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The devil wears prada door Lauren Weisberger

Beoordeling 5.3
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The devil wears prada
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 631 woorden
  • 23 augustus 2007
  • 58 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.3
58 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The devil wears prada

Andrea Sachs, vers uit de collegebanken, is net aangenomen als de nieuwe assistent van de alom gevreesde en bewonderde hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift Runway, Miranda Priestley.
Runway is hét blad op modegebied, de lieveling van alle ontwerpers. Op de redac…

Andrea Sachs, vers uit de collegebanken, is net aangenomen als de nieuwe assistent van de alom gevreesde en bewonderde hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift Runway, Miranda Priestley.…

Andrea Sachs, vers uit de collegebanken, is net aangenomen als de nieuwe assistent van de alom gevreesde en bewonderde hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift Runway, Miranda Priestley.
Runway is hét blad op modegebied, de lieveling van alle ontwerpers. Op de redactie komen de bekende namen van alle kanten op je af: Prada! Armani! Manolo's! Versace! Er lopen alleen maar heel magere, zeer stijlvolle vrouwen rond, en mooie mannen in strakke zwarte coltruien en strakke leren broeken. En met een haast kinderlijk gemak weet Miranda al deze succesvolle, hippe mensen te reduceren tot trillende kleine kinderen.
Andrea vertelt op een frisse, ontwapenende manier over het leven van hen die aan de top staan, en over hoe iemand die aan de top staat het leven van ondergeschikten tot een hel kan maken en alle gevoel voor realiteit verliest.
Zo laat Miranda de nieuwste Harry Potter invliegen voor haar schatjes van kinderen, laat ze Andrea haar gigantische telefoonrekening voorschieten, en moet haar ontbijt precies op de seconde nauwkeurig voor haar staan. Elke dag wordt Andrea zwaar op de proef gesteld, en vaak ook 's nachts, als de commando's van Miranda door de telefoon klinken.
Terwijl haar werkdagen steeds langer worden en de eisen steeds extremer, realiseert Andrea zich dat het baantje waar duizenden vrouwen een moord voor zouden doen haar het leven flink onmogelijk maakt.

The devil wears prada door Lauren Weisberger

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Book Report
The Devil Wears Prada
Author: Lauren Weisberger
Year of birth: 1977
(Year of death: -

Biographical data
Lauren Weisberger was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA. In 1995 she graduated from Allentown’s Parkland High School and she also graduated from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York in 1999. After college she traveled to alot of countries and after she returned home she was hired as Anna Wintour’s assistant, who is the editor-in-chief at Vogue.
Her first book, The Devil Wears Prada, was published in 2003 and was on the New York Times Best Seller List for six months.


The Devil Wears Prada
Year of first publication: 2003
Explanation of the title: The title explains that the boss of the main character is a devil and she runs the fashion magazine Runway. That’s the reason why the devil wears Prada.

The book is a novel and most of the time is a novel like this called chicklit.
It’s also a little bit autobiographic.

Short description of the main character(s)
Andrea Sachs: is the main character and she just graduated from Brown. She tells the story and she the second assistant of Miranda Priestly. The character is based on Lauren Weisberger herself. Most of the time she’s called Andy.

Miranda Priestly: is the boss of Andrea and the editor-in-chief of the world famous fashion magazine Runway.

Emily: she’s the first assistant of Miranda and she leaves all the dirty jobs for Andrea.

Andrea wants a job as a journalist for The New Yorker and she thinks that if she works for Miranda Priestly for one year, Miranda can get her the job she wants.
The job is tough because she has to wear high heels all the time, has to look good and has to do impossible things but isn't given enough information to do then. It also affects her health and her relationships with her friends and family. Slowly she begins to realise that she has the Runway attitude.

Miranda takes Andrea to Fashion Week in Paris so she has to cancel a trip with Alex. In Paris, Miranda asks Andrea which job she wants afterwards and she says that she will make some phone calls.
Back at the hotel Andrea has some phone calls from Alex and her parents that Lily, her best friend, is in a coma. They want her to come home but Andrea refuses. Then Miranda wants Andrea to get some new passports for her children in three hours. Finally she realises that her family and friends are more important and she tell Miranda in public: “ Fuck you.”
In the end she writes a couple of stories and Seventeen magazine buys them. You know that everything is going to be alright with Andrea.

Narrative structure: chronology, flashbacks; point of view; time span
The book is told in the first narrator by Andrea. There are just a few flashback’s, which are not important, but the book does start in the present while she has the job and goes back to the begining. The time spans about one year.

The theme of the book is to make the choices about what is really important in your life

I liked the book because it reads very easy and it’s about a job what every girl wants. Before reading the book and after reading the book, you really have to consider if you still want to do that. It gives you the other side of a job like this.
I haven’t seen the movie but I heard that Andrea doesn’t say to Miranda: “Fuck you”. I think a pity that she doesn’t say that because that is the part where you’re waiting for during the whole book.
Although this book is kind of predictable I liked the book.


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