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Run Swift, run free door Tom McCaughren

Beoordeling 6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Run Swift, run free
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 795 woorden
  • 11 augustus 2004
  • 5 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6
5 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Run Swift, run free
Run Swift, run free door Tom McCaughren
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2. The reason why I chose this book I chose this book just after I read the backside of it. There were many books in the library, but most of them weren’t really interesting. The most of the books are about humans, Run Swift, run free is about animals, foxes. So I chose this book about foxes for a change. 3. The plot of the story The story starts with a mother fox with her young sons and daughters. During the education of her babies, the mother fox dies after a hunter shot her. From that moment, the young foxes are responsible of their own. The young fox cub should take care of themselves, which is very difficult for such young animals. The young fox cubs have to search food to survive and they learn to know the dangers of the wild. Later in the story, even the wood is on fire. This is a big test for the foxes on their way of growing up. But finally they conquer their fears and problems. From now on the foxes are grown up enough to start their own life, to run free. 4. What is the climax of the story? - The mother of the young foxes got killed, which resulted in no protection for the young animals. - The way the young foxes help each other to grow up. As a group they fought against dangerous animals, and they had to collect the necessary food.
5. The meaning of the title. Run Swift, run free refers to the end of the story. In the end the foxes have grown up enough to take care of themselves. They should ‘run free’ to start their own life in freedom. 6. The main characters. - Vickey is the oldest fox. He is a strong self-assured animal who has the responsibility to lead the group after the death of their mother. - Scab is the naughty fox of the group. He always wants to go his own way and doesn’t listen to the decisions of the other foxes. Scab is the one who causes the most problems. - Hop along is the rabbit who’s lost his parents. He hasn’t any other brothers or sisters, so he made friendship with the foxes. Except with Scab, cause Scab doesn’t like rabbits. 7. The theme of the novel. Many people don’t know what to do when they’re in trouble. When you’ve got problems, you should try to solve them as good as possible and try to go on with you life. The foxes had problems after their mother died, there was no one left to take care of the young animals. They all helped each other and they made it, they got grown up by themselves. 8. B. The most important things in the book were the animals, the fantasy and the environment. I had never read a book with animals as main theme before, so this was quite a strange experience. The foxes talked to each other the same way as humans do, so that’s fantasy. The environment also was a important thing in the story, because it was the location of the foxes for their ‘surviving test’. The foxes met hunters, fire and wild animals in the nature. G. The types of the work are: - Fantasy, because foxes can’t speak a human language to each other, and they also can’t hear what other animals are talking about. - Tragic, because Scab got killed by a hunter, just like his mother. - Adventure, because the whole story is about their way to survive and to grow up. 9. Personal experience. - The wood fire, because it happens more often these days. A lot of animals get killed when there’s a wood fire. Animals are probably not ‘smart’ enough to escape in the right way. - I remember the times the headlines of our newspaper were saying that the hunting and poaching increased. I like animals, so by reading that I felt very sorry for all the animals who suffer of the hunting.
10. My opinion. It was nice to read a book that’s about animals, but I don’t want to read it any times more. There isn’t so much tension in the book as in books about human experiences. For example; when a fox gets shot down by a human is very different from when a human gets shot down by another human. In the case of the fox, people would say:,,Pathetic fox.’’ Just that. In the case of a human people seriously start a research to find out who the murder is, and if they find him, they really want to punish him. It’s was quite difficult to read the book.


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