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Night without end door Alistair MacLean

Beoordeling 5.9
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Night without end
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 352 woorden
  • 30 januari 2003
  • 170 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.9
170 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Night without end
Night without end door Alistair MacLean
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Book information:
Title: Night Without End
Author: Alistair Maclean
Stage: 6

At night, three scientists working at the polar ice-caps hear an aeroplane fly over very low near their cabin. They realise that it’s going to crash nearby.
Indeed the plane crashes nearby their cabin, so they go out into the sub-zero cold to look for survivors of the crash. At the crash site they find the airplane with the tail and body still intact but with the nose smashed into the ice. Inside they find the two pilots and the third officer dead and the radio operator unconscious. They found the stewardess and nine passengers still alive.
Later on one of the scientists finds out that one of the pilots has a bullet hole in his back, now he knows that the crash was not caused by accident.

He tells the other scientists and they first suspect the stewardess.
They have to get to the sea because they don’t have enough food for everyone and their radio is broken, so they leave the cabin with a tractor. On the way they suffer from some problems and eventually they are able to contact their colleagues with another radio. The scientists find out that it was not the stewardess and that there are multiple murderers.
Over the radio they find out that it is all about a secret targeting mechanism in the shape of a portable radio that was on the plane.
The other scientists go after them but their fuel has been made unusable with sugar and they have to filter all the fuel first.
Finally, the murderers reveal themselves and they tie up the others and leave with the tractor, but the other scientists find them and they go after the murderers with a different tractor. Eventually the murderers are catched up with and one of the murderers is killed by one of the passengers of the plane, a boxer. The other falls in between two big pieces of ice that are closing and he is trapped forever.
The targeting mechanism is saved and they are picked up by the navy.


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