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New Moon door Stephenie Meyer

Beoordeling 7.3
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover New Moon
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas tto vwo | 874 woorden
  • 25 januari 2010
  • 19 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.3
19 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover New Moon

For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bellan from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may just b…

For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edwa…

For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bellan from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may just be beginning…

New Moon door Stephenie Meyer

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Title: New Moon
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Publisher: Atom
Number of pages: 563 pages
This book is the second part of the twilight saga.
The story starts when Bella turned eighteen but she didn’t want anyone to remember her she is. Because Edward doesn’t get older and Bella didn’t want to became either. However, Edward invited Bella to his home to have a little party. The party was bigger than Bella imagined, everyone had a present and the whole house was decorated. The Cullens even bake a cake though they didn’t eat. Bella was very surprised and enjoyed the party, till something went wrong. Alice gave her a present but while Bella opened it, she had a little paper cut. One drop of her blood was enough for Jasper losing control, and he attacked her. Fortunately Edward jumped between them and pushed Jasper back, at the same time Bella lost her balance and hurts herself by a deep wound in her arm. Luckily Carlisle is a doctor and knew how to handle this situations. Meanwhile Jaspers ran away with a big feeling of guilty.

Some days later in the forest, Edward told Bella he and his family will leave, because they could be a danger for her. Bella begged him to stay or take her with them, but he refused. He told her he didn’t love her anymore and with these words he ran away leaving Bella alone. Months passed. Bella stayed in the same situation, she wasn’t alive, didn’t feel anything, there was a big gate into her chest who tried to rip her body out of each other. This went on till she found out something. When she did something ridiculous, she could hear the voice of Edward telling her not to do. So she went looking for danger. And knew an old friend who could help her, Jacob. He did teach her how to ride a motor. And they became very close friends. Bella starts to hang out with Jacob to forget about Edward.

But after a long time, Jacob started to change. He cut his hair and grew a lot over a short amount of time. When he got ill, the friendship between him and Bella seemed to be over. He didn’t call, didn’t visit and Bella had no idea what was going on. Jacob started to hang out with a group of friends who behaved exactly the same. Bella became very worried. Luckily Jacob met Bella in her room. And told her something was going on, something wrong. But he didn’t want to tell her, she had to find out herself. After a while Bella comes to a conclusion, Jacob is a werewolf. And his friends are his tribe.

Jacob and his tribe started to protect Bella from Victoria. A vampire who did belong to James but because Edward killed him, she wanted to take revenge on Bella. Jacob hadn’t found Victoria jet, but meanwhile Bella kept on doing ridiculous things for hearing Edward’s voice. Then she found out a new way of getting in danger, cliff diving. Actually Jacob promised her to teach her how to do it. But Bella is very inpatient and goes for the adventure all on her own. The jump itself went good, the bad thing was how she could get out of the water. The sea was very wild and the stream was pulling her down. Under water she memorized Edward so clear, it was like he was with her. Bella stopped moving. The waves were to strong and she didn’t know how to swim anymore. This is a perfect way to die, with Edward by my side, was all she thought about. Suddenly something was pulling her up. Jacob was saving her, following his instincts. He laid Bella on the ground, while she was still half unconsciousness and brought her back home warming her with his always-hot body.

Alice, the sister of Edward who can see the future got a vision of Bella doing suicide. She didn’t saw she was saved, because wolfs never appear in her visions. She went to Bella seeing whether it really was true. On her way, Edward called Bella but Jacob answered the phone. Edward wanted to make sure Bella wasn’t dead, so he asked Jacob for her father. Jacob answered he was at the funeral, not knowing what a impact this would bring. Edward thought he was at Bella’s, but actually it was of Harry’s, who died of a heart attack. When Alice arrived the asked Bella to come with her to Edward. Because Edward was never supposed to know about her vision, but he can read thoughts. So he went to the Volturi, a very mighty vampire group in Italy who has the right to kill other vampires. So now they had to proof Bella was alive before it was too late. Luckily they did and returned to Forks with the whole Cullen family.

Back in Forks, things went on like usual. Edward and Bella belonged together, not in favor of Jacob. And Bella decided she wants to become a vampire as well. So she can be with Edward, forever.


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