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Vergelijking boek en film: New Moon (Stephenie Meyer)

Beoordeling 3.6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover New Moon
  • Filmverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 2808 woorden
  • 26 december 2010
  • 21 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 3.6
21 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover New Moon

For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bellan from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may just b…

For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edwa…

For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bellan from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may just be beginning…

Vergelijking boek en film: New Moon (Stephenie Meyer)

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De opdracht was het boek met de film te vergelijk.
Scenes -> de 2 belangrijkste scenes uitkiezen en deze vergelijken
Characters -> 2 personen utikiezen en deze vergelijken
Final chapter -> Het laatste hoofdstuk vergelijken tussen boek en film.
Time and Chronologic -> De tijd en volgorde van het verhaal vergelijken.

1, Scenes
The most important scene from the book is the scene where Edward tells Bella that he’s going to leave, and he doesn’t want her anymore. It’s very emotional because Edward is Bella’s life.. Out of nowhere, he tells her this is the last time they will see each other. ‘I’ll make you a promise in return, I promise this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back. I won’t put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I’d never existed.’ I picked this quote because it shows exactly what I try to tell you. The whole book is about Bella, who has to life without Edward, and how hard it is for Bella not the person she loves the most having around her.

I’ll have to admit, that this scene is very similar to the scene from the film. I can’t come up with anything comparing the scenes that is extremely different. In the book and in the film the scene is very emotional, In both the book as the film you notice how hard and confusing it is for Bella. She doesn’t really know what is happening, she didn’t saw it coming.

In the book, Edward is very clearly from the moment that they start talking that he has to leave and that she can’t come with him. In the film he first says: ‘We have to leave’. Only after Bella asks Edward who is we, he tells her: ‘Me and my family’ Before he told her that, Bella could think she is part of the ‘we’. But she isn’t, Edward tells her that she doesn’t belong in his world. I think, that in the book, it’s beautiful scene because it’s a very long conversation. In the film it’s a beautiful scene, because they actors know what they are playing, they are perfect for the film. They girl who plays Bella, she is Bella, she is exactly like her. The same for Edward, he is Edward.

The second scene I picked for this assignment is a scene that I think is very important. I thought about this assignment a lot, because there are a lot scenes I think are very important. But in the end, I choose this one. It’s Bella’s birthday, and she celebrates it at the Cullen’s house. They were very excited, because they haven’t celebrated a real birthday in years. Vampires don’t get older. In this scene, she gets birthday presents from everyone, but then she cuts herself at a piece of paper. She bleeds, en then Jasper loses control and Attacks Bella.

I watched this scene a few times, while I watched, I also read the scene in the book, so I could come up with some real good differences.

- In the book the Bella’s cake is pink, in the film it’s green and white.

- In the book, she cuts herself while opening Edward and Alice’s gift. In the film, she cuts herself while opening Carlisle en Esme’s gift

- In the book, when Bella gets in the Cullens house, Emmet leaves the room directly. Bella doesn’t know why. But when she gets his present, it’s an empty box. Than Jasper says: ‘It's a stereo for your truck. Emmett's installing it right now so that you can't return it’ In the film, Emmet doesn’t leave, and he has already installed the stereo. What it think, is really weird because she just arrived with her car.

- In the book, Carlisle asks Bella if she wants him to examined her here, or that they should go to the hospital. In the film, Carlisle doesn’t ask, and he examined her in his office.

2, Characters
I decided to pick Edward Cullen and Jacob Black for this part of the book report, I could pick Bella Swan, the main character of the book and the film. But I thought it was way more fun to compare the two boys who love Bella, and who hate each other. I love to compare a vampire and a werewolf.

Edward Cullen (born Edward Anthony Masen, birthday on June 20, 1901)
His biological parents are Edward Masen, and Elizabet Masen.
His adoptive parent are Esme Cullen and Carlisle Cullen.
His adoptive sisters are Alice Cullen and Rosalie Hale.
His adoptive brother are Emmet Cullen and Jasper Hale.

He is very beautiful, His eyes are topaz.
He has short brown hair.
His skin is like marble, he is very pale, ice cold, and he sparkles in the sunlight
He is taller than Bella.

Other important facts:
He loves music, he plays the piano. (In the book he gives Bella a cd for her birthday, with lullaby songs. He wrote himself. In the film this doesn’t happen, i think it’s a shame, because it’s a very special moment in the book)
He can read people’s mind, it’s a vampire thing.
He’s not able to sleep, vampires don’t sleep.
He thinks of himself as a monster.
He believes that when a human is turned into a vampire, his soul disappears.
He doesn’t want Bella to become a vampire.
He can’t live without Bella, her scent is a drug to him.
He wants to marry her.

Jacob black (Born on January 14, 1990)
His father is Billy Black
His mother is Sarah Black (She passed away)
His older twin sisters are Rachel and Rebecca Black.

In the beginning of the book/film he has long black hair, in the end of the book/film he cuts it off and then he has short black hair.
He almost always wears shorts, because when he transforms into a werewolf, his clothes get ripped apart.
Jacob’s fur as a werewolf is al little bit brown/orange.
‘You’re kinda beautiful’ says Bella to Jacob in the film and the book.

Other important facts:
He loves fixing up cars and motorcycles.
He can morph into a wolf freely.
When he is in wolf form, he has telepathy contact with his pack
He is Bella’s best friend, but hates her boyfriend Edward.
‘I know how you're unhappy a lot. And, maybe it doesn't help anything, but I wanted you to know that I'm always here. I won't ever let you down. I promise that you can always count on me." He says this to Bella in the book and the film. I think it’s very sweet, because after all the trouble that happened with Bella when Edward left, he is the only thing why Bella gets out of bed every morning.
He, and the other werewolf’s, kills vampires, but they only kill when a vampire bites a human.
A major thing that they have in common, is that they are both not human. But on the other hand, the biggest difference between them is that one of them is a vampire, and the other one is a werewolf. They are enemies, decided by mother nature. What also is similar between these boys, is that they both love Bella swan.

I summed up some other differences:
- Edward is always cold, but Jacob is always warm, sometimes he gets so hot, that he reaches a temperature that would make humans die.

- Edward is born in 1901, Jacob is born in 1990. In the book Edward is 105, and Jacob is 16. I think that is major difference, because Edward is already very old, but because he’s a vampire, his appearance stays the same. Technically, Edward is 89 years older than Jacob.

- Edward is immortal, Jacob dies when he gets older.

- Edward is skinny and has a pale skin, Jacob is muscled and is tanned.

- Edward drinks blood, but only animal blood. Jacob doesn’t drink blood, he eats normal food.

- Edward smells very good, but Jacob has most of the time a dog smell hanging around him.

And some similarities:
- They are both very fast and very strong
- They heal very fast
- They both are romantic
- They would do anything to make Bella happy.
- They would do anything to save Bella.
- They both have a secret that they can’t share with the world outside.
- They both have left Bella, and they both promised that they wouldn’t leave her. Edward leaves her in the beginning of the story, he thinks that she is saver when he’s not around. Jacob leaves her because he’s transforming in a werewolf, and is not allowed to see her anymore. He also doesn’t answer any of Bella’s calls.
- They can both read minds (Jacob's telepathic connection with his pack and Edward reads everyone else's mind)
- They both don’t want that Bella becomes a vampire.

3, The final chapter
In the last scene, Edward and Bella run into Jacob, In the film, Edward and Bella are on the road, driving, than Jacob is standing next to the road and Edward says: ‘He wants to talk to me’ They stop the car and walk into the woods to talk.

In the book, Bella is grounded and Edward is taking her home from school, Jacob is standing near to her house, they get out of the car and walk to Jacob to talk.

In the film, they talk, and Edward thanks Jacob for taking care of Bella when he didn’t. Jacob is mad at Bella and Edward, and they tell him about the plans that Bella gets turned after her graduation. He gets mad, and he turns into a wolf, he wants to fight Edward, but Bella screams that they have to stop and she says: ‘You can’t hurt each other without hurting me’

Than Jacob leaves.

What also is a major difference, is that they after talked in the woods, and Jacob left. Edward proposes to Bella. He has a few conditions for turning her into a vampire, he wants to wait till she is done with school and he first want to marry Bella. This is the end of the film, you don’t get to see Bella her answer. He proposes, and then the films ends.

But in the book, She is grounded, and Charlie sees her car standing on the driveway. But Bella isn’t inside the house yet. So he screams: ‘Bella! Come back inside now! I know you are there, I see your car!’ Then she has to end the conversation with Edward and Jacob. Bella goes inside the house, and Jacob goes home. In the book, he proposes earlier, when they are in her bedroom he asks her to marry him. First she thinks he’s joking, but then she realises that he is serious. Bella tells him that she wants to be changed by him, and not by Carlisle or Alice. She also says that she is too young to marry. They have a long conversation about the subject. It’s a shame that in the film the whole conversation is left out.

I don’t really know with scene I prefer, I think the scene in the film is very beautiful, cause they are in the woods, they talk about her getting changed, and then he asks her to marry.

The last chapter of the book doesn’t conclude the proposing, so I can’t really compare the last scenes. I think I should compare the whole last part of the book and the film. If I would do that, I would prefer the book. Because when they are in her bedroom, it’s a romantic and they have a long conversation about the proposal. And the story of the book ends just right, you know how Bella’s thinks about getting married, in the film it’s a cliff-hanger. You don’t know what Bella is going to say, to know that, you should watch the next movie.

Everything compared, I choose the scene from the book. Because the whole story is finished properly.

4, Time and chronology
The book and the film start at Bella’s birthday, so that is similar. They also end similar.

The time that’s is told in the book is also similar to the time in the film.

What caught my attention, was that a few things happened in the book and the film. But not on the same time. For example, Bella had to watch a film about Romeo and Juliet. In the film, they watch this film in class. And in the book, Edward goes home with Bella, and they watch it at her home. As an assignment for school.

Another example is the time between Bella her birthday and Edward leaving, in the film, Edward leaves the day after her birthday, in the book, there are three days between her birthday en Edward leaving.

Also, what I already told in another assignment, is the story about the proposal. In the book it’s very different as in the film. In the book the proposal is earlier, in the film it’s the last thing that happens.

Another thing I would like to mention is that when Edward leaves, a few months pass, and Bella is depressed. In the book, you have a few pages, with only months standing on the pages. You have total blank pages, with in the middle a month. The months are: October, November, December and January. In the film you’ll see Bella sitting on a chair, in front of a big window, just sitting there, looking at the world around here. She looks very sad, she is just sitting there. In the film, you’ll see in the middle of the TV-screen the months. They follow each other up. But the camera is circling around Bella. And every month, what she sees outside through the window changes, first she see the world outside is green, then she sees trees without their leaves, because it’s autumn. Then she’ll see snow. It’s a very touching scene, because you hear a very sad song on the background. And you hear her voice. She says: ‘Alice, you’ve disappeared, like everybody else. Who else can I talk to? I’m lost. When you left, and he left, you took everything with you. But the absences of him is everywhere I look. It’s like there’s a huge hole being punched through my chest. But in a way I’m glad. The pain is the only remind of that he was real. That you all where.’ I had to quote this sentence, because it’s shows how hard it’s for Bella. You see her sitting in the chair, watching the months pass by. And all she can think about is him.

What also caught my attention is that in the book, everything is so important, every little thing that happens is important. The book is very long, 500 pages. And they have to put all of that in a 130 minutes long film. So many things that are important in the book, don’t get the honour to appear in the film. When you watch the film, you’ll get the feeling, everything happens very fast after each other. That’s just a short period of time. But when you read the book, it’s totally different, you’ll notice that it’s a very long period of time. You’ll get the feeling that’s it’s a very long story. It’s just so different.

I should also tell something about the time that the story takes place. In the film, Edward says: ‘You’re aging? I’m already 109.’ And then Bella says: ‘Maybe I shouldn’t be dating such an old man, it’s gross’ I did some math. Edward is born in 1901. So if he is 109, than the story takes place in (1901+109) 2009 or 2010. The book tells a whole other story, in the book the story takes place so around 2006 I think. But I think that’s just because the book is written in 2006,

Copyright, Eva Luna.

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1, Scenes
The most important scene from the book is the scene where Edward tells Bella that he’s going to leave, and he doesn’t want her anymore. It’s very emotional because Edward is Bella’s life.. Out of nowhere, he tells her this is the last time they will see each other. ‘I’ll make you a promise in return, I promise this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back. I won’t put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I’d never existed.’ I picked this quote because it shows exactly what I try to tell you. The whole book is about Bella, who has to life without Edward, and how hard it is for Bella not the person she loves the most having around her.

I’ll have to admit, that this scene is very similar to the scene from the film. I can’t come up with anything comparing the scenes that is extremely different. In the book and in the film the scene is very emotional, In both the book as the film you notice how hard and confusing it is for Bella. She doesn’t really know what is happening, she didn’t saw it coming.

In the book, Edward is very clearly from the moment that they start talking that he has to leave and that she can’t come with him. In the film he first says: ‘We have to leave’. Only after Bella asks Edward who is we, he tells her: ‘Me and my family’ Before he told her that, Bella could think she is part of the ‘we’. But she isn’t, Edward tells her that she doesn’t belong in his world. I think, that in the book, it’s beautiful scene because it’s a very long conversation. In the film it’s a beautiful scene, because they actors know what they are playing, they are perfect for the film. They girl who plays Bella, she is Bella, she is exactly like her. The same for Edward, he is Edward.

The second scene I picked for this assignment is a scene that I think is very important. I thought about this assignment a lot, because there are a lot scenes I think are very important. But in the end, I choose this one. It’s Bella’s birthday, and she celebrates it at the Cullen’s house. They were very excited, because they haven’t celebrated a real birthday in years. Vampires don’t get older. In this scene, she gets birthday presents from everyone, but then she cuts herself at a piece of paper. She bleeds, en then Jasper loses control and Attacks Bella.

I watched this scene a few times, while I watched, I also read the scene in the book, so I could come up with some real good differences.

- In the book the Bella’s cake is pink, in the film it’s green and white.

- In the book, she cuts herself while opening Edward and Alice’s gift. In the film, she cuts herself while opening Carlisle en Esme’s gift

- In the book, when Bella gets in the Cullens house, Emmet leaves the room directly. Bella doesn’t know why. But when she gets his present, it’s an empty box. Than Jasper says: ‘It's a stereo for your truck. Emmett's installing it right now so that you can't return it’ In the film, Emmet doesn’t leave, and he has already installed the stereo. What it think, is really weird because she just arrived with her car.

- In the book, Carlisle asks Bella if she wants him to examined her here, or that they should go to the hospital. In the film, Carlisle doesn’t ask, and he examined her in his office.

2, Characters
I decided to pick Edward Cullen and Jacob Black for this part of the book report, I could pick Bella Swan, the main character of the book and the film. But I thought it was way more fun to compare the two boys who love Bella, and who hate each other. I love to compare a vampire and a werewolf.

Edward Cullen (born Edward Anthony Masen, birthday on June 20, 1901)
His biological parents are Edward Masen, and Elizabet Masen.
His adoptive parent are Esme Cullen and Carlisle Cullen.
His adoptive sisters are Alice Cullen and Rosalie Hale.
His adoptive brother are Emmet Cullen and Jasper Hale.

He is very beautiful, His eyes are topaz.
He has short brown hair.
His skin is like marble, he is very pale, ice cold, and he sparkles in the sunlight
He is taller than Bella.

Other important facts:
He loves music, he plays the piano. (In the book he gives Bella a cd for her birthday, with lullaby songs. He wrote himself. In the film this doesn’t happen, i think it’s a shame, because it’s a very special moment in the book)
He can read people’s mind, it’s a vampire thing.
He’s not able to sleep, vampires don’t sleep.
He thinks of himself as a monster.
He believes that when a human is turned into a vampire, his soul disappears.
He doesn’t want Bella to become a vampire.
He can’t live without Bella, her scent is a drug to him.
He wants to marry her.

Jacob black (Born on January 14, 1990)
His father is Billy Black
His mother is Sarah Black (She passed away)
His older twin sisters are Rachel and Rebecca Black.

In the beginning of the book/film he has long black hair, in the end of the book/film he cuts it off and then he has short black hair.
He almost always wears shorts, because when he transforms into a werewolf, his clothes get ripped apart.
Jacob’s fur as a werewolf is al little bit brown/orange.
‘You’re kinda beautiful’ says Bella to Jacob in the film and the book.

Other important facts:
He loves fixing up cars and motorcycles.
He can morph into a wolf freely.
When he is in wolf form, he has telepathy contact with his pack
He is Bella’s best friend, but hates her boyfriend Edward.
‘I know how you're unhappy a lot. And, maybe it doesn't help anything, but I wanted you to know that I'm always here. I won't ever let you down. I promise that you can always count on me." He says this to Bella in the book and the film. I think it’s very sweet, because after all the trouble that happened with Bella when Edward left, he is the only thing why Bella gets out of bed every morning.
He, and the other werewolf’s, kills vampires, but they only kill when a vampire bites a human.
A major thing that they have in common, is that they are both not human. But on the other hand, the biggest difference between them is that one of them is a vampire, and the other one is a werewolf. They are enemies, decided by mother nature. What also is similar between these boys, is that they both love Bella swan.

I summed up some other differences:
- Edward is always cold, but Jacob is always warm, sometimes he gets so hot, that he reaches a temperature that would make humans die.

- Edward is born in 1901, Jacob is born in 1990. In the book Edward is 105, and Jacob is 16. I think that is major difference, because Edward is already very old, but because he’s a vampire, his appearance stays the same. Technically, Edward is 89 years older than Jacob.

- Edward is immortal, Jacob dies when he gets older.

- Edward is skinny and has a pale skin, Jacob is muscled and is tanned.

- Edward drinks blood, but only animal blood. Jacob doesn’t drink blood, he eats normal food.

- Edward smells very good, but Jacob has most of the time a dog smell hanging around him.

And some similarities:
- They are both very fast and very strong
- They heal very fast
- They both are romantic
- They would do anything to make Bella happy.
- They would do anything to save Bella.
- They both have a secret that they can’t share with the world outside.
- They both have left Bella, and they both promised that they wouldn’t leave her. Edward leaves her in the beginning of the story, he thinks that she is saver when he’s not around. Jacob leaves her because he’s transforming in a werewolf, and is not allowed to see her anymore. He also doesn’t answer any of Bella’s calls.
- They can both read minds (Jacob's telepathic connection with his pack and Edward reads everyone else's mind)
- They both don’t want that Bella becomes a vampire.

3, The final chapter
In the last scene, Edward and Bella run into Jacob, In the film, Edward and Bella are on the road, driving, than Jacob is standing next to the road and Edward says: ‘He wants to talk to me’ They stop the car and walk into the woods to talk.

In the book, Bella is grounded and Edward is taking her home from school, Jacob is standing near to her house, they get out of the car and walk to Jacob to talk.

In the film, they talk, and Edward thanks Jacob for taking care of Bella when he didn’t. Jacob is mad at Bella and Edward, and they tell him about the plans that Bella gets turned after her graduation. He gets mad, and he turns into a wolf, he wants to fight Edward, but Bella screams that they have to stop and she says: ‘You can’t hurt each other without hurting me’

Than Jacob leaves.

What also is a major difference, is that they after talked in the woods, and Jacob left. Edward proposes to Bella. He has a few conditions for turning her into a vampire, he wants to wait till she is done with school and he first want to marry Bella. This is the end of the film, you don’t get to see Bella her answer. He proposes, and then the films ends.

But in the book, She is grounded, and Charlie sees her car standing on the driveway. But Bella isn’t inside the house yet. So he screams: ‘Bella! Come back inside now! I know you are there, I see your car!’ Then she has to end the conversation with Edward and Jacob. Bella goes inside the house, and Jacob goes home. In the book, he proposes earlier, when they are in her bedroom he asks her to marry him. First she thinks he’s joking, but then she realises that he is serious. Bella tells him that she wants to be changed by him, and not by Carlisle or Alice. She also says that she is too young to marry. They have a long conversation about the subject. It’s a shame that in the film the whole conversation is left out.

I don’t really know with scene I prefer, I think the scene in the film is very beautiful, cause they are in the woods, they talk about her getting changed, and then he asks her to marry.

The last chapter of the book doesn’t conclude the proposing, so I can’t really compare the last scenes. I think I should compare the whole last part of the book and the film. If I would do that, I would prefer the book. Because when they are in her bedroom, it’s a romantic and they have a long conversation about the proposal. And the story of the book ends just right, you know how Bella’s thinks about getting married, in the film it’s a cliff-hanger. You don’t know what Bella is going to say, to know that, you should watch the next movie.

Everything compared, I choose the scene from the book. Because the whole story is finished properly.

4, Time and chronology
The book and the film start at Bella’s birthday, so that is similar. They also end similar.

The time that’s is told in the book is also similar to the time in the film.

What caught my attention, was that a few things happened in the book and the film. But not on the same time. For example, Bella had to watch a film about Romeo and Juliet. In the film, they watch this film in class. And in the book, Edward goes home with Bella, and they watch it at her home. As an assignment for school.

Another example is the time between Bella her birthday and Edward leaving, in the film, Edward leaves the day after her birthday, in the book, there are three days between her birthday en Edward leaving.

Also, what I already told in another assignment, is the story about the proposal. In the book it’s very different as in the film. In the book the proposal is earlier, in the film it’s the last thing that happens.

Another thing I would like to mention is that when Edward leaves, a few months pass, and Bella is depressed. In the book, you have a few pages, with only months standing on the pages. You have total blank pages, with in the middle a month. The months are: October, November, December and January. In the film you’ll see Bella sitting on a chair, in front of a big window, just sitting there, looking at the world around here. She looks very sad, she is just sitting there. In the film, you’ll see in the middle of the TV-screen the months. They follow each other up. But the camera is circling around Bella. And every month, what she sees outside through the window changes, first she see the world outside is green, then she sees trees without their leaves, because it’s autumn. Then she’ll see snow. It’s a very touching scene, because you hear a very sad song on the background. And you hear her voice. She says: ‘Alice, you’ve disappeared, like everybody else. Who else can I talk to? I’m lost. When you left, and he left, you took everything with you. But the absences of him is everywhere I look. It’s like there’s a huge hole being punched through my chest. But in a way I’m glad. The pain is the only remind of that he was real. That you all where.’ I had to quote this sentence, because it’s shows how hard it’s for Bella. You see her sitting in the chair, watching the months pass by. And all she can think about is him.

What also caught my attention is that in the book, everything is so important, every little thing that happens is important. The book is very long, 500 pages. And they have to put all of that in a 130 minutes long film. So many things that are important in the book, don’t get the honour to appear in the film. When you watch the film, you’ll get the feeling, everything happens very fast after each other. That’s just a short period of time. But when you read the book, it’s totally different, you’ll notice that it’s a very long period of time. You’ll get the feeling that’s it’s a very long story. It’s just so different.

I should also tell something about the time that the story takes place. In the film, Edward says: ‘You’re aging? I’m already 109.’ And then Bella says: ‘Maybe I shouldn’t be dating such an old man, it’s gross’ I did some math. Edward is born in 1901. So if he is 109, than the story takes place in (1901+109) 2009 or 2010. The book tells a whole other story, in the book the story takes place so around 2006 I think. But I think that’s just because the book is written in 2006,

Copyright, Eva Luna.


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