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World War II

Beoordeling 5.4
Foto van een scholier
  • Opstel door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 1220 woorden
  • 18 maart 2000
  • 39 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.4
39 keer beoordeeld

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Studenten Joes, Tess en Annemoon zijn terug en bespreken alles wat jij wilt weten over het studentenleven. Ze hebben het onder andere over lentekriebels, studeren, backpacken, porno kijken, datediners, overthinken, break-ups en nog veel meer. Vanaf nu te luisteren via Spotify en andere podcast-apps! 

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Our expectation. Rolf’s expectation: I think there won’t happen many strange things in the millennium. Holland is an very prosper land. We are also far developed with our technics. So I think Holland is prepared for the millennium. Maybe the power falls out, but than we can use candles to make lights and we can use batteries for lamps and other things. This year there are a lot of changes made for the millennium. Think about the computers. They were scared that the counter on the computers went back to 1900 instead of 2000. So the people have made the computers millennium proof. The computers won’t count back to 1900 but to 2000. If this wasn’t happened there could be come some accidents. Maybe the machines in the hospital didn’t work any more. That can cost lives. That mustn’t happen of course. Also I hope that in this new millennium there will be no more wars and other awful things. I think there will be a lot of new inventions. I really hope that there will come a cure against many illnesses like cancer, aids. I think that the computers will be faster and maybe there will be found out a robot who can do everything for you. To do the dishes as example. On the internet you also can do a lot. In this millennium I think people aren’t going to the store any more, but they buy their stuff on the internet. The machines are going to replace the people. That’s the reason why I think that in the new millennium there will be many people who haven’t a job any more. They won’t be happy with this idea I think. In 2002 there also changes something. The Euro comes. The most lands have agreed with this new money except a couple. Now you don’t need to change your money if you go to another land on vacation. You can hold your own money and pay with it in almost every land. I hope that everyone in this millennium will be happy and that there are no more poor people on the world. At last I hope that everyone will be equal for the law and that the unevenness between black and white will disappear. Chapter 1
Who were involved with it? In the second world war (WO II) there were two parties. One of them were the Allies. (America, France, England, Sovjetunie since 1941) The Allies wanted peace over the whole world. The other party was Italy, Germany, Japan. The leader of Italy was Benito Mussolini better known as the duce. The leader of Germany was Adolf Hitler better known as the Führer. Germany and Italy were fascistic. That means that the people find their own land and nation the best. Other nations are not good. Above the fascistic party stands one leader: Der Führer. The fascistic people finds violence normal. Germany and Italy were confederates. That means that they have arranged to not attack each other, but help each other if someone is in trouble. There was a war between this two parties. Hitler was capturing land from Polish, Holland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Mussolini was capturing land in the Balkan. Japan was trying to get a big economic authority in Asia. Of course the Allies weren’t happy with that. They began a war against Germany, Italy, Japan. Of course there were other lands who were involved with the WO II, but we only call the most important ones. Chapter 3

The hate against Jewish people. Germany had in the time of Hitler a lot of problems. If there are problems, there are always looking for a scape-goat. People who were founded different than other people will be blamed. Hitler gave the Jewish people the blame. The hate against Jewish people is called anti-Semitism. The gypsies, homosexuals, wanderers were blamed too. Only because they had another belief, dressed different, had other
uses. That’s not fair of course. In the beginning the Jewish people were not allowed to do things any more. They weren’t allowed to sport any more and the ‘normal’ people mustn’t buy things from Jewish people. Later the Jewish people were fired and they had no job any more. Hitler started to kill all the Jewish people. In the WO II the concentration camps were used to kill all the Jewish people. A concentration camp exists mostly of wooden barracks who were surrounded by barbed wire and watch-towers. The concentration-camps were set up because the normal prisons were to small. In the concentration-camps there were lethal chambers. These were used to kill the Jewish people. The Jewish people were putted in a lethal chamber. Than there came gas free. As you breath this gas you’re going dead. This method was used in the WO II. So can there be killed a lot of Jewish people in a short time thought the Germans. This method has worked. Well-known concentration-camps were Auschwitz (1940) and Sobibor. In 1938 on the night from 9/10 November there was the kristalnacht. (I don’t know the English word for it) In whole Germany were properties destroyed and the Jewish people were ill-treated. This happened because a Jewish boy killed a German ambassador in Paris. Chapter 6
Peace. As every war there always comes an end at it. The WO II ended in 1945. The German people have had two defeats. One in Stalingrad (January 1943) and the invasion of Normandy (6 June 1944) better known as D-Day. This were causes for the ending of the WO II. Every land didn’t capitulate at the same day. Germany capitulated at 5 May 1945 in Holland. That’s why we celebrate this day every year. At 8 May capitulated whole Germany. A week before these day Adolf Hitler, his wife Eva Braun and minister Joseph Goebbels (minister of propaganda) committed suicide. At 15 August Germany’s confederate Japan capitulated, because the VS has thrown two atomic bombs. One at Hiroshima and one at Nagasaki. An atomic bomb is very dangerous. It can destroy a whole city. Many people are dying from this huge bomb. The people in Japan must give up. They hadn’t any chance against this bombs so they capitulated. Afterword. There happened a lot after the WO II. In every land was a lot of damage during the WO II. Houses and windows were all broken. After the WO II they must all rebuild the houses and windows and other things. This takes many time. Also the people now still have trouble of the WO II. Take Japan as example. They still have trouble with the radiation of the atomic bomb thrown at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Also there were about 1 million people killed during the WO II. In 1945 the VN was raised up. The most important target of this association is to make peace and security in the world. The VN has many members. After the WO II in 1961 Germany was split up in 2 pieces: west and east Germany. These two pieces were separated by a very large wall: The Berlin’s wall. It wasn’t permitted for people to climb over the wall to the other side of it. If they did they could be killed. The Berlin’s wall was heavily guarded by watch-towers. The Berlin’s wall fell in 1990.




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