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Lucky Jim door Kingsley Amis

Beoordeling 4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Lucky Jim
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas aso | 468 woorden
  • 18 mei 2005
  • 22 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4
22 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Lucky Jim
Lucky Jim door Kingsley Amis
Laat van je horen: schrijf een brief en kom in de krant 📰

Ook dit jaar organiseert Nieuws in de Klas een schrijfwedstrijd waarbij het winnende verhaal wordt gepubliceerd in de krant. Schrijf jij het meest vlammende betoog, best onderbouwde of scherpste opinie over wat er nu speelt in de wereld, dichtbij of ver weg? Of het nu gaat over het milieu, geloof, vluchtelingen of het nieuwe kabinet, AI of gender-issues, alle meningen zijn welkom. 

Doe mee!
Title: Lucky Jim
Author: Kingsley Amis
Publisher: Victor Gollancz Ltd, London Pages: 250 1. Choose a character 2. and why? The character I’ve chosen is James Dixon. The reason why I’ve chosen him, is because he is the protagonist in the book. He’s also the most sufficient person to describe, because the book is about his life and the events he’s been through .The title also refers to him, “Jim” is just a nickname of him. He was also my favourite character because the adventures that he had been through were actually kind of funny 3. Describe that person James Dixon is in his thirties, wears glasses , and has brown hair (you can also see this on the cover of the book). He teaches history at a university, and his special theme is the middle-ages(but he hates this theme). He doesn’t feel home in this society were he\'s put in because of his education, he doesn\'t know how to handle things that he doesn\'t want to do. He\'s always afraid to do something wrong. He’s in the habitual of \'putting on faces\'. It seems to me that Jim is a little bit indolent. When he fails to visit Margaret on the evening of her suicide attempt he wasn’t idle , he just hadn’t finished preparing his lecture for the following day. He isn\'t always that lazy, but he\'s always doing things at the last moment. Dixon thinks he isn\'t good enough to work at the university, especially when his lecture is not going so well. But when he\'s fired, Professor Welch tells him that he always enjoyed working with him and his student Michie tells him that he enjoyed the lecture even though it went wrong at the end. At the end It’s all going well again, because Dixon broke up with Margaret and Christine with Bertrand. And so James and Christine fall in love… And That’s not the only thing that’s going well, because

Jim has a problem with girls. He has something with Margaret, but he thinks she’s unsightly and she isn\'t so nice as Christine, but Christine has something with Bertrand, so he doesn\'t know how to handle it. Gore-Urquhart offered him a job that he’s actually likes, and it’s in a society where he thinks he can better fit in
In the beginning he’s not very lucky but on the end his luck changes. When he\'s fired, Mr Gore-Urquhart offered him a job that he’s actually likes, and it’s in a society where he thinks he can better fit in. Some of the good qualities of Dixon are hidden in the book: He\'s polite, friendly, ordinary concerned and he has a good-natured willingness to imposed upon, a desire for unequivocal friendship.


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