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James and the giant peach door Roald Dahl

Beoordeling 7.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover James and the giant peach
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 2e klas vwo | 684 woorden
  • 19 mei 2005
  • 42 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.4
42 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover James and the giant peach
James and the giant peach door Roald Dahl
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• About the writer 1. Name of the writer
Roald Dahl • About the book 2. Title of the book
James and the giant peach
3. Stage of the book
Stage B
4. Number of pages
156 pages
5. Publisher
The publisher is Puffin Books
6. Main characters
James Henry Trotter: James is a nice boy who has two terrible aunts. During the time, when he is living together with his aunts, he tried to make the best of it. James is very smart because he can solve many problems, they have on there trip. He likes the chirp from the Old-Green-Grasshopper very much. Aunt Spiker: She is one of James terrible aunts. She is very tin. She is teasing James together with aunt Sponge. Aunt Sponge: She is James other terrible aunt. Aunt Sponge likes to stuff herself with food. She is very fat. She is teasing James together with aunt Spiker
Old-Green-Grasshopper: He is the leader of the animals. He chirps very good. He says that he is unique in his kind, because he has short antennae. 7a. When does the story take place

After 1930 because the Empire State Building was built in 1930. 7b. Where does the story take place
The story takes place at the house where James lived as a four years old kid; the home of his aunt Sponge and his aunt Spiker; on the peach (in the water and in the sky); in New York. 8. Summary
When James was 4 years old, he lived with his parents. One day James and his parents went to the London Zoo. An escaped rhinoceros ate up his parents. So James had to live with his 2 terrible aunts. James hated them. Aunt Spiker and aunt Sponge beat James all the time. When James where walking in the garden, he met an old man. The man gave him a bag with strange green little things. The man said that there was more power and magic in these things as in the whole world together. James went to his aunts, but he slipped near and old peach tree and the strange green things in his bag disappeared into the ground. Ten minutes later the peach began to grow, and didn’t stop. The peach was as big as a house. People of the whole country came to see the peach. In the evening, James had to clean the garden. When he was cleaning it, he saw a hole in the peach. He crawled in. He reached the stone. In the stone was an door. Inside was a living room. Inside the room where living: an Old-Green-Grasshopper, a Spider, a Silkworm, an Earthworm, a Glow-worm and a Ladybird. James became friends with the creatures and they all slept in the peach. Next day when James and his new friends woke up, the centipede has eaten the stem of the peach and the peach was rolling. It stopped rolling as it fell into the ocean. There where sharks in the ocean. They began to eat the peach. James had an idea, they bind ropes (made by miss spider) on seagulls and the peach began to fly. James and his friends fell asleep. Next morning, they saw streets, houses, cars and skyscrapers. James knew they were in America and they wanted to go down, so the Centipede bit two string and they where going down. When they where going down, they landed on the Empire State Building. James and his friends were the heroes of the day because the flew over the Pacific Ocean
That’s why they became rich and very famous in their new country. James himself lived in a famous monument, the peach stone in Central Park. 9. What do I think about the book? I think the book is great. Roald Dahl describes the characters very good. I could easy identify me with them. Roald Dahl has a lot of fantasy. He makes up a lot of impossible things. The story is also funny and exiting, that’s why it’s easy to read. I liked the description of the Old Green Grasshopper. Who’s chirp is so beautiful, because he has short antennae.




cool mooi boek,mooi geschreven , love it!!! <3

11 jaar geleden



Ja egt eh Darkat! het is een super boek :p met leuke tekeningen

11 jaar geleden

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