading it! To long for = to wish for something very much
To yearn for = poetic way of “to long for”. D. Ways of addressing loved ones: Dearest, sweetheart, darling, love, dear, pet (mainly used for children).
66. Speaking. A. leer tabel
B. leer tabel
C. gloomily = Eagerly = Boldly = Reluctantly = Sincerely = 67. The six senses. A. The five senses are: sight (that looks e.g. good), hearing (that sounds ...), taste (that tastes..), touch (that feels ...) and smell (that smells ...). B. to glance = I glanced out of the window
To notice = I noticed a man in a car in front of our house

To observe = he was observing our house through a telescope
To glimpse = I thought I glimpsed women inside the car
To peer = I also saw someone peering into the opposite house
To gaze = I gazed at them wondering what they were doing
To stare = then the man stopped staring through his telescope
C. Scale of loudness: noiseless -> silent -> quite -> noisy -> loud -> deafening
D. Taste: sweet (honey) salty (crisps) bitter (strong coffee) sour (vinegar) spicy/ hot (Indian food) Tasty (food), tasteful (furnishings, architecture or style of dressing or behaviour). Opposite of tasty and tasteful is tasteless. E. Touch: To finger = she nervously fingered her collar
To stroke (the cat), to pat (the dog) To tap = she tapped him on the shoulder

To grasp = he grasped my hand and we ran
To grab = she grabbed her handbag and ran to the bus stop
To snatch = the thief snatched her handbag
To press = press the button! To handle = please handle the goods with great care
F. smell: Putrid = Pungent = Musty = Fragrant = G. Sixth Sense: Telepathy = knowing someone else’s feelings even though you are apart
Premonition = knowing something is going to happen before it occurs
Intuition = instinctive understanding
Déjá vu = a feeling that you have already been somewhere or experienced something 68. What your body does. A. cough = because of the smoke I couldn’t stop coughing
Sneeze = dust often makes me sneeze
Sigh = she sighed with relief when she heard the plane landed safely
Hiccough = holding your breath can help you stop hiccoughing

Snore = he snored all night long so I couldn’t sleep
B. burp = to make a baby burp you can pat his back
Chew = you have to chew your food well before you swallow it
Rumble = it’s embarrassing if your stomach rumbles
Swallow = take a drink of water to help you swallow the pills
Suck = to stop your ears popping in an aeroplane you can suck on a sweet
Lick = The cat licked the bowl clean
Bite = don’t bite that hard sweet, you’ll hurt your teeth
C. blink = she blinked to try and get the dust out of her eye
Wink = he winked at me across the room to try to make me laugh
Frown = why are you frowning, what’s the problem? Grin = she was so happy, she grinned from ear to ear
Blush = he blushed with embarrassment when she smiled at him

D. perspire / sweat = when it’s hot you sweat / perspire. Tremble = my hands tremble when I’ve been drinking too much coffee
Shiver = he’s so cold, he’s shivering
Shake = she laughed so much that her whole body shook 69. Number, quantity, degree and intensity. A. number is used for countable nouns (e.g. a large number of students), amount for uncountable nouns (e.g. a large amount of money). Number and quantity: Tiny, small, average, large / considerable, gigantic, enormous / huge / vast
Much = is there much work to do? Lots = there are lots of nice shops in this street
Plenty = there’s plenty of time. A lot of = you were making a lot of noise last night
A great deal of = there’s a great deal of hard work still to do
B. dozens = (especially good for countables) Heaps/bags/loads = (countable or uncountable and informal) Tons of = (things, not so good for abstract nouns) A drop = (tiny amount of any liquid) e.g. a drop of wine for me, please
C. typical collocations of adverbs: A bit / quite / rather / fairly / very / really / awfully / extremely

Totally / absolutely / completely / utterly 70. Time A. major historical / geological periods: The Ice Age, the Stone Age, the Middle Ages, the computer age
Era = long period, perhaps several decades. Period = very general word. Spell = indefinite but short. E.g. a spell of hot weather. Time = vague, indefinite. E.g. I lived in ... for a time. While = indefinite but not to long. E.g. would you like to borrow this book for a while? B. for the time being = not specific. E.g. you should stay in bed for a while. At times = he can get a bit bad-tempered at times. By the time = by the time we get home this pizza will be cold
Time and time again = I’ve told you this time and time again
At a time = one at a time please, I can’t serve you all together
In time for = we’re just in time for dinner
On time = I expected you to be late, but you’re on time
C. passed elapsed = ten years have passed / elapsed since I last heard from her
Takes = it takes 12 hours to fly to Singapore
Last = the batteries last for 3 hours
Went on = the meeting went on for 2 hours
Take your time = take your time, don’t need to hurry

D. temporary is the opposite of permanent
Provisional = Timeless = Venice has a timeless beauty
Eternal = Christians believe in eternal life after death


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