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The cleverest person in the world door Norman Whitney

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Boekcover The cleverest person in the world
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vmbo | 1030 woorden
  • 14 maart 2003
  • 64 keer beoordeeld
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Boekcover The cleverest person in the world
The cleverest person in the world door Norman Whitney
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Title: The cleverest person in the world
Author: Norman Whitney
Level: elementary
The book was exciting and it was easy to read. Where and when did it all happen? The story play in England, the time when the story play is in 2000 Explain the title: The book is going over a boy (Mahmoud). Mahmoud is very clever. He’s the cleverest person in the world Explain the main characters. Mahmoud: His show name is Shafeek and he’s very clever. Fatiha: She’s Mahmoud sister and she’s busy. Miss Hassan: she’s his teacher for the first six years. Mr Zaki: he’s Mahmoud’s official guardian. Ali: He‘s Mahmoud’s best friend. Aisha is Ali’s little sister. Aisha: She’s Mahmoud’s husband en Ali’s her brother. Pete Stone: He’s Mahmoud’s television producer. summary His sister, Fatiha, tells about it. The family has only daughters. The father of Fatiha always said: “Daughters, daughters, daughters!”. He wanted a son and mother too. They wanted a baby boy. Fatiha said: “I can remember that day, that the baby was born.”. The family was very happy. The relations came to the family. They were very happy too. Mahmoud was a very clever person. He learned very quickly. He was always learning. When he was five years old, he helped his father a little bit by making tables and chairs. His father said: “I’ve never forgotten him”. Miss Hassan tells about this part of the story. One day Fatiha came with her little brother to school. She asked at the teacher if Mahmoud could come at school. The teacher said: “He is too young.”. The teacher wanted to see the parents of Mahmoud. She couldn’t understand that a child that is 6 years old liked to come at school. The parents of Mahmoud came at school. They said to the teacher that it was better that Mahmoud went to school. His parents couldn’t teach him, for his mother was ill and his father had to make tables and chairs. The teacher said that it was good that Mahmoud came at school. The parents had told everything, but they hadn’t told that he was very clever. The next day came Mahmoud to school. He was so very clever, that he found everything easy. The teacher said that he first had to learn reading and writing. Mahmoud wanted to read more difficult books. One day the inspector came at school. Mahmoud liked to make pictures. The inspector spoke with the teacher. She asked why he liked to make pictures. The inspector asked Mahmoud if those pictures were from him. Mahmoud said: “Miss Hassan thinks that I am not very clever. She thinks that I cannot read and write, but she’s wrong. I can read and write.”. The inspector said: “Mahmoud is too clever for this school. You have not understood him. He must leave this school”. Mr. Zaki, Mahmoud’s private teacher, tells about this part of the story. The Minister wanted him to go to the village of Mahmoud. He talked to Mahmoud about another school. He asked him a lot of difficult questions about science and a lot of other things and he said too, that he was very clever. Mahmoud couldn’t go to a university, but he was too young. Mr. Zaki went to the Minister. The Minister said that Mr. Zaki was from this moment his official guardian. In those years he studied all the time. Mahmoud was nineteen. Mahmoud wanted to be a scientist. Ali tells about this part of the story. Day after day Mahmoud came in a restaurant in the city. He never spoke to anybody. One day he spoke with a person who was there often too. His name was Ali. They spoke about studies. Ali was studying science. Mahmoud had done that study already. Mahmoud told that he was very clever. Mahmoud said, that he was nineteen. He was so clever, that he had finished the study within the normal time. Mahmoud became Ali’s friend. Ali had a sister and Mahmoud helped her with her study. One day Mahmoud asked Ali what he would do after his study. Mahmoud had a better idea: travelling around the world. He wanted to take part in competitions for clever people all over the world. He knew that he could win these competitions. Mahmoud said: “I can become the cleverest person in the world.”. Ali said: “It’s a good idea. I will go with you’’. Aisha, Mahmoud’s wife, tells about this part of the story. Mahmoud took part in a competition for clever people. He won and got a lot of money. He won a lot of competitions. He was the cleverest person in France. He was very happy. After France they visited England. He won there all the competitions too. Aisha wanted to go home. Mahmoud didn’t want to go home. Now they went to South America. Mahmoud was very successful there. People called him ‘the cleverest man in South America’. Mahmoud decided to do so, but Aisha left him and went home. Pete Stone, his television producer, tells about this part of the story. After Mr. Hardman, the boss of Pete Stone, had asked Mahmoud to come to New York, Mahmoud talked there with Mr. Stone. Mr. Stone give Mahmoud a show name: Shafeek. When he would win he wouldn’t get any money. Thanks to Mahmoud the show became a great succes. Mahmoud reached the final round. He would be the cleverest person of the world. But the evening before the final Mahmoud and Don Hardman visited Pete Stone. Mahmoud asked for the questions of the final round.Pete Stone give Mahmoud the questions. And he became the cleverest person in the world. When Mahmoud was asked to be a guest in a late night TV show he told about his life. But he didn’t tell the truth. At the end of the show he met al the people who had helped him in his life. They asked him for a lot of things, but Mahmoud didn’t give these things.




Het was een fantastisch verhaal. Alleen op het eind was het een beetje onduidelijk maar voor de rest vond ik hem wel goed



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