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Stone cold door Robert Swindells

Beoordeling 6.3
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Stone cold
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 708 woorden
  • 25 oktober 2001
  • 174 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.3
174 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Stone cold

Stone Cold is a Carnegie Medal-winning thriller by Robert Swindells. It is one of The Originals from Penguin - iconic, outspoken, first. A tense thriller plot is combined with a perceptive and harrowing portrait of life on the streets as a serial killer preys on the young and vulnerable homeless. Link, aged 17, is distrustful of people until he pairs up with Deb, anot…

Stone Cold is a Carnegie Medal-winning thriller by Robert Swindells. It is one of The Originals from Penguin - iconic, outspoken, first. A tense thriller plot is combined with a pe…

Stone Cold is a Carnegie Medal-winning thriller by Robert Swindells. It is one of The Originals from Penguin - iconic, outspoken, first. A tense thriller plot is combined with a perceptive and harrowing portrait of life on the streets as a serial killer preys on the young and vulnerable homeless. Link, aged 17, is distrustful of people until he pairs up with Deb, another homeless youngster. But what Deb doesn't tell him is that she's an ambitious young journalist on a self-imposed assignment to track down the killer and she's prepared to use herself as bait ...

Stone cold door Robert Swindells

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Ook dit jaar organiseert Nieuws in de Klas een schrijfwedstrijd waarbij het winnende verhaal wordt gepubliceerd in de krant. Schrijf jij het meest vlammende betoog, best onderbouwde of scherpste opinie over wat er nu speelt in de wereld, dichtbij of ver weg? Of het nu gaat over het milieu, geloof, vluchtelingen of het nieuwe kabinet, AI of gender-issues, alle meningen zijn welkom. 

Doe mee!
Character: The most important person of this book is Link. Link isn’t his real name, but his nickname. Link is a teenager who lives on the streets of London, he’s homeless. In the beginning of the story,he is a guy without any experience, he’s a little bit scared of other people. But when he meets Ginger, he changes a lot. Ginger has lived on the street for a very long time. Ginger is older than his buddy Link. He’s a social guy and helps Link, because Link is a young guy without any experience. When ginger suddenly disappeard, Link meets a girl. Her name is Gail and she looks fantastic. She ran off from home too, just like Link and she’s very afraid, because she doesn’t have any experience of living on the streets. She asks Link to stay with her and Link says yes, because he falls in love with her! Later in this story, you can see that Gail isn’t really a homeless girl. In fact she is a journalist, who wants to write an article about boys and girls who are living on the street. She doesn’t know how it feels to be a doss, so that’s why she acts like a homeless girl for a few weeks. Last but not least is Shelter. Shelter is a very weird person. In this story you read his logbook. This man is a murder, he only murders homeless people. He’s a very dangerous murder, because he’s really smart. He looks like a very ordinairy man and that’s why everyone thinks he’s ok. But when you really met Shelter, you have big problems! Plot It was very difficult for me to choose a plot, because I liked the whole of this book very much. Finally, I’ve chosen the next action: Link is just arrived in London. He doesn’t know where to go. He feels horrible and he’s hungry, but he doesn’t have any money to buy food. So, he goes to look for a place to sleep. He fins a place in a doorway and stays there in the evening. The night is cold and Link is very afraid that somebody kick him out of the doorway. Then, in the middle of the night, he goes to the station, he wants to go to the toilet. When he comes back to the doorway, an other homeless man is there. The man says that Link has to leave the doorway. And Link listens to the man, now he has no longer a place to sleep. He’s alone, standing in the cold night and without a home. He’s very depressed and doesn’t know what to do. He is going to look for a other place, but he can’t find a place for the night. Then, by a doorway, he sees a man with red hair. Link is afraid that this man will alsof kick him away, like that other man. But this man smiles and says that Link can sleep with him in the doorway. This is the beginning of a good friendship with Ginger and after this time, Link is no longer alone on the street.
Own opinion I like this book, becauce it is a little bit horror. I read it very fast, because it was very thrilling and exciting. I feel sorry for Link. He has a very hard life, but he’s lucky that he has friends like Gail and Ginger. I think that I run off from home as wel when I had a stepfather like Vince. A man who locks you out of your own house is really stupid! I think Shelter is a really crazy dangerous man. Because he murders people and he thinks that it’s normal to do that. To write an article about homeless people is a really good idea, because other people may do something for homeless people. Therefore thos homeless people may have a better life! Alll the people who have a house and money, have to do more nice things for homeless people. We are all people and nobody is more worth than other people!




Mijn god wat een laag engels niveau...

12 jaar geleden



dat is toch juist chill. Is het een beetje makkelijk te volgen enzo.

8 jaar geleden

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