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The snapper door Roddy Doyle

Beoordeling 3.5
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The snapper
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 490 woorden
  • 19 juni 2001
  • 21 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 3.5
21 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The snapper
The snapper door Roddy Doyle
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Studenten Joes, Tess en Annemoon zijn terug en bespreken alles wat jij wilt weten over het studentenleven. Ze hebben het onder andere over lentekriebels, studeren, backpacken, porno kijken, datediners, overthinken, break-ups en nog veel meer. Vanaf nu te luisteren via Spotify en andere podcast-apps! 

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1. Title: The author chose this title because Sharon Rabbitte is expecting a baby. She doesn’t wants to tell anybody from who that baby is. 2. Settings: The story takes place in England Barrytown North-Dublin in a suburb. There’s a lot of unemployment and drinking, but there is also a lot of togetherness in the families. 3. Plot Sharon Rabbite is expecting a baby but she’s very Jung(20). She tells her parents about it but she doesn’t wants to tell them from who the baby is. The first couple of months she doesn’t tells anybody accept her parents but after a wile her belly is getting bigger. Now she has to tell her friends about it. She is very nervous but they react nice. Here friends also wants no know who the Vader is. They all are guessing but she isn’t going to tell them. Sharon’s Vader (Jimmy Sr.) ones came back from the pub and he heared something from his friends. His friends told him that Mr Burgess sad that Sharon was a little ride. Sharon was shocked when she heared it. The next day she goes to Mr Burgess and asked him why he sad that. Nobody knows that Mr Burgess is the Vader only she and Mr Burgess. She says to Mr Burgess that if he ever tell something like this again she will tell his wife about it. But a lot of people are saying things about her behind her back. That she is pregnant of Mr Burgess. Her Vader doesn’t believe her any more. That’s why she puts up a story about a Spanish sailor. Now her Vader is ignoring her Sharon doesn’t know what to do. Sharon and Mr Burgess had a quarrel but now everything is ok. He don’t mind any more if the Vader is Mr Burgess or a Spanish sailor he loves Sharon and the baby. That will always stay that way what ever happens. 4. Theme Roddy Doyle delicate this book to Belinda. He also wrote this story because there is still a lot of unwanted pregnancy in England.
5. Main Persons Sharon: A Jung girl who is 20 years old. She became pregnant of Mr Burgess and she trying to hide that to every body
Jimmy Sr.: The Vader of Sharon. He loves is family but he has to get used to the idea that Sharon is Pregnant and she doesn’t wants to tell him who the Vader is. Mr Burgess: The Vader of the baby. He ones ran away from home so he could think about the crime he committed. 6. Point of view A person who is standing above all the people. 7. Personal opinion I did like the story and it’s very easy to read. It’s written in Irish accent so sometimes it’s a bit difficult to understand. I also like it because the girl is about my age.


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