Vocab 47-50

Beoordeling 3.6
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  • 4e klas vwo | 442 woorden
  • 28 april 2004
  • 5 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 3.6
5 keer beoordeeld

Vocab in Use 47 - 50 47. Clothes. A. - Some less familiar items of cloths or parts of cloths: cuff, hem, mittens
B. - Notice: most items of clothing that cover the legs are plural words only (e.g. trousers, shorts, pants) C. - Some less familiar words used to describe materials for cloths: velvet, corduroy, denim, suede
D. - Some adjectives used to describe the patterns on materials: pin-stripped, polka-dotted, tartan
E. - Some verbs associated with clothing: - Note the difference between getting undressed e.g. in the evening, dress someone else e.g. a child, and dressing up yourself for e.g. a party. - If a cloths item is too tight, it needs letting out. short, it needs letting down. loose, it needs taking in. long, it needs taking up. - You change out of your cloths and you change into e.g. your pajamas in the evening. - Note the difference between suit, matches and fit: A colour or piece of clothing doesn’t suit someone, because e.g. the colour of their hair or eyes doesn’t match that item of clothing. My shoes don’t fit me anymore because my feet have grown too much. I’m grown out of them. F. Some less familiar adjectives for describing people’s clothing: baggy, V-neck, scruffy, with-it
48. Health and medicine. A. Some less familiar symptoms: I’ve got a rash, a bruise, a lump (on my arm / leg / face), indigestion, diarrhoea / diarrhea (in het boek staat t gespeld met een ‘o’, maar de pc zegt dat het zonder ‘o’ moet, dus ik heb ze even allebei opgeschreven.) I feel shivery, faint
A am constipated
I’ve lost my appetite
B. Dat lijkt me allemaal wel bekend, miss deze niet: The doctor might examine you. C. You’ve got flu, mumps, an ulcer, a bug
You’ve broken your wrist. You’ve sprained / dislocated your ankle. You’re a hypochondriac (you always think you’re ill) He died of e.g. lung cancer, AIDS. D. Dit is ook allemaal heel logisch, alleen miss: Take your medicine. E. Duf, duf, duf. 49. Travel. A. Nou, dit moet je gewoon leren. Some less familiar words: gears, freight train, sleeping-car, liner, trawler, skipper, fuselage, runway

B. Traditionally sailors use different words at sea: a bedroom = a cabin, a bed = a bunk, the kitchen = a galley, right = starboard, left = port, the group of people who work on a ship = the crew. (these terms are nowadays also used in the context of an aircraft.) - Sailors often refer to their vessels as she rather than it. C. Even doorlezen en kijken naar de plaatjes. D. -


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