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The fault in our stars door John Green

Beoordeling 6.7
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The fault in our stars
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas havo | 886 woorden
  • 15 juni 2016
  • 94 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.7
94 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The fault in our stars

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernietigt, dat ieder godsblij maakt dat hij lééft. 

Hazel werd drie jaar geleden opgegeven, maar een nieuw medicijn rekt haar leven voor nog onbekende tijd. Gen…

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernieti…

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernietigt, dat ieder godsblij maakt dat hij lééft. 

Hazel werd drie jaar geleden opgegeven, maar een nieuw medicijn rekt haar leven voor nog onbekende tijd. Genoeg om een studie op te pakken en vooral niet als zieke behandeld te worden. Augustus, Gus, heeft kanker overleefd - ten koste van een been. Vanaf het moment dat Hazel en Gus elkaar ontmoeten, lijkt er geen ontsnappen aan de zinderende wederzijdse aantrekkingskracht. Maar Hazel wil niet iemands tijdbom zijn.

Hazel laat Gus kennismaken met haar lievelingsboek: An Imperial Affliction van Peter Van Houten, een roman over een ziek meisje, die midden in een zin eindigt. Samen besluiten ze op zoek te gaan naar Peter Van Houten om hem te vragen hoe het de personages vergaat nadat het boek is opgehouden. De tocht leidt hen naar Amsterdam, waar de schrijver als een kluizenaar leeft. Hij is in niets wat ze zich van hem hebben voorgesteld. En hun leven neemt een wending die ze zich niet hadden kunnen indenken.

'Ik bezing de tijd die versluiert en onthult, de tijd die je met de doden herenigt, de tijd die als water alles vernietigt wat hij voedt.'
Peter Van Houten, An Imperial Affliction

The fault in our stars door John Green

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Meer informatie

The Fault in our Stars

Hazel Grace Lancaster is a seventeen year old girl from the United States. She has cancer since she was a little child. Hazel’s mom and her doctors think that Hazel is depressed. So she have to go to a support group. That is where Hazel and Augustus Waters met. Augustus is a cancer survivor with only one leg. Augustus start talking to Hazel after support group. And after that, she decide to go to Augustus’s home. Hazel said to Augustus that he has to read ‘An Imperial Affliction’. So he did. He was wondering why the book has no ending. So he wrote an e-mail to the author of ‘An Imperial Affliction’ Peter van Houten. A few days later, he receive an e-mail back from Peter van Houten. Augustus told Hazel and she wanted to ask a few questions to Peter. But in the e-mail that she receive from Peter was wrote that he only want to answer the questions face to face. Hazel was very disappointed and called Augustus. When she was finished with her story, he told her that he may be spent his Wish. Meanwhile Augustus was arrange a trip to Peter van Houten, Hazel was in the ICU. She was there because her lungs were full with water. The whole trip to Amsterdam may be cancelled because Hazel was too sick. Hazel’s parents told her that the trip was cancelled but in fact the trip was not cancelled. A few days before the flight was, Hazel received an e-mail from Lidewij Vliegenhart ( Peter van Houten’s assistant ). In that e-mail was written that Hazel, Augustus and Hazel’s mom where coming to Amsterdam. The flight was at May the third. Augustus was a little scared because he never flew in an airplane till now. In Amsterdam were Augustus and Hazel invited for a dinner in Oranjee. It was very romantic. The day after that, they went to Peter van Houten’s home. When they arrived there, it was not what they expected. Peter van Houten was a fat man and an alcoholic. He did not want to answer Hazel’s questions so they left, with Lidewij. Lidewij invited them to the Anne Frank House. The day after the Anne Frank house, Augustus told Hazel that he had cancer again, in his whole body. In the flight back to the United States, Augustus had pain in his chest. A few days after the trip, Augustus was in ICU. He was very ill and the doctors put him on new medicines. Augustus told Hazel that he would write the answers from her questions. A few weeks later Augustus had his last good day. He decide to do a prefuneral. Hazel and Isaac ( a boy from support group, Augustus’ best friend ) were invited. Eight days after his prefuneral, Augustus died. Peter van Houten was at Augustus ‘real’ funeral but Hazel did not want to talk to him. Hazel was really sad but she did go to Isaac. Isaac told her that Augustus wrote something for her. So Hazel starts searching for it everywhere but she could not find it. But at some day, she knew where it was. She wrote an e-mail to Lidewij Vliegenhart and received her answer. Lidewij had searched at Peter’s house and find a letter from Augustus. It was wrote for Hazel.



Explanation of the title:

Hazel and Augustus have both a disease and one of them would die very soon. They think that that is unfair.



Most of the story happened in the United States, Indianapolis. But in the middle of the story, it happened in the Netherlands, Amsterdam. There is no specific time in this story but it is currently. The people in this story are not rich but also not poor.


Main characters and their relationships:

Hazel Grace Lancaster is a seventeen year old girl. She has cancer for a long time. Because she cannot breathe by herself, she carries an oxygen tank everywhere with her. She is really smart. People told her that she is pretty but she is a little insecure about herself.

Augustus Waters is a seventeen year old boy. He has survive cancer but in the middle of the book, he find out that he has cancer again. He has only one leg. He has blond hair and blue eyes. When he was little, he was very good in basketball. He fear oblivion. He is very confident.

Isaac had cancer in his eye, so the doctors removed his eye. In the middle of the book, the doctors removed his other eye. So he is blind. He had a relationship with Monica but they broke up.

Augustus and Hazel were in love with each other. Hazel and Isaac were good friends and Augustus and Isaac were best friends. They met each other at support group. 


Genre of the book:

Romantic novel.


My own opinion:

I really love the book. It is a very sad story but it is also very romantic. You can feel the emotions of the main characters and you can imagine how it feels to be him/her.




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