Vergelijking van 2 boeken (Welcome to the real world, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)

Beoordeling 4.4
Foto van een scholier
  • Opdracht door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 1069 woorden
  • 5 november 2001
  • 61 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.4
61 keer beoordeeld

Overweeg jij om Politicologie te gaan studeren? Meld je nu aan vóór 1 mei!

Misschien is de studie Politicologie wel wat voor jou! Tijdens deze bachelor ga je aan de slag met grote en kleine vraagstukken en bestudeer je politieke machtsverhoudingen. Wil jij erachter komen of deze studie bij je past? Stel al je vragen aan student Wouter. 

Meer informatie
I am going to compare two books. These books are named: ‘Welcome to the real world’ and ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’. In both books crime occurs frequently. In ‘Welcome to the real world’ it is most about crime and the rest is about secrets (also a similarity of both books). This book is about 5 teenagers. They are all from the same school. They are getting blackmailed by a guy named Andrew Greenwood (D-cup). Andrew is committing the crime, and the 5 teenagers are faced with the crime. By accident, Rosa discovers that she is not the only one who is getting blackmailed. There are more students like her… She starts a sort of organisation against Andrew. They want to stop the blackmail. That is why they have to put there heads together and make a plan. How could Andrew get so far to blackmail those teenagers? Rosa: (*page 21 from: `You should not have called me that…, continues at page 22. *At page 89, Rosa tells what happened that Monday. At page 150, Andrew manhandles her.) In the first place it was not Andrew’s meaning to blackmail Rosa, for him it was just a lucky coincidence. Andrew came to the school with a camera (he could just walk in, because his father was the caretaker of that school and Andrew copied his keys) and made a snapshot of Rosa while she was stealing a photograph of Jason Hughes (a guy which she liked very much, but did not want anyone to know about). Rosa had to give Andrew money, otherwise Andrew would put the snapshot on the display board in school. (*At the foot of page 38, Rosa had to give Andrew money. Continues at page 39) Meena: (*At the top of page 43, Rosa can see Meena giving Andrew money. *In the centre of page 149, Andrew manhandles her.) Meena´s grandparents came from India. They moved to Great-Britain because of a better future for their children. Meena seemed to have that better future because she was smart and she could go to university. Her grandparents finally had the feeling they made the right decision to come to Great-Britain. Meena did not want to make that trust ashamed but she knew that she would not pass the maths test. Calculators were not allowed but she tapped one of those slim-line ones to her leg to check her answers. During the test she started giggling. The teachers found out about the slim-line and also did Andrew. If the whole school would know about it, it would make a shame of her family. That is why Andrew can blackmail Meena. Christine: (*At the foot of page 56 (continues at page 57), Christine has to give Andrew cinema tickets. *Page 115 (continues at page 116), Christine is getting blackmailed again. *At page 150, Andrew makes Christine fall.) At Christine’s former school, she got a baby boy. The baby is seventeen weeks old now. Nobody knows it is her baby, they all think it is her brother. The parents of Christine think it is a shame she already has a baby. That is why they do not want anybody to know about it. Andrew can blackmail Christine for that reason. Liam: (*In the centre of page 79, Liam says he is also getting blackmailed by Andrew. *Page 131: ´I´ve got a message from D-cup´ said Liam. ´He says he hopes we enjoy the next few days, because we´re all in for a shock, starting from Monday´. *At the foot of page 149 (continues at page 150), Andrew locks Liam.) Liam´s father is a thief. He has got some stolen CD-players in the garage. Andrew knows that and if Liam does not do what Andrew tells him to do, Andrew will go to the police. Jason: (*Page 103: ´I´ll keep it short. Good guy keeps private diary of his wild deeds hidden in shed. Bad guy spies on good guy. Bad guy steals diary. Bad guy blackmails good guy. *At page 153: Jason scrambled up and ran after them but suddenly Andrew´s foot was in his way, kicking at his ankles. Then the stone floor smacked him in the head.) Why Andrew can blackmail Jason has already been written above. (Good guy keeps private diary of his wild deeds hidden in shed. Bad guy spies on good guy. Bad guy steals diary. Bad guy blackmails good guy). Only one thing is wrong. His diary is not about wild deeds. He wrote in the diary that is was so lonely (until he met the other 4 students). Jason has a very good reputation. That diary can ruin that reputation. *At page 125, four of the five teenagers commit a crime to. They break in by Andrew´s. *At page 154, 155 and 156, Andrew blackmails them for the last time. As you can see, there´s a lot of crime in this book. Now I am going to let you see there is also a lot of crime in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll is a rich and important man. He works in a laboratory. He feels that the distance between good and evil is bigger in him than in most other people. His study made him see there was always a war between those two natures. The man was not one, but two. If he could separate these two natures, it would make life more easy. But how was this to be done? His work in the laboratory showed him the way. He discovered that the connection between body and spirit was not so big. In the laboratory he was certain to find a way to make it happen. Dr. Jekyll finally found out a sort of medicine which made it possible for him to separate his two natures. His evil nature was named Mr. Hyde. Also Mr. Hyde commits a lot of crime: At the top of page 8, Hyde walks over a child. Page 18/19: Hyde attacks Sir Danvers Carew and kills him by beating him to death. Dr. Jekyll totally loses control when he is Hyde, he even kills someone. As you could see, in both books is a lot of crime. A difference between both books is that the story of Dr. Jekyll can´t be for real. A man can´t have two faces, two bodies, two voices and two trains of thought. Welcome to the real world was much more realistic. It can really happen that some teenagers are getting blackmailed by one guy.


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