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Halloween call

Beoordeling 5
Foto van een scholier
  • Opdracht door een scholier
  • 1e klas havo | 606 woorden
  • 11 februari 2003
  • 98 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5
98 keer beoordeeld

Nieuw seizoen Studententijd de podcast!

Studenten Joes, Tess en Annemoon zijn terug en bespreken alles wat jij wilt weten over het studentenleven. Ze hebben het onder andere over lentekriebels, studeren, backpacken, porno kijken, datediners, overthinken, break-ups en nog veel meer. Vanaf nu te luisteren via Spotify en andere podcast-apps! 

Luister nu
October 31st
00.0 hour
Everyone is fast asleep... Everyone? No, one person is still awake. It’s a child, a girl. And that girl am I. I don’t want to sleep, I want to go to the biggest Halloween party from this city. There are my parents there is my whole family. But I? I must stay at home. In this boring house. It’s so boring over here. I must sleep, but I don’t want to slee........ Ieeeeeeeee ! I wake up from a nightmare. Brrrrrrrrr, it’s cold. The wind blows through my open window. Open window? My window was closed! Then the phone rings.... I pick up the phone and say: “Hello, it’s Katy speaking.” No answer......... “Hello, who are you?” I say a bit scared. “That’s not important, says the stranger: “I know everything about you.” I walk to my window to close it, the phone holding in my hand. Then the doorbell rings. The stranger on the phone says with low voice: “Open the door, I’ll be waiting for you...” “No I don’t want to open the door, go away!!!!” I scream in panic. The stranger is quiet and then, tuut..........tuut.............tuut, he stops with the call. I go downstairs and look out of a window. I see the stranger with a body in his hand, a dead body. I open the door to see who it is. It’s my neighbour!!!!!!!! I am in shock for a moment. I want to scream, but I can’t get sound over my lips. That man is a murderer!!!!! The murderer comes to me.......... I stay like frozen. My mind wants to run, my body wants to stay. Then I feel warm inside, I see bright red light. Flames, fire is coming out of my hands!!!!!!! In a few seconds there is fire so far I can see. It’s like Hell! “Help, anybody, help me!!!!!” Silence.... “Help! I’m going to die!” I scream with panic in my voice. Somebody grabs my arm. It’s the stranger! He leads me through the ocean of flames. He saves me! Halloween call Then I see a spiral of colours in front of my eyes. The world is spinning around. After that I fall down, down in a deep black hole. It’s like a well. Then it’s black in front of my eyes. I’m unconscious. I wake up in a pleasant, bright yellow room. There is a man with a black beard. He’s sitting in a rocking chair. I ask him: “Am I dead, is this Heaven?” “No,” says the beard man, while he is standing up from his rocking chair. I think: “That man is a giant.” The giant man says: “I’ve to tell you something, your whole family is dead. I must save you, because you are important. You are a witch, a famous witch. A bad magician has murdered your parents. I can’t call his name, but I say it once to you.... His name is VOLDEMORT. Oh yeah, I’m the stranger and maybe you think I’m a murderer, but that is not true. I tried to help your neighbour, but I was too late.” Now I feel sad. My whole family is murdered by an unknown person. But I feel also happy. I survived this disaster and I am a witch. I always wanted to be a witch. I go to school in a castle, called Hogwarts and I’ve a foster-parent, called Hagrid. He is the stranger, the “murderer”, the man with the beard and the giant.




hoi meisje,

ik vind je verhaal best wel spannend en leuk!!
ik moet voor sgol 2 kantjes schrijven over een eng verhaal of over halloween en dit is natuutlijk 2 in 1!
onder jou verhaal stond dat je dit niet bij je leraar mocht inleveren maar dat doe ik wel want ik had gevraagt of ik het ook van het internet mocht halen en toen zei ze ''je mag het wel van het internet afhalen maar je moet het wel in eigen woorden schtijven'' maar ik denk niet dat ik dit verhaal in eigen woorden hoef te schrijven want deze tekst is nou niet zo'n moeilijk.
wat vind jij ervan?
vele groeten van mirte (13)

19 jaar geleden



5 jaar geleden



kun je het vertallen

19 jaar geleden



dat is coowl ik vond het wel spannend ........
mar ja ik ga mzzl ciiao


19 jaar geleden



groetjes bram

17 jaar geleden

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