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The Witches door Roald Dahl

Beoordeling 6.6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The Witches
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 2e klas havo/vwo | 754 woorden
  • 26 mei 2015
  • 22 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.6
22 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The Witches
The Witches door Roald Dahl
Overweeg jij om Politicologie te gaan studeren? Meld je nu aan vóór 1 mei!

Misschien is de studie Politicologie wel wat voor jou! Tijdens deze bachelor ga je aan de slag met grote en kleine vraagstukken en bestudeer je politieke machtsverhoudingen. Wil jij erachter komen of deze studie bij je past? Stel al je vragen aan student Wouter. 

Meer informatie

Summary (Samenvatting) :

The main character, Luke is an eigth year old orphan who lives with his Grandmother in England. His Grandmother ( who he calls Grandmamma ) loves to tell him about witches and how dangerous they are. Three weeks before they go on vacation to Norway but Grandmamma gets sick and she must go to the coast of England for her health. Because Luke is so sad that they aren’t going on a vacation to Norway, he gets two mice from his Grandmamma and he called them William and Mary. As he was practicing with William and Mary for his White Mouse Circus he ended up in the middle of the Witch Meeting of England with the Grand High Witch herself! He couldn’t escape, gets caught and the Grand High Witch gives him some Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse-Maker, what turns him in to a mouse. He escapes together with Bruno Jenkins, a fat lazy spoiled boy who also is turned into a mouse and they run to Grandmamma. She is not shocked because they are standing two talking mice before her, but she is rather sad because she new this day would happen. Together they made a plan to steal the Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse-Maker and how to pour the Formula Mouse-Maker in the soup of the witches. Because Luke is a mouse he is very small an he can get in to the kitchen, pours the Formula Mouse-Maker in the soup and get out save and well. Al the witches eat their soup and they turned in to mice five minutes later. They gave Bruno Jenkins back to his parents and told them their fat, lazy son is turned into a mouse. Luke and his Grandmamma moved back to Norway again and promise each other to destroy all the witches in the whole world and then die happely ever after.

Passports :

Name : Luke

Nationality : Norwegian

Description : He is a little eight year old boy with blond hair.

Gender : Male / man

Character : He is a quiet little boy who loves mice and hates witches.

Friends :  -

Proffesion : -

Family members: His parents died so he only has his grandmother.

Changes : And the beginning of the book he was a blond eight year old boy and now he is a cute little brown mouse.

Pets : His white mice William and Mary.





Name : Grandmamma

Nationality : Norwegian

Description : She is big and fat but she looks very cozy and warm.

Gender : Female / woman

Character : She is a very friendly old lady who smokes like chimney and is very good in telling stories.

Family members : Her grandson Luke

Proffesion : Retired witchophile

Friends : -

Changes :  -


Leuke stukjes en citaten uit het boek :

This smelly brrat, this filthy scum
This horrid little louse
Vil very very soon become
A lovely little mouse!
Down vith children! Do them in!
Boil their bones and fry their skin!
Bish them, sqvish them, bash them, mash them!
Brreak them, shake them, slash them, smash them!
Offer chocs vith magis powder!
Say “Eat up!” then say it louder.
Crrram them full f sticky eats,
Send them home still gussling sveets.
And in the morning little fools
Go marching off toseparate schools.
A girl feels sick and goes all pale.
She yells, “Help! I think I’m grrrowing fur!”
Another shouts, ‘Vee look like frrreaks!
There’s viskers growing on our cheeks!”
A boy who vos extremely tall
Cries out, ‘Vot’s wrong? I”m grrowing small!”
Four tiny legs begin to sprrrout
From everybody rrround about.
And all at vunce, all in a trrrice,
There are no children! Only MICE!
In every school is mice galore
All rrrunnig rrrround the school-rrroom floor!


Paspoort van het boek :

The Witches

Aantal pagina’s : 208

Auteur : Roald Dahl

Moeilijkheidsgraad : -

Uitgever : Jonathan Cape

Korte samenvatting : De ik-persoon, Luke is een wees en woont bij zijn oma, die een heksenexpert blijkt te zijn. Luke komt op een gegeven moment zelf in aanraking met de heksen en doet zijn best om het te overleven….

Leuk ? (Hoeveel sterren van 1 tot 10) :

Het was een heel mooi boek en ik vond het heel makkelijk te lezen want ik had het al binnen een week uit dus ik geef 9 sterren.

Illustrator : Quentin Blake

Uitgegeven in : 1983

Genre : Jeugdboek

Verfilmd als : The Witches (1990)

Moeilijkheidsgraad: Eind 7e/ begin 8e/ eind 8e/begin 9e/eind 9e /10e of hoger





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