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Rainman Levinson Barry

Beoordeling 6.1
Foto van een scholier
  • Recensie door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 353 woorden
  • 14 april 2008
  • 11 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.1
11 keer beoordeeld

Nieuw seizoen Studententijd de podcast!

Studenten Joes, Tess en Annemoon zijn terug en bespreken alles wat jij wilt weten over het studentenleven. Ze hebben het onder andere over lentekriebels, studeren, backpacken, porno kijken, datediners, overthinken, break-ups en nog veel meer. Vanaf nu te luisteren via Spotify en andere podcast-apps! 

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Recensie Rainman van Levinson Barry

Rainman is a wonderful movie. It’s about a man: Charlie Babbit, who is played by Tom Cruise, and his older brother Raymond Babbit who is played by Dustin Hoffman.
Charlie is a very loud man, he hardly ever let’s people finish, he had never heard of his brother Ray, who is autistic (he doesn’t understand his own emoticons) and lives in an institution for handicapped people. Charlie left his home when he was sixteen, is obsessed by money and sells expensive cars. When Charlie’s father died he didn’t care so much, but he was very mad, because he inherit a used car and rosebushes, and someone else got 3 million dollars! He doesn't even know that person! Well, that person is Ray. Charlie finds out, and went to the institution and “kidnaps” Ray. He took Ray without permission with him to Los Angeles. Charlie’s company failed, so Charlie goes bankrupt. He uses Ray for gambling and wins a lot of money. Unexpectedly Ray says something about the past, and Charlie finds out why Ray had to went to the institution, and that Ray is in fact his imaginary friend which he had when he was younger, and which helped him when he was scared. Then Charlie realizes he loves Ray.
This is a beautiful movie because you can see a man, who is really a miser; get a special bond with his pathetic autistic brother, who has no one who loves him. And he begins to care about him. Charlie defrosts during the film, and Ray learns more about his emoticons and begins to feel strange things for his brother. That’s beautiful. Take for example one of the latest scenes, Charlie teaches Ray how to dance, so he must touch Ray, which usably get panicky when someone touches him. But this time, Ray accepts that Charlie touches him, and Charlie is now the only person who can touch Ray. I think everyone should see this movie because it’s special to see how a miser and an autistic man can love each other.


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