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Sense and sensibility door Jane Austen

Beoordeling 7.9
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Sense and sensibility
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 681 woorden
  • 29 oktober 2006
  • 7 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.9
7 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Sense and sensibility

Wie trouwt met wie? Evenals in andere grote romans van Jane Austen is dit bij Verstand en gevoel (Sense and Sensibility) de vraag waar alles om draait. Hoofdpersonen zijn de verstandige Elinor Dashwood en de gevoelige Marianne Dashwood. Marianne laat zich het hoofd op hol brengen door de charmante Willoughby, terwijl Elinor dit met lede ogen aanziet. Kan haar zusje ni…

Wie trouwt met wie? Evenals in andere grote romans van Jane Austen is dit bij Verstand en gevoel (Sense and Sensibility) de vraag waar alles om draait. Hoofdpersonen zijn de versta…

Wie trouwt met wie? Evenals in andere grote romans van Jane Austen is dit bij Verstand en gevoel (Sense and Sensibility) de vraag waar alles om draait. Hoofdpersonen zijn de verstandige Elinor Dashwood en de gevoelige Marianne Dashwood. Marianne laat zich het hoofd op hol brengen door de charmante Willoughby, terwijl Elinor dit met lede ogen aanziet. Kan haar zusje niet eens wat verstandiger zijn? En zullen ze ondanks alle tegenslagen beide de ware liefde vinden? Sense and Sensibility was de eerste roman van Jane Austen. In 1995 werd dit tijdeloze werk uit 1811 verfilmd met onder meer Hugh Grant en Kate Winslet in de hoofdrollen.

Sense and sensibility door Jane Austen

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Title: Sense and Sensibility
Author: Jane Austen
Year of publication: The book was first published in 1811

I have chosen this book becous I knew the tv-serie. I wanted to know if the serie makers followed the original story from the book, and the only way to find that out is to read the book myself. Ithe serie a costumed drama whitch I love, I already knew the story by watching the serie. When I told my father that I wanted to read the book he said that he has the book himself so I did not have to go to the libery. I expected that the story in the book would be some more detailed than the serie, becous when you write a book, you do not mind about sendtime and so on.

When Mr. Dashwood died, he left all his money to his first wife's son John Dashwood. His second wife and her daughters have to move out. Soon they get a opportunity to move to Barton Park that is being owned by the Middletons. Elinor is sad, they have to leave because she has fallen in love with Edward Ferrars. He is the brother-in-law of their half-brother John. They move and Marianne bumps into the handsome John Willoughby. Marianne falls hopelessly in love with him but he was disinherited of his love for her. He marries a rich woman. At the same time Elinor and Marianne meet Colonel Brandon who falls in love with Marianne. Marianne hasn't got any interest in him because she is in love with John Willoughby. Marianne almost dies because she has got an enormous fever. When Elinor prepares herself for the worst Marianne wakes up and is better. She is still very weak but she isn't going to die anymore. She thanks Colonel Brandon and in the time that follows she begins to fall in love with him. While this is going on they have also met Lucy Steel. Lucy is secretly engaged with Edward Ferrars. Elinor is very disappointed because she can't tell anybody. She loves Edward but he can't marry her. Lucy changes her mind and marries Robbert (edward’ brother). The Dashwood's think that Edward is married to Lucy but he hasn't and asked if Elinor will marry him. She agrees and they marry the same day that Colonel Brandon and Marianne marry to each other.

Elinor Dashwood: she is the main character of the book. Elinor is nineteen years old. She was full of good sense. She always controls and hide her feelings and she is very calm. She has got two sisters , Marianne and Margaret.

Marianne Dashwood: she is Elinor's sister. Marianne loves reading and music. She is very different than her sister Elinor. She says what's on her mind and she is very open about her feelings. Also she is very impulsive.

Edward Ferrars: he's very shy and keeps his promises. When he was younger he got engaged with Lucy Steel but he falls in love with Elinor. At the end he marries her after all.

John Willoughby: he is the one that is a heartbreaker. Marianne falls in love with him but because he has got inherited he had no money left. Marianne had practically no money so he broke her heart and married an other woman who had 50.000 pounds.

Colonel Brandon: he is a good friend of Sir John. Sir John is the cousin of Mrs. Dashwood. Colonel Brandon is always serious and calm. He's in love with Marianne but she is in love with Willoughby. When Willoughby breaks her hart she becomes very ill and Colonel Brandon found her and took her home. She thanks him when she is better and she slightly learns to love him. At the end they marry.

I really liked the book! It was kind of a clossy magazine, the gossips
The drama, the pain… you are really gonna live with the characters, you tink that thatone is an loser, you hope for her that he loves her just as mutch as she loves him ans so on and so on.


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