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The adventures of Tom Sawyer door Mark Twain

Beoordeling 6.8
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 1310 woorden
  • 20 februari 2002
  • 137 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.8
137 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The adventures of Tom Sawyer
The adventures of Tom Sawyer door Mark Twain
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1 Title, author:
“The adventures of Tom Sawyer.”
By; Mark Twain.

2 When published? 1876

3 Clearing up the title:
The book: “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” , is called this way because it is about a boy and the adventures he has.

4 Genre: this book is a novel

5 Where? When?: The story takes place in a small town called Missouri, on the banks of the Mississippi. At the end of the 19th century.

6 Characters:
The characters are:

Tom sawyer: A very naughty boy who likes to have a lot of fun, and who is always in for an adventure.
Huckleberry Finn: A boy who has no parents, and lives on his own. He likes to play with Tom.
Aunt Polly: Tom’s aunt. She takes very good care of Tom. And is sometimes a little bit strange.
Becky: A very sweet girl. She doesn’t like Tom at first, but she does in the end.

7 The Story:
A boy named Tom Sawyer, lived with his aunt, in a very small town called Missouri. Tom is a very naughty boy, who is always in for an adventure. Tom didn’t always go to school and played a lot with his friend Huckleberry Finn. The kids from town weren’t allowed to play with him, because he was a bad mannered boy. When a new girl came to school: Becky Thatcher, Tom fell in love with her, but she ignored him. Tom often went to the place she lived.
One day Tom went to the forest where he met Huckleberry Finn. He lived in the forest, all by himself. Huckleberry had warts, so they decided to do something about it. They agreed to go to the graveyard in the middle of the night to cure Huckleberry from his warts. When they arrived there, they saw three men; Injun Joe, Muff Potter and Dr. Robinson. They were robbing the grave of a man who died a few days ago. The two boys hid behind some bushes, and saw and heard everything that was told. Then the three men got into a fight and Injun Joe kills Dr. Robinson. Muff Potter was unconscious at that time, because he was knocked down. When Potter wakes up, Injun Joe tells Potter that hé killed Dr. Robinson. Potter believes Injun Joe, because he was very afraid. Injun Joe told him that the best he could do now, is to run away, and hide, and act normal when anyone asks something. Then they leave the graveyard. Tom and Huckleberry saw it all, they were witnesses. But they were too scared to tell anyone, because of Injun Joe’s revenge. The whole town went to the graveyard the next day, because Dr. Robinson was found dead there. Tom and Huckleberry went too. When they arrived there they also saw Muff Potter. The man who lived near the graveyard told them that it was Potter, who did it.
Tom did not want to go to school, because he’s scared of Injun Joe. Tom pretends that he’s ill, but it doesn’t really work. Tom tells Sidney that he is about to die. This really scares Sidney and he runs to Aunt Polly. Aunt Polly is not scared, because she knew that Tom wasn’t serious about it. Tom tried to convince her, but Aunt Polly did not believe him. Tom tells her his toe hurts so much that it would kill him. Now it was very obvious that Tom wasn’t telling the truth, and therefore he has to go to school, just like all the other kids.

The Holidays came, and Becky went on holidays with her mother. Tom was bored. He had to do some work for Aunt Polly, and he’s only allowed to play when he’s done. Tom tells his friends he likes his job more than playing. At first the children do not believe him, but Tom keeps on saying he really does. Then the children ask him if they could do it, too. Tom first said ‘no’, and the children asked him if they could give their toys and other stuff to him. He lets them do all the work.

One day Tom and Huckleberry went to the forest to dig for a treasure but they did not find one. Then they got an idea. They wanted to go to a real island: Jackson’s Island, to become pirates. They went with some boys. They liked it the first days, but when it took longer, most of them wanted to go home. Tom also missed his aunt, but he didn’t want to admit it. He went to town that night and saw his aunt Polly crying. He also hears about the service that would take place because of them. When he got back to the island again, Tom tells them to stay a few more days, until the day of their service. At that service they would walk into the church like real heroes. And so they did. Aunt Polly was very happy to see Tom again, and so were the other parents.

Once they were in a haunted house digging for a treasure when Injun Joe and another man came in. Tom and Huckleberry fled upstairs, so that they would not be seen. There they listened to what the two men were telling each other. Tom and Huckleberry found out that Injun Joe had the treasure. Suddenly, Injun Joe walked up the stairs to take a nap. Tom and Huckleberry couldn’t escape because that would cause too mush noise. So they stayed, until the coast was clear again.
From this time on Tom and Huckleberry followed Injun Joe because they want to know where the treasure was. One day they finally see Injun Joe, but they do not dear to go and look for the treasure.

One day Tom got invited to Becky’s picnic party. But after they ate something, Tom and Becky went into the Mc Douglas’s cave where they got lost. Tom and Becky realized that nobody would miss them the first days because everybody thought that they were with Widow Douglas. And at the time they would miss them, they would be dead already. After a while Becky said Tom should try to find his way back; she didn’t have enough strength anymore. Tom took a long piece of string, and tied it up somewhere near Becky. Then he started searching his way out. He was not very far away when he heard footsteps. He looked and saw Injun Joe. Tom went back to Becky and told her to come along, because Injun Joe was coming. She goes with him. When Tom and Becky got out of the cave, He closes the cave and makes sure Injun Joe was not able to open the cave again.
Tom goes to Huckleberry and tells him that he has seen Injun Joe and that he knew where the treasure was. Tom and Huckleberry went back to the cave. There they searched for the treasure. They kept on searching for the treasure and finally found it. They went back to the village.
A few days later, Huckleberry told Tom that he could keep all the money. But when Huckleberry needed some, Tom had to give it to him.

8 Theme: The theme of the book is probably adventure. Because there are a lot of adventures described in the book.

9 Why I chose this book: I chose this book because when I was young, I watched a serie that was also called Tom Sawyer. And it was a bit the same as the book.

10 My opinion: I really liked this book because of the T.V. series, but also because I thought I would like reading it. And I did. I think it’s a really nice book, but sometimes rather difficult.





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