Tiger eyes door Judy Blume

Beoordeling 7.3
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Tiger eyes
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 618 woorden
  • 22 mei 2005
  • 37 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.3
37 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Tiger eyes
Tiger eyes door Judy Blume
Something about the author Judy Blume spent her childhood in Elizabeth, New Jersey, making up stories inside her head. She has spent her adult years in many places, doing the same thing, only now she writes her stories down on paper. Adults as well as children will recognize such Blume titles as: Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret; Superfudge; Blubber; Just As Long As We're Together; and Forever. She has also written the novels Wifey, Smart Women, and her latest, Summer Sisters. More than 75 million copies of her books have been sold, and her work has been translated into twenty-something languages. She receives thousands of letters a month from readers of all ages who share their feelings and concerns with her What’s the book about? Davey and her family live in Atlantic City where they own a store. On a night there is a robbery and Davey’s father get shot. He died in the ambulance. This is very difficult for Davey and her family to accept. Then Davey’s mother decided to go to New Mexico, there live an uncle and aunt of Davey. In the beginning she doesn’t like it at all, and on one day she goes to the mountains. And she climes down, while she is sitting there she realise that she is missing her father very much and she began to shout to him. There response a boy, his name is Wolf, and he helps her go up again. The boy is very nice and they become friends. Then her mother decided to stay here longer that first planned, and she let Davey go to school. She meets there a girl named Jane. Together with Jane they are going to do volunteers work in the hospital. There she had to help a very nice man. He is going to die at cancer. With Wolf things are also going better, she discovered that Wolfs dad is going to die. Her mum is dating again and Davey doesn’t like this man at all. But on school it is going very well, she had great grades and she plays in Oklahoma. She performs in that show and it goes very well. When she is one day in the hospital with the nice man, she sees Wolf with the man. And she discovered that the nice man was Wolf’s dad. If one day the man dies, she is very sad and cries a lot. Wolf left the town, and he wrote her some letters, and sends her a letter with a little stone, it is a tiger eye, because Wolf thinks she has tiger eyes. Davey’s mum is going to a psychiatrist, and she makes Davey also going, and talking to the psychiatrist it makes her better. She discovered that she had to go on with her live and that she still can love her dad as much as she does now. After talking to the psychiatrist her mother had decided to go back to Atlantic City and live there own life again. That was what Davey wanted. So after all it was a good trip for Davey, she accepts now the death of her father, and she loves her life now much more.
My Opinion I have chosen for this book because its verry stretched. And the most of the books from the School library are very boring. But this book isn’t boring. The most interesting part in the book was when Davey told about the death of her father. How she was standing in the garden hearing firecrackers. But that were gunshots. That was explained later in the book so that I was looking forward to read it.




Er staat dat het een nederlands verslag is maar het is tog echt in het Engels.

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